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Petrol woes


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Well since we picked up Tangara ll we have been slowly filling up the 15 gallon tank with petrol.

Went into a well known supermarket garage today to fill up the wifes Jimbo and my 3 x 5 litre approved cans for the next jaunt to Brundall. (I am fully aware the law says you are only allowed to fill 2 cans but have never had an issue with the 3)

Cans and car filled went to pay, lady behind the desk got the a***se saying I was only allowed to fill 2 cans At a time, OK fair cop gov. But why didnt you shout at me over the PA as you obviously saw what I was doing, no comment.

Then I suggested that I didnt want to get them into trouble with the law so perhaps they shouldnt charge me for the 3rd can, no its all on one transaction so I cant do that.

So then enquired

If I came in with 2 x 25 litre jerry cans would that be OK, yes no problem she says.

Mmm so 50 litres of petrol in 2 cans in the back is OK but 3 litres in 3 cans is not, having worked in the oil industry since leaving school in 1971 just a little bemused, I certainly have full respect for carrying petrol in cans and appreciate the hazards.

Any way next project

Fill Jimbo and 2 x 5 litre cans - pay

And then go back and get 2 more 5 litre cans out of the back fill and pay separately

How do I stand with the law then

Ah well time for a G&T


Ray & Carole

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You want to try walking to the petrol station, no car in sight... That really confuses them!

Two people each with two 5 litre cans, but don't talk to each other, seperate transactions... sorted.

Then walk hand in hand away from the counter...

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Interesting read seems the regulations have recently changed this is just a small portion full regs can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/fireandexplosion/owner-petrol-station.htm#containers-filled

What containers can be filled at a petrol station?

Only ‘suitable portable containers’ can be filled with petrol ie:

plastic containers up to 10 litres;

metal containers up to 20 litres; and

a demountable fuel tank.

Suitable portable containers are defined in Schedule 2 (para 6) and Schedule 3 of the regulations. UN approved containers are an example of such containers.

More detailed information on portable petrol storage containers PDF is available.

How many containers can be filled at a petrol station?

The regulations do not specify the number of suitable portable containers that can be filled at a petrol filling station. This should be considered as part of the risk assessment for the site. Section 8 of the guidance document on ‘Petrol filling stations guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion (the Red Guide) link to external website' provides further information.

cheers Ray & Carole

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Yes having read through a lot of the HSE blurb seems the maximum you can store in cans is 30 litres.

Max amount in one can is 20 litres.

Also if you read the PDF on portable petrol containers the design and labelling are quite stringent, however I guess the average garage wont be bothering tomcheck that


Ray & Carole

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our asda has signs on the pumps from memory it is 2x 5 litre plastic or 1x 10 litre metal max.

they don't have to allow the maximum the law allows I guess, but you would hope they have their own rules clearly stated somewhere visible.


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As I read the HSE guidelines although there is technically no limit to the number of cans its up to the individual garage to do a risk assessment and set their own limits, it appears to be that 2 cans is the generally accepted limit, but it is not the law.

But the law limits the maximum you can keep at home to 30 litres and I am sure your home insurance would be invalidated if you had more and had a claim


Ray & Carole

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