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Brundall Riverside 1920s?


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I'm working on a new batch photographs of the Broads which were taken in the mid 1920s at the moment. As always with images of this age, some locations are easily identifiable whilst others are somewhat more tricky as the riverside changed quite dramatically over the years in some places.

I have two photographs which were taken at the location seen below. I've been studying these for days to try to work out where it was taken and I think I've convinced myself it is Brundall Riverside ... but is it? The bend in the river and the fact that the houses in the background are set on a hill must narrow the choice of location down. I think I can see the Yare pub there and some of the houses look right to me having had a wander through Brundall via Streetview ... but what do others think? The second picture is a higher res closeup on the background.The riverside area of Brundall was very much undeveloped back then, as the aerial picture I've included below which was taken around the same time shows.




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Ah ... I hadn't thought about Thorpe. I think you might be on to something!

I presume you are thinking that the 1920s photo would have been taken from just downstream and looking up towards the Commissioners Cut? I have been trying to find possibilities for the buildings you can see. I think the image below might show a match with the circled building. The modern view is the best I can get of the rear which would have been seen from the river. On streetview that location (roadside rather than river) is here, which would be about right if the photo was taken from that point.




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Yes I mean the moorings (that used to be) near Commissioners Cut. Also if you look at the building on the left of the image which I assume you thought was the Yare Hotel at Brundall, that can also be seen on the modern images.

Looking at my OS maps the 'altitude' at Brundall only reaches about 20m above sea level and then plateaus out whereas at Thorpe it reaches about 40m up Thunder Lane.

Not sure what the long buildings are but maybe they are something to do with the old station yard?

Hope this helps


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  • 2 months later...

sorry to be late with this reply, Carol and Liz, but I am also sure it is Thorpe.

The yacht in the foreground would be moored on Whitlingham bend, where we have already been talking of the foot ferry that went over to the White House, on the south bank. You are looking up the bank to the cut and behind that would be the railway footbridge. This used to be a Roman road, going up Thunder Lane until it joined the Plumstead Rd.

The white house above the yacht's cockpit would be the Oaklands Hotel and further right almost centre, is the Old Rectory, now also a hotel. The sheds are the Blue Circle cement depot in the old station yard and the white house in the middle distance right was the Resthaven nursing home, now a solicitor's office. Thunder lane was not much built in those days, so it looks like open country. The house that you have circled is four semi-detached, of which the far left one was doctor Hilton's surgery.

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