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Everything posted by Paladin

  1. From the BA web site "For craft being registered with the Authority for the first time you will be issued with adhesive marks for each vessel.". So it appears they only supply the registration marks on first registration, so if you subsequently lose them or take them, or have them taken, off your boat or they wear out, it's down to you to replace them.
  2. The advice from Broadland District Council regarding dog waste is that it can be double wrapped in plastic bags and placed in the household rubbish bin. So there appears to be no problem in placing it in public rubbish bins, the contents of which goes to landfill, not recycling. Dog bins are the responsibility of parish councils. There are enough problems with overflowing bins anyway. Adding dog waste bins to public staithes would hardly be a popular move.
  3. This pdf might help, as it contains exploded views of components http://www.cool-it.ca/Text/120292848126 ... 7-4344.pdf
  4. That's an interesting article. 12 products were tested and they gave good, but differing, comments about 8 of them. So which to choose? FWIW, I've been using Soltron for several years, first for a BMC 1.5D and now in my GM 1.6D.
  5. Re the enterprising chappie who will water your garden for you for a fiver, who will pay the fine? That is NOT one of the exemptions, which only relate to car-washing, drive/wall/window cleaning done as a service. Full list here.
  6. What is the name and location of the company? All you have provided is an email address, which may no longer be valid, even though the company is still going.
  7. You could try Castle Cameras in Bournemouth.
  8. Neil, you might find that the 'filter thread' is just a design feature and not actually a thread. I've given this a bit more time and thought and this is what I've come up with. Usually, if a filter can be used with a camera, the filter size is given in the specification in the user manual. I’ve found the manual for the 1500 but there’s no mention of filter size. Hoya do round filters in various diameters and it might be possible to pick one up cheap off ebay just to see if it will fit . I’ve had a bit of a trawl round and have found several discussions that say the 1500 doesn’t take screw filters, but I’ve also found this adapter which allows the use of 72mm round filters. It looks as if it slides on over the lens barrel and is secured by a grub screw.
  9. ...or the G350 from the Cokin range might suit http://www.cokin.co.uk/pages/filterfast.htm I didn't know they existed, until now. It gives access to the whole range of Cokin filters. There is a review of the system here http://www.ephotozine.com/article/cokin ... eview-4564. WEX sell them so it would probably be worth your while to give them a ring http://www.warehouseexpress.com/buy-cok ... t/p1000581
  10. This might be what you're looking for http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LENS-ADAPTER- ... 3362adf7ec I've never used one so I don't really know any more. Regarding the tripod mount, they are normally a screw fitting into the bottom of the camera, but these days a quick-release mechanism is often incorporated. This is usually a small platform or plate, which fixes to the bottom of the camera via the screw fixing. The plate then attaches to the top of the tripod via a clamping mechanism. With some tripods, particularly the more up-market variety, the tripod head is bought separately from the tripod (adds to the cost). The knowledge base of Jessops' staff is a bit like the curate's egg, good in parts. They're usually OK if you know what you want, but I find it's better to go to a specialist camera dealer (like WEX) for more reliable information (but I like to do my homework first )
  11. I haven’t got any firsthand experience of Hidea, but it appears (from Internet searches) that they are made in China and distributed in the UK by Marathon Leisure of Hayling Island. I’ve checked on Marathon Leisure’s web site and, although they give a list of agents (Norfolk Marine being one), I couldn’t find a list of service agents. I think, before I handed over any readies, I would want to know more about the availability of parts and service agents in my area. There is a tendency to get what you pay for. But you could always buy one and let us know how you get on
  12. I know the DVLA is being discussed, but in the context of Government cutbacks, so I don’t really think I’m going off topic. On-line communications are here to stay, for the foreseeable future anyway. How many town criers were put out of business by the introduction of newspapers; bow and arrow makers by the introduction of firearms? How far back do we want to go? The BA has just introduced on-line renewal of tolls. It saves me the cost of postage (ever-increasing) and a trip to the post box, but is the BA to be blamed for the demise of Post Offices and Royal Mail as well? Regarding call centres, four weeks ago I wrote letters to arrange for some pensions to be paid into a different bank account. Two occupational pensions were re-directed within a week. Two state pensions had still not been re-directed as of yesterday, so I rang the appropriate Pension Service office. Without having to go through any menu whatsoever I was connected to a very pleasant ‘customer advisor’ who apologised for the delay and told me that it was their advice to ring in rather that write, as letters were automatically scanned and sorted into a queue, and could (would) take weeks to be dealt with. Within a few minutes, he had arranged the re-direction of both pensions. In common with many other businesses, the telephone number began 0845. Oh, how I hate those numbers. I am not with BT and intensely dislike having to pay the premium that 0845 and 0870 numbers impose. For those who share my feelings, or who just want to save themselves a few bob, there is this very useful free site, http://www.saynoto0870.com/search.php from which geographical numbers (01, 02, 03) can frequently be discovered. As I pay a flat rate for all my calls to such numbers, I use it alot
  13. To be honest, I've been driving for over 50 years and this is the first time I've heard of local DVLA offices. All my dealings have been by post or telephone to Swansea, so I rather disagree that computer illiteracy is a handicap in this context.
  14. There is a proposal to close the local offices. The consultation period does not end until 20 March. Having said that, as savings have to be made and closing these offices is said to offer a saving of £28 million pounds, it may well be regarded as a fait accompli. Even if (when?) they are closed, there does not appear to be any proposal to change the phone numbers. The Swansea and local office numbers are either 01 or 0300, which are NOT premium rate.
  15. Will the BA be operating it from Gay's Staithe this summer, now that Ra's gone to Whitlingham?
  16. Paladin

    Pump Outs

    But how much did it cost in fuel to get there and back?
  17. Hylander, check your pms.
  18. MY littleboat,in your first post in this thread you said "I am ... attempting to suggest an evolution for the forum that may be for the good and benefit of the members in the future?" In your last you said "what I am not doing is calling for change" You'll find me at http://www.confused.com
  19. That's just as well, 'cos I hardly need to remind anyone that, with a few clicks of a mouse, this whole forum could be history. I value it as a source of information and a way in which I can share with others my limited knowledge, regarding boating in general and the Broads in particular . I don't wish to use it in order to influence people's opinions on the gravitas of life or as an instrument to improve my social life. If that's what other people see as the forum's prime purpose, that's fine. I'll just move on. Oh dear, smellyloo, I find myself agreeing with you. Whatever next?
  20. Unfortunately, most people don't know the posters and only read what is posted. As with any text-based method of communication, body-language and personality are absent. The use of smilies is no substitute. A poster might write something that he would say to his mates, knowing that his mates would know where he's coming from and might even agree with him. Not every member of this forum, or others who are not members but who nevertheless read the posts, are his mates and might well feel aggrieved or offended by such posts. It's no good saying that if you don't like what's being posted, don't read it. Until it's been read, it's impossible to say whether a post is acceptable or not.
  21. ...and I would expect nothing less from a 'TEAM'. It is apparent that they discuss issues and come to a corporate decision. I have no doubt that there are times when they will disagree among themselves, but, when push comes to shove, it is essential for them to maintain a united front. If individual moderators who disagree with the majority decision voice that disagreement publicly, the whole system breaks down. If an individual moderator takes an instant decision, in good faith, to deal with something urgent and others mods cannot be contacted first, I would expect that decision to be reviewed at a later time. If it was found, with hindsight, that another decision might have been more appropriate, I see nothing wrong with a correction being made, WITHOUT the original decision-maker being pilloried by 'injured' members. It might be constructive if members who think they have been unjustly modded made more use of pm's to the Admin to air their grievances and try to resolve the matter, rather than jump into public criticisms. I find the comparison to 'a committee' to be totally inappropriate. A committee is elected by the membership. I cannot see how that would ever work on an Internet forum of this nature.
  22. Well, this is very 'them and us', isn't it. You've posted into a section that is only for limited viewing. I'll let you get on with it behind closed doors then.
  23. I think you need to establish exactly what it is you want. Do you want an Internet discussion forum, which this is at present, or do you want a members' club (with a members discussion board), with an elected committee, constitution etc, to which members have to subscribe financially (more properly known as an unincorporated association). At present, the mods are appointed by some method unknown to me. Are you proposing elections to those roles? If so, who will run them, how will votes be cast?
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