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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. You can pick up a buoy at places like Ramsholt, Waldringfield etc but given the ease of access you require Ian, Woodbridge is probably your best bet http://www.tidemillyachtharbour.co.uk/location.htm If you want a bit more detail and your Almanac is on the boat try this http://www.wileynautical.com/view/0/almanac.html
  2. Its close to the beach You could cross it like this though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmlqYnJ8ng0&feature=quicklist
  3. Talking of shouts we heard another on Saturday pm two yachts aground on the Deben Bar. For those of you that don't know it is the entrance to the River Deben which is an East Coat Jewel. The 'monster' that guards the entrance however can be a fearsome place when any sort strength of wind is blowing from the South or East in particular. We heard that the Felixstowe Ferry had assisted in getting them off the bar and looking at the wave heights the Ferryman deserves great credit Chartlet showing the entrance to the Deben and the bar - http://www.eastcoastrivers.com/pdfs/Deben-April-09.pdf I will upload a couple of pictures of the bar later If the weather is OK that is on our potential destinations this weekend
  4. Some new Sony developments http://www.dpreview.com/news/0905/09051 ... alphas.asp http://www.dpreview.com/news/0905/09051 ... lenses.asp I think they must have heard your plea's for some action
  5. This is my quota of saily links this month before I get a written warning The background http://onkudu.wordpress.com/2008/06/ See the rest of the blog for other details
  6. Anyone fancy a beat on the East Coast? Sit back grab the tiller..................... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt5Z5kscyc4&feature=related
  7. Latest.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWzWfHqV2QQ&feature=channel
  8. Mmmm I have a meter on the dash that tells me what current is incoming from Shore Power but something that indicates what SWMBO is using with onboard appliances................ that might be interesting Please keep us posted Jonathon
  9. Lifeboat Report of the earlier pictures at the bottom of this page http://rnli.harwich.org.uk/Services/Ser ... =2009/2009
  10. I don't recall an Island off Olu Deniz but I might have sailed by and missed it while enjoying the scenery My guess would have been Fethiye somewhere in the bay of 12 Islands or just off Goeck
  11. Thanks Trevor very nice. Which part of Turkey were you in or are you going to make it a 'guess where'
  12. Or the £ so low It has risen against the Euro and $ in the last few weeks quite nicely with the 'Green Shoots' financial news but Mervyn King put a damper on this earlier this week when he said the recession was going to be longer and deeper than previously predicted. The money markets took some fright at this and sold sterling resulting in a fall back, but it is still trading around the $1.52 and Euro 1.12 level which is quite an improvement from where we were. The money markets look at the risk in any currency and the key reason for the fall was UK PLC's financial and debt situation. Good news generally mean markets will buy sterling and bad they will sell. If you really want to have made money in the last few years Gold has been where it is at - shame comrade Gordon sold ours off at rock bottom levels otherwise we might have a few more quid to help UK PLC. Oops apologies for the political reference
  13. For those of you who venture salt side on the East Coast and perhaps don't have an up to date almanac I can recommend this free version. Details: http://www.wileynautical.com/view/0/almanacinfo.html Download here: http://www.wileynautical.com/view/0/almanac.html It is pretty comprehensive for a free version with Port information, Tide Tables, Streams, Weather etc. although some of these are to follow shortly as will a boost to running speed.
  14. Mmm..... 35 knots and controlling one of those beasts is definitely corn well earned Rod
  15. We will be on away last week July first of August. Hoping to get up to Limehouse with company of our Tech Mod and call at few few ports on the way up and back, so definitely in our interest that it is good weather
  16. I did not spot any Ginger Seals from our ship evidently you really need your tender, next time....... Info below:
  17. Of course Ian just let me know when It is something I don't underestimate from being Broads based; the trek to get out to see only to potentially be thwarted by a change in conditions. When are you planning I will start talking to the weather gods now Thanks for your thoughts re Tina it has been a long haul with some setbacks cosmetically but the clinical news is as good as we could have hoped to date. Both of us have been hugely helped by the support of friends; she is OK and back to boating. Radiotherapy starts in the next two weeks which once complete will mean that some semblance of normality can return to life, it is then just fingers crossed for the future.
  18. You are right of course Rod the RNLI gives its service free and the reason as boaters we should not pass a 'tin' without dropping some cash in. We thought perhaps the crew were keen to get back to the pub There was a fair amount of 'big stuff' moving in when we returned to base. Never ceases to amaze us that these vessels need way on to maintain steerage and yet some boaters seem oblivious to this fact, crossing close in front and expecting the large vessel to somehow avoid them when constrained by size and draft - I can only assume they are on a death wish. Th St Nick was doing its impression of a sheep dog getting between the incoming Stena Britannica and the yachts under power (yes power) and ushering them away from the path of the Stena. This was all going on at the turn up to the Stour which is a pretty narrow channel for a vessel of this size.
  19. Sunday saw us have a very pleasant run round to the Walton Backwaters and Hamford Water, a lovely tranquil spot and home of the famed Ginger Seals. Unfortunately time did not allow us to anchor and get the tenders out but it was a very pleasant trip. Some big stuff to be dodged on the way back Again sorry for the image quality holding a P&S while bouncing around is not conducive to image quality....
  20. A super weekend. Our technical mod showed his prowess with the fitting of another outlet off our Webo into the lavvy which will save me a winter ear bashing from SWMBO. It is a great drying room for wet weather gear. I did my best to fox him by getting as many wrong pieces of what was needed as possible only for him to day "I'll get my heater spares then".... I am sure if the Celebrity Cruises over at Harwich had an issue he would have spares So that was a 30 minute job which took two hours. Strangely I am very relaxed about David drilling holes in my ship if I did it myself I would be paranoid anyway it was completed and SWMBO is rightly chuffed with her drying room. PM saw a serious session of boat cleaning with the pressure washer working overtime but gleams all round once completed. We were sat pondering how early we could get off up The Shipwreck for dinner when a Pan Pan came over the VHF. A cruiser had lost engine power but Thames CG sent out Harwich lifeboat. The cruiser got his engine running just and was managing 5-6 knots with the Lifeboat escorting them back to Shotley (often the nearest port of call for east coat stricken vessels). At some stage the Lifeboat saw the pub beckoning and took the vessel in tow to effect a quicker rescue and two hours later had him strapped him alongside just out side Shotley; they moored to the waiting pontoon and allowed the vessel to just pootle into the lock. Well done RNLI I hope the vessels owners make a donation in the tin. The boat had evidently come from the Broads. Apologies for the photo's P&S at 800 ISO as it was dusk (see the lights on) and the only way I could get some sort of image. Edit to add emoticon missed from the original post
  21. In case you did not see this link earlier in the thread Andy have a look at this: http://www.ybw.com/forums/showflat.php/ ... /vc/1/nt/2 This was posted by two experienced delivery skipper's.............. I'm convinced and will keep adding bug treatment
  22. Well of course that is one researched theory Folks here have attempted to answer your question with evidential information which of course you can rhetorically throw back if you wish but why not in the spirit of reasoned discussion, point us to the information that shows your assertions are correct. I would be interested to see it.
  23. Come on Andy pay attention at the back 'Road Diesels' often contain a detergent element which allegedy assist in inhibiting injector deposits
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