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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. These guys came over. Sorry P&S only but they were not far above mast height
  2. Oh dear I think one of Rod's 'taxi's' is broke!
  3. With my patient feeling well enough we had a quick overnighter at our ship. Lovely sunny day but a moderate northerly wind cooled things down quite a lot. It was the Shotley 'fun day' charity fundraising. For all the yotties prepare to bow to the alter of Lord Tom
  4. pks1702

    Canon 500D

    Their description Jonny http://www.dpreview.com/previews/canoneos500d/ Give it a few months and it will be down a few hundred sov's
  5. pks1702

    Canon 500D

    Canon's newest offering for the 'Mid Market' http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product ... /index.asp
  6. Bernard Olesinski hulls are well known as being sea kindly and have a good reputation. I can't add more to that already said but having a first hand look and if still interested a survey will give you the answer as to whether to progress further. YBW is a mine of information
  7. Tut tut Jill RTFM Manual here: http://snpi.dell.com/sna/manuals/A1761803.pdf See page 90 you can customise your White Balance but if you set it to AWB (Auto White Balance) the camera will make the adjustment. To kick off with it is probably best leaving it set here while you get to grips with other aspects. BTW what setting are you using on the Dial on the top? Presume you are using M (Manual) from the title of the thread. As an experiment why not carry on with a manual selection take your shot then take the same shot in P (auto) where the camera will set all aspects compare the settings and final results. I would not recommend P ongoing as this limits creativity but it will allow you to see what the camera is choosing against your manual settings. I would then move to setting the aperture and allowing the camera to set the shutter speed. I agree though the KL shots are good
  8. Yes the entrance can be shallow and 'interesting' if there is anything much with north or east in it as another forumite can testify. Or even Swing Keels
  9. Said Programme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmYfYaqOWAw
  10. I have a 10D and a Sigma 18-200mm you can borrow Simon if you need something to keep you occupied in the short term. I know nothing about Sony/Zeiss but Canon have a main service centre owned and run by them and a network of authorised ones across the country, maybe Sony have similar. Sony main service centre http://www.sony.co.uk/article/id/1218032872969 Or you could make use of your updated German fluency http://www.zeiss.com/c12567a8003b58b9/C ... 0000584440 Either way it is a b*gger
  11. Enjoyable read Mark nicely illustrated too It seems to be its 'party piece' each time we have been there one of them was 'on duty' Bit early yet perhaps but normally plenty of also
  12. OK following on from Ian (Palmtree) post about getting the Blue line moving here's a thought. I have just invested in a new geared head for my tripod as this one (my existing) while being fine for my old 10D is not 'man' enough when carrying the extra weight of a 1DMK111 particularly loaded with a 70-200L f2.8 and extender; it still works with this but is just not subtle enough with the extra weight. It in excellent nick but I really don't have a use for it anymore. I could ebay it but if any member here wants it PM me and best offer takes it(I will cover the postage) all proceeds to site funds. Just send the payment to Brian by whatever means you prefer and I will get the ball head sent to the you. In the saying of one Supermarket 'every little helps'
  13. Give Mark's reflector a try Simon I am sure you will see a difference in softening some of the shadow area's
  14. Yep that's right Mark its my rule even with IS.
  15. Get the behind thee satan Quite right though if were to have an aberration and convert t'other side it would be for one of these
  16. Necessity is the mother of invention Good old Goodchilds never did allow us to 'touch bottom'
  17. A couple of new ones added. http://www.youtube.com/user/KeepTurningLeft
  18. I got one of these as a Birthday present http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Mod ... ceUpdate=Y I have not had chance to use it yet but a review below by someone who has: http://marinedirectory.ybw.com/Marine_D ... egory_id=8 Hopefully useful enough to check Anodes and Fouling.
  19. One of the great things about digital photography is that you can shoot and see the fruits of your work very quickly, learn from it and try again. In days of yore with film you could wait weeks to have your shots developed (unless doing it yourself) and invariably by that time had forgotten your settings or what you were trying to do Only advice I would give you on these first shots Jill is if hand holding use an aperture that will give you a higher shutter speed to ensure the possibility of camera shake is negated, assuming of course you were shooting hand held. 3. ISO800 F/32 1/25 44mm - Even with the ISO wound up a shutter speed of 1/25 is very slow if hand held; you obviously were not on the 'pop' the night before If a tripod was being used ignore my comments Best way to learn is as you are doing experiment, shoot, and learn from the result.
  20. Very nice Jill and on my 'manor'
  21. Looks like from the webcam he was in a hurry to get them in the freezer As you know if we get rocked around early morning it almost always a fishing boat - who can blame them wanting to get out and at them
  22. I do find these enjoyable despite Dylan's aversion to MOBO's mind you the guys in the Arvor on the Crouch deserved his berating! Be interesting where he gets to this season. And as for those photo's Poppy we look forward to them.
  23. I think doing a bit of reconnoiter for Summer Fishing Spots
  24. Very true Danny. You could hire a flappy thing with no engine, no lights, no heating, no comfort - be cold, uncomfortable,cramped and pretend you like it - Its traditional Different strokes.......
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