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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Horses for courses Simon, Time and technology marches on as with anything. I am sure many people bouught CRT TV's 5 years ago and now believe those to be 'obsolete' with the advent of flat screens. The reality is they are not you can still recieve TV programmes....... if you take my point. Only you can decide - I know very few technical items that have stayed the same for the last 20 years.
  2. Try these. http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/tu ... frame.html http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/di ... aps-c.html Should we avoid buying APS-C DSLRs and lenses because one day they may be "obsolete"? Certainly not. I have an APS-C sensor DSLR myself and I have one APS-C lens. I might well buy another one. One day I might not be able to fully use them on my full frame DSLR, but I buy lenses to use today, not in 5 years time. I wouldn't buy a $7000 super telephoto lens with APS-C coverage, but them again I don't expect Canon or Nikon will ever sell one! We buy all sorts of things that become "obsolete". How much did you pay for your first computer, and where is it now? How about that 10MB hard drive you paid $500 for in 1990, or that 64Kbyte (yes, kilobyte) S100 memory card that cost you $200 in 1978? How much did you pay for your car, what's it worth today and what will it be worth in another 5 years? Some people seem to look on lenses as investment vehicles that should hold their value and utility forever. I'm not quite sure why they apply this logic to lenses, but not to cars, TVs, VCRs etc. Cameras and lenses are tools. If you use them, you'll get value from them. If you leave them sitting on a shelf, you won't. If you want to invest, buy gold or real estate! Of course it would be nice if every lens and every body worked with every other lens and every other body from now until the end of time. It would be nice if all Canon lenses worked on all Nikon cameras and vice-versa. However neither is likely to happen.
  3. I came at this when I first looked at these two camera's from the how on earth will they sell any 1DS at just over double the price. let alone 1Dmk111 I came to the conclusion which I think you have eluded to, it really depends on the type of photography you do. We don't yet know what the 5D Mk11 Auto focus will be like but currently the 1D Mk111 is class leading so for wildlife, Sports etc this may have the edge if this is your bag. For Landscape I can see the much higher potential resolution and detail in theory from the higher pixel count should be of great benefit, auto focus does not come into the equation for this. I shall be fascinated to see what the images are like of the 5D2 once in 'real' use.
  4. I cant put a rolling on the floor emoticon in the title but........ if money was no object Here is one for the panel - discuss The 5D Mk11 is not out yet although some early images have been posted but if you were to choose between these two which one and why. Canon 1D Mk111 Canon 5D MK11 One to keep the photography section ticking over
  5. Hi Bruce, I had two foamex boards with registration on created by Tudor Print (based at Acle) there was also room for the toll plates. The boards were about half the size of a number plate with two holes drilled so that they could be fitted one either side of the bow on the rail with tie clips. They supplied all the above (including cable ties) and a number for the transom for £21.00 plus vat in August 06. Contact: Steve e-mail: tudor.print@btconnect.com Unit 11, Damgate Lane Industrial Estate, Damgate Lane, Alce, 01493 750220 They were very hard wearing having taken a few 'greenies' as well as general wear and tear. removed them only about 4 weeks ago as we are no longer Broads based. Hope this my be of assistance
  6. We will expect your usual in depth report Dan Nice to see investment going into the Broads still from some quarters, there are not many doing that these days. Always be those (we know who they are) who knock progress and don't believe 'unsuitable' craft should be on the Broads , low wash, modern, economical and roomy what more could you ask for on a Broads Holiday. Yes there will be the usual area's you can't reach there are an awful lot of hire craft that won't either and I guess if those areas are important you would look at an alternative style. I also like the fact it is a very roomy 2 berth, fits a nice gap in the market. Oh and it is fitted with one of those satanical devices......... a Bow Thruster :-D
  7. Ah yes Simon I can see that now My pick of these would be the first Sailing the Ant image
  8. Thanks for those Clive, Excellent as ever. Where were the 'Slow Motion' couple taken or should that be a 'where is this'
  9. Thanks for the pictures and words Steve. Ah Lot & Garonne
  10. I had read it Jonny and assumed it was 'spinning up' but to no great effect. Hope you get the prop issue sorted - but no having Curlew planing.................
  11. Has the Sony got the facility to 'Bracket' Simon? That way you have a number of exposures from the same shot and have better chnace picking what works. Canon have this feature but I confess not to know if the Sony has.
  12. You sound to be 'spinning' your current prop up Jonny somaybe getting there
  13. Fear not Bruce I have commited to getting Simon some RAW Conversion software so he can appreciate the flexibility of shooting RAW it will probably be at very very special 'buckshee mates rates'. :-D (edit to make it clear I am talking about multi user license product - of course ) He can then experience what you are outlining at first hand
  14. This one is interesting and commissioned by MAIB following the 'Ouzo' yacht tragedy http://www.maib.gov.uk/cms_resources/Ra ... report.pdf
  15. Have guess who is wearing the hat today
  16. Hi Jonny, Thanks for comments and wishes for Tina. She will have her second round of Chemotherapy tomorrow. The excellent weekend was just the tonic needed to lift the spirits; indeed we almost forgot what was lurking in the background. No chance to 'open up' Kingfisher or Kiki on the way back due to the fog but we did manage to spin the turbo's just enough on the way down to clear those 'spiders'
  17. What price life Ian? Either that or you have to be very confident of your chart and compass work including allowance for drift, tides etc particularly around a region with drying banks and shoals. A good sounder is your get out of jail card in terms of avoiding running aground but it is amazing how disorientating it can be at sea where it is just like snow blindness. I managed to pick this one up on the Radar moored 20 yds behind us though Seriously the Radar really proved its worth yesterday
  18. Good rule of thumb in any conditions Rod, keep from under big stuff's feet. We ran outside the Channel which allowed us a view of the buoy we expected from the plotter to confirm our position. With the depth under us at times I doubt any big stuff would have ploughed a furrow too far before coming to a halt There certainly did not appear much big stuff moveming in the fog from what I could see About as good as it got: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&start=70
  19. Quite right Rod..... but they help :-D It was as it is sometimes; at the Orwell Bridge it was bright sunshine
  20. Thats a very nice ...... Cat Simon (decided against the P word )
  21. Mr Raymarine earned his corn alright I zoomed the channel to its maximum size on my plotter and trusted to this rather than just my eyes on our entry to this not overly wide channel. It was incredible that we could not see the lock gates until within around 50 yds, the plotter and kit certainly did its job. The only saving grace was that it was just after HW so there was enough under the keel even if we did wander off channel. At LW in a yacht drawing 7 feet would have been mighty interesting
  22. Its Foggy.... This is about as good as it got.
  23. Sunset - I must get my Canon out...... P&S as can be seen from the Noise
  24. Well what a weekend that was for the time of year, you don't get many of those in a pound! In the company of Kingfisher we headed down after lunch Saturday to one of our favourite anchorages Wrabness; for some relaxation and watch the world go by. We managed to moor to the 'double buoy' again,a most social spot. It was a beautiful afternoon and even the SW F4 died off as the afternoon wore on to leave a perfect evening and stunning sunset. To cap the evening Rachel put her very considerable culinary skills to use and managed to conjure from Kingfisher's galley the most amazing dinner. Coupled with a few bottles of wine and beer the evening did justice in rounding off a superb day. We awoke on Sunday morning to thick fog initially I struggled to make out our bow from inside the boat but by just after 10.00am it had improved to 'Pea Soup' The Raymarine Kit really came into its own. On a river you can keep a sense of perspective by hugging a bank, on the wide expanse of sea it is difficult to explain how easy it is to become disorientated without proper nav kit and how easy it would be to get under the feet of 'big stuff'. David's call to Shotley Marina had me laughing when he tongue in cheek asked if there was any chance of us locking in before we got 'run over' A really excellent weekend in every way.
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