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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Apologies for coming to this late but doing some catching up. It seems we have plenty of folks here that are either very good or rapidly learning the craft of photography, I am very impressed with the advice and the results, it really is a very worthy thread. The advice given freely by the 'pro's' was very generous and I am sure all those involved derived great benefit. Thanks for the thinking behind your shot's Bruce and the finished results it just goes to show that the first thing a photographer needs is an eye for his or her subject, kit is immaterial if you can't frame a good shot. If you have good kit and a good eye you get photo's of your quality - your site is very impressive. I use PSCS3 to convert when I shoot RAW but don't use many of its other features. I have been mulling a switch to Adobe Lightroom as Adobe purchased one of my favourite Raw File converters Pixmantec which had the involvement of Andy Rouse. If you are into wildlife Photography have a look at his site. http://www.andyrouse.co.uk/blog.asp Does Lightroom allow 'actions' as CS3 does? I do like some of Fred Miranda's Plug In actions e.g Velvia Vision, Pete your shot is balanced some what by the Reeds in the bottom third of the shot but on Bruce's the tighter shot allows the reflections to draw the eye up them to the trees. As you say Pete we are all learning and the advice and interaction here really helps that process.
  2. Re 10D sensor cleaning this may help http://www.pbase.com/tim32225/sensor_cleaning I too have a 10D Brian and it still serves me well. 50D just being launched looks quite interesting, but to be honest as had been proved on the photography threads (which have been fascinating) its not the kit but the 'eye' behind it that counts.
  3. Thanks for the heads up David. At least it is 'less worse' than originally thought.
  4. Nice photo's Pete, ones to be proud of - the first one is clearly Breydon Bridge The secret is to have your SLR around for the times you will need it and your P&S in your pocket. Got em both covered then
  5. I have to say Simon for those with a passing interest in photography but wanting to know more in 'layman's' terms that is a fantastic post. I applaud the effort and thought you have put into it. Can we still vote for the Best post of the year? After that and with Paul and Bruce around on Sunday its sounds like the NBF Photography Workshop could be an annual event
  6. I was amazed when he told us that the angle of heel seldom if ever exceeded 5 degrees on passage making
  7. With my First Mate taking things easy prior to Surgery David & Rachel kindly invited us for a run out on Kingfisher on Sunday. SPYC were having a photo session the Commodore was moored on his Catamaran waiting for the yacht to sail serenely by while the assembled Paparazzi took photo's. They had not bargained on Kingfisher and her wash Fair play the Commodore was game and asked David to get closer A few snaps from the run out
  8. Sounds a good weekend Simon. And the result of the viewing...... How is progress on N02?
  9. The Mayday you indicated did indeed have tragic outcome Andy. Condolonces to the family. http://www.burnham-rnli.org.uk/ See 26th August
  10. Thanks for the update and pictures Andy looks like you had fun. The food at The Shipwreck is very good at present I am told a big improvement in the last 12 months. The only disappointment to us is that instead of numerous guest beers it is wall to wall Adnams. They did though have a guest one on Saturday :-D Sorry to have missed you but we had to cut short our weekend as SWMBO had a nasty biopsy on Friday. On Sunday PM she started to feel unwell we think an infection and sadly had to cut short the weekend and depart on Sunday
  11. Don't worry you have to get past this first
  12. I think a tin of Spam has just appeared
  13. Have a good trip Andy - fair winds but not too much Don't forget a few photo's for the thread if you can
  14. Thanks Simon, I will continue to witter on and take a few snaps while there is still interest.
  15. Be careful where you park though as on HW Springs the land floods
  16. The sail lofts were used for storing sails for J class yachts which were rich Edwardian's playthings.
  17. Lightship LV15 now used as a training vessel for young people http://www.feuerschiffseite.de/SCHIFFE/ ... lv15gb.htm
  18. Research and passage plans were made and are there for next time but a bit more information on Tollesbury.
  19. Ian, Your track record of 'rust' is unfortunately prodigious and is almost part of Broads mythology. Can we at least compare holiday dates for next year to ensure in this country anyway there are no clashes of dates
  20. Thanks Roy & Diane, A few photo's always brighten the forum up even if they are just 'point & squirt'. The weather this year like last has been pretty poor on the coast; even the Yotties are complaining
  21. We returned to Shotley to travel by car to Tollesbury for a meal we had been included with Shotley Sailing Club - us being the Dark Side section On arriving at Tollesbury who should we bump into but Ellen MacArthur walking her two English Sheepdog puppy's. After giving her a few sail trimming tips we found our host yacht that had arranged drinks and Canapés - all very civilised. Then ensued a meal in the yacht club. A most cordial evening.
  22. A couple of hours Bass Spinning at the relative shelter of Wrabness - quite amazing to think that it was blowing 22-25 knots just the other side of the land we were on. Typical you get a good swim and a bl**dy hire boat comes through :-D
  23. We had planned a trip to Tollesbury on the Blackwater over this weekend, the synoptic's had looked promising then not so etc. We had our concerns about the conditions there having been gales on Wednesday with some residual and a forecast that promised F5 S to SE - yuk. We decided to head out and 'have a look' - out at Languard the wind definitely had some East in it and on the way to Medusa Kingfisher in front of us was doing an impression of the Big Dipper and Kiki the Bucking Bronco While we could have had an uncomfortable 2.5 hours down to Tollesbury the forecast for Sunday when we would need to return was still not good. A coastal conflab was had and a decision made that we would abort to fight another day. Spinning for Bass seemed altogether more attractive
  24. A weekend of aborted trip south, a bit of fishing, a road trip to our original destination and Ellen MacArthur.
  25. Thanks for sharing them Paul. Its always interesting to see a familiar area from the air. The night time ones are super getting the exposure that good takes some doing
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