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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Rangers giving us a send off Seriously these are great folks Steve & Joan on the Breydon boat are first class =, even AJB put in an appearance a few weeks back
  2. Glad it all went well for you Simon. East Coast weather is renowned and can change quickly, anything E of N is a no no in my book. We had a about 4 different days weather on the way down to the Orwell. I have found the same problem with posting video footage Simon. I have not got around to it yet but Megaupload will allow you 1024MB free http://www.megaupload.com/
  3. And the reason why I thought I would post it Jonny, everyone well thanks. We will be down for a few months so I will keep updating the thread as we go. Although to strictly Broads related we exited and will re enter them and this is posted in the Coastal section so guess that should be OK
  4. I can confirm your Lordships family home was well on Saturday, I don't think the window cleaner has been for a while though
  5. Not splitting hairs on legalities are we Simon
  6. Well that's us away down the coast as David has eluded to. Saturday was a very long day. Up at 05.30 doing lots of last minute checks and sorting. Departed Goodchild 0900 bound for a 1300 lock out at Mutford. Just beyond the Berney I had a raw water overheat alarm. Its at times like this you question whether you have done your checks correctly but I have a routine of closing all water inlets when leaving the boat and opening when we arrive. I checked all the normal things and although on lifting the engine hatch, it was pretty warm down there, no water was blowing from the raw coolant reservoir and the header tank appeared normal. I called our technical mod who was ahead to let him know and went back down into the engine room. A closer inspection of the raw stainer showed very little water getting through even though the valve was open. I shut and re opened the valve (nearly got a hair cut from the belt) and with a whoosh raw water was circulating and the alarm went off. Technical mod then did an impression of a water borne Sea King jumping onboard (great helmsmanship Rachel) and checked there was no blistering and declared also we were 'good to go'. It appears that something had blocked the raw water inlet; piece of plastic etc meaning little cooling water was being taken in. Closing the valve broke the suction resulting in the object being washed away and re opening allowing full raw water cooling back. Still had a sneaking worry about the Impeller but a 2.5 hr run to Oulton should see if this is an issue. During the run to Oulton I spent almost as much time with my head in the engine bay as I did out but all seemed to be OK. Popped up to see Steve (Ella) in the cut followed by Captain Joshie (if you read this side - say hello) Moored up at Oulton Yacht station to await the lift and heard that Simon (Plesbit) was asking permission to leave Lowestoft Harbour and take Silver Dream salt side - hope it went well Simon. Unfortunately David learned that our plan to drop Radar Arches and transit Haven Bridge at LW was a non starter due to scaffolding on the bride reducing air draft by 4ft. Therefore waited at APB for an hour and exited Lowestoft on the 14.30 lift. On the way down to the bridge heard Simon asking again for permission for SD to exit the harbour (you must have enjoyed it Simon) and as we exited the harbour saw SD outside. Regrettably there were lots of Dinghy's in the navigation channel even using North Newcombe as a racing turn We were therefore very circumspect; although I doubt a working fishing boat would have been. The run down to the Orwell was the usual mix, confused seas off Lowestoft, smoother swell from Southwold down to Orford a bit more 'lumpy' at Orford and 'snotty' between Whiting and Bawdsley Banks in the shallower water. Potters had been out in force and off Woodforde we picked our way through a mass of pots and I paid thanks to having a rope cutter fitted and Rachel's & Tina's hawk eye pot spotting. A very heavy shower as we entered the Orwell and then flat calm as we entered Shotley and moored up. All we really wanted to do was have a pint and something to eat but decided it was better to get it all done in one day so after a quick bite Tina's father drove up to ferry David and I from Shotley to Burgh Castle to pick up our cars and drive back to Shotley. We got back to the boats at 00.15 quote a day - a very sound nights sleep was had by all. Not many photo's taken but will post a few tomorrow and also update this thread during the coming weeks if anyone is interested. Current location - http://www.eastcoastmarinas.co.uk/index ... &Itemid=31
  7. Passing through Oulton Broad on Saturday - outbound there were a number of rods on the bankside with their owners gently whistling in the air. I was too far away to see if one had a beard and a bottle of Captain Morgan
  8. But if you don't mind Rod call in The Fisherman's and keep the beer ticking over for us
  9. Hi Dan/Jonzo Hope this might help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name & Registered Office: NORFOLK BROADS DIRECT LIMITED LOYNES HOUSE THE BRIDGE WROXHAM NORFOLK NR12 8RX Company No. 00923416 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 22/11/1967 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC(03)): 3512 - Build & repair pleasure & sport boats 6120 - Inland water transport 9272 - Other recreational activities Accounting Reference Date: 31/03 Last Accounts Made Up To: 31/03/2007 (FULL) Next Accounts Due: 31/01/2009 Last Return Made Up To: 22/09/2007 Next Return Due: 20/10/2008 Last Members List: 22/09/2006 Previous Names: Date of change Previous Name 09/05/2003 FUNNELL GROUP LIMITED 07/08/1997 BROADS TOURS LIMITED 23/12/1985 CORDON ROUGE HOLIDAYS LIMITED 04/05/1989 TRAIL MARINE LIMITED 20/11/1985 TRAIL MARINE LIMITED
  10. This is the same Mutford Lock that called up on VHF when on the waiting pontoon to say please be ready to get into the lock (from Lake Lothing side) after the second boat. The lock was very busy and it was stressed several times we needed to be ready to move the moment the second boat came out A certain forumite took them at their word as you would even though the light was on Red and found that a third boat had been locked in emergency astern was required Lessons learnt; Mutford Lock Keepers can't count above two, follow the lights or make sure the 'breach is clear' before loading your ship in.
  11. Shame it does not quite reach our part of the coast as it could be quite useful for overview planning. The fuel calculator might be of interest to a few of our salt side friends http://www.passageplan.com/plan_a_route/fuel_calc.html
  12. Not to be used for Navigation and no substitute for a 'proper' chart but useful for overview passage making on your PC http://mappe.c-marina.com/partners/ucin ... lled=true#
  13. Don't forget some pictures Simon - we like pictures
  14. Hi Ian Your point about having a stroll down to the pier heads is one of the reasons I like it, you can 'have a look' before putting your nose out. Our experience of APB is very good and I would prefer this every time (although it means a bridge lift) than being in RN&SYC. I think Simon had a similar experience there to yours last year. The pier heads at Lowestoft may look a bit daunting but believe me if these look lumpy I can assure you Yarmouth will be even worse. On a calm settled day Yarmouth would be an option for us if going out for some fishing but for southern passage making where timing tidal streams are key I prefer Lowestoft. If you have a craft that does not need to worry about Haven Bridge airdraft then this is one less complication with Yarmouth. IF as part of the GY Outer Harbour development there is provision of waiting pontoons this will make Yarmouth a bit more attractive. The thought of waiting for a lift of Haven at Town Hall Quay does nothing to excite me
  15. I strongly suspect as with many items these days they will have - just a different badge
  16. We have 4 x 150N on board Kiki which are fine but I have recently purchased two of these 275N with longer passage making in mind http://www.seagoyachting.co.uk/images/p ... d-275N.pdf Both this and the 175N version have fleece collars to stop chafing - ooh err
  17. Aggghhh - Lake Sailored That will teach me to check before I post
  18. Quite right Simon, good passage planning should cover what if's and plan B's. As to bolt holes between Southwold and Harwich I assume you are referring to a change in weather rather than an emergency. There are none I know of other than the Alde & Deben both of which unless perfect weather are going to be significantly more dangerous than carrying on to Harwich and the shelter of the Orwell. One of the down sides of the East Coast is that there are few sheltered havens but spare a though for those coming from the Humber to Yarmouth or Lowestoft, that really is an exposed stretch. As to preparation, careful study of the weather on more than one site or source, course planning (with plan b's), fuel load etc. Ensure your craft is mechanically sound and have relevant spares kit. Tidal Streams can be a significant factor around for instance the Orford Overfalls and Aldeburgh Ridge planning passage across these at the 'right' time will assist in a more comfortable passage.(assuming going further than Southwold) Passage making does not always go fully to plan but if you have pre planned well you will a) feel more confident and be in a better position to deal with any issues arising. Lowestoft to Southwold is circa 11 miles (course dependent) Lowestoft to Harwich is circa 48. The benefit of Lowestoft as has been mentioned before is the ability to 'have a look' and if you don't fancy it get back in on the Trawl Dock to wait for a bridge lift back in additionally you are 30-40mins further down the coast. With Yarmouth you are a bit more committed.
  19. The plan is to try to move the ships in the next few weekends Ian, in readiness for our holiday in early July, keeping a weather eye on this weekend as first option. Plan will be based loosely on: Here - http://www.eastcoastmarinas.co.uk/index ... &Itemid=36 Here - http://www.syharbour.co.uk/ Here - http://www.titchmarshmarina.co.uk/index.htm and hopefully here - http://marinas.com/view/marina/9098 Stella yuk As ever the weather will have its say and make our decision. If worst comes to the worst it will be 2 weeks on the Broads so not so bad :-D :-D
  20. I thought Faircraft Loynes and Herbert Woods were one and the same after a 'tie up' a couple of years ago
  21. Yes they always look well turned out I must say. I was giving this some thought over the weekend. If you had a fleet of say 10 craft all 20 years or so old and really need renewing. Would you invest £1-1.5 million in 'new stock' given the diminishing numbers of holiday makers coming to the Broads. Or would you sell your stock turn your boatyard into a Marina for private craft for which there is real demand and turn your yard into private waterside residencies. Call me a heathen but if it were my money in this climate I know what I would do.
  22. That is also true but if it is not to be it is not to be, there is always another day. A long way to go yet so will start looking seriously from Wednesday - Wind Guru will be getting a few hits methinks
  23. Sounds a good weekend Simon and one which you seem to have fitted in a goodly amount. The benefit of living near your boat is the ability to extend the day. Not much of Sunday passes by for us before thoughts start turning to the dreaded 4 hour trek back home
  24. Can't help you with the reasoning but our does have a dedicated thruster battery - not that it gets used much
  25. Posted else where but I thought the link might be of interest on this thread. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :middle:uk
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