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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Hi Paul, This is one I have in my armoury and can confirm it is a versatile quality lens. I personally feel this is one of Canon's slightly unsung hero's. You will find like me that in comparison to your 100-400L or my 70-200L F2.8 the 17-40L is a mere lightweight. It willmake a great Wedding lens.
  2. Super photo's Clive It's obvious he thought he was playing cricket and asking for two legs :-D or two pints
  3. Can't miss an episode of Corry can they Mark. After all what else is there to do with a serious super yacht, pots of money and wall to wall deck totty No wonder they need a satellite dish... be a bit boring without one
  4. Thanks for the tale Geoff hope to hear more. Maltsers shut Monday & Tuesday not spot on Oh dear I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth elsewhere
  5. Jonny - I know you get fed up with them if I post too many
  6. Recently had a weeks R&R on the bay of Palma in readiness for Tina's battle. Our accommodation was a nice spot to sit and watch the world and boats go. Pictures are P&S so not great.
  7. After Tina's news we were away on holiday for a couple of weekends prior to her first treatment but did get to our ship this weekend. My crew was feeling a bit better but still very tired so thanks to David & Rachel for 'crewing' for me to allow Kiki a run and spin up her turbo :-D It was like having a pro crew with David lassoing lock bollards like something from the Wild West and Rachel handy with the roving fender not that not needed it The forecast was for the wind to increase during the day so we had a quick dart out for an hour and a half and were back in before the wind really got up. Like two Victorian ladies Rachel & Tina were wrapped up taking the air, until we got out to Languard when the spray over the top stopped that
  8. Fuel Lines would have been an issue on Kiki in the future according to Broom who did some recall work. Although there was no BSS requirement on Kiki as a new boat Broom did a great job for me in getting the builder to foot the bill for changes that would allow her to meet a future BSS. This included changing her brand new Turkish Fuel hoses for those stamped with an ISO number.
  9. Thanks Paul, I went about 15 years ago to the Masai for 4 days as a stopover. Living in Tents etc, it still rates as probabaly the best land based holidays I have ever had. It was also the first time I had used Fuji Provia Slide Film - I was amazed at the quality I had achieved out there, this was before the days of digital. If I had a means of digitising the slides I would post some
  10. I have used them in Photographing Fish, Big Un's caught across most of Europe in a previous life :-D I found great benefit in them reducing glare from the subject and surrounding Water in addition to increasing the richness of both the subject, sky and foliage. It did make a significant difference particularly where 'fill in' flash was also needed, but like you I would be interested to hear how and when Bruce uses them in Landscapes.
  11. I have used them Simon mainly for cutting glare on water but I am particularly interested to know where in Landscape Photography they are best utilised
  12. As I have done little in the way of Landscapes in any serious way ND Grads have not really been on my Radar but having seen this thread and done a bit of Googling I can see how useful they are to ensure correct exposure of the foreground which without would be overexposed. Come on Bruce a bit on Polarising Filters now please
  13. Yep be pretty boring if we all liked the same things, ooh err Marton :-D
  14. All three are very good Bruce- most atmospheric but I particularly like the composition of the second & third. The reflection of the Sun on the water in the second and the reeds and bank balances superbly and really completes the shot. The Reeds in the third funnily just make the shot. Thanks for sharing them
  15. I won't make a travel journalist then Simon Light Room will allow you to make 'local' corrections in addition to setting parameters to all the images imported and batch processing those quickly. I am sure some of the other software allows this but Light Room seems to do it very quickly and pretty intuitively. Some one told me some time back that providing your Camera settings are correct (and not like Paul's example) RAW would give you typically 10-15% improvement in image quality by fine tuning the parameters, depends if you are looking for the best image quality or taking JPEG 'snaps' and happy for the camera to set WB, Sharpness etc. The way to look at RAW images are as Digital Negatives, i.e.first generation images a bit like film negatives and prints. I refer the Honorable gentleman to the attached :-D http://www.whibalhost.com/_Tutorials/Ph ... index.html
  16. Great Illustration of the benefits of RAW Paul, thanks for taking the time to post it.
  17. Thanks Paul, That would be great to illustrate another benefit of shooting RAW
  18. Anyone thinking about Adobe Lightroom there is a reasonable video here: http://www.whibalhost.com/_Tutorials/Ph ... index.html Not in the Michael Reichmann and Jeff Schewe class but a good overview. I think this is the sort of work flow tool I have been looking for. I don't want to do much clever stuff prefering to have images largley 'out of the box' but this does allow conversion from RAW and global adjustments (and much more if you wish). The White Balance was very interesting and shows the value of shooting RAW and adjusting WB on processing. Anyone wondering what I am wittering on about have a look at the attached and the two photo's of Ayers Rock (I think) http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/Glossar ... nce_01.htm More here: http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutori ... alance.htm Thanks again Bruce.
  19. I have this17-40mm L F4 which is a good piece of kit sounds like you may have the same (see photo). It gives a focal length with the sensor crop on a 10D of 28 - almost 70mm so I don't think you need anything for the wider end of the focal range unless you need a very wide angle lens. I would look at some of Simons suggestions and the Sigma outlined in my earlier post is good value for money. If you wanted to get very serious the obvious choice would be the Canon 100-400mm L F4
  20. Indeed you did put this one on my Radar when looking around for a 'walk around' holiday lens Simon. I went for the Optical Stabilising version and can't knock the image quality for the money. It can't match my Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS for image quality but then it is about half a stone lighter
  21. Hi Bruce, Thanks for the information I had not looked at LL in relation to Lightroom I will go look, it sounds what I am looking for as I don't use 90% of CS3 for the reasons you outline. Many thanks
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