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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. We set off for the Locks at 11.00 this morning; onboard we had Paul, Frank & Tanja and Simon & Katie. John on Nyx had gone ahead as he was staying the night. After 15 mins or so we caught Nyx up and took these pics as we slowly motored by:
  2. Ian, sure. Beccles and Oulton YS are basically run by Sentinel Leisure although Waveney have taken Beccles over this year in order to renovate all the moorings.
  3. Finally it was getting towards dark! And time for me to put my camera away and enjoy a few bevvies! More to follow when we return from our adventure to the Geldeston Locks for our lunchtime session!
  4. The sun was soon setting. (A sundowner, perhaps?) And John was enjoying a Pernod with Katie, Paul and Simon. While the others weren't far behind!
  5. There were stories to tell With Frank entertaining Charlie and Tanja ditto Inge!
  6. In the early evening the eating had stopped.................. But there was still lots to do!
  7. We really liked Tanja's herb pot! Obviously a talented lady!
  8. Quite a bit more to follow but I must start to get ready for the NBN sortie to Geldeston Locks later this morning. We are all going onboard Friday Girl with Charlie and Inge's exception. They had to depart at 05.00 this morning for the Breydon Crossing times..... is there no end to that man's abilities? Here's a taster for the evening's entertainment!
  9. Saturday passed by as most NBN Saturdays do: convivial, happy, entertaining and amusing if not hilarious at times! We had a family visit in the afternoon and then came the evening with barbies and the odd tipple or three (to augment the afternoon's). Simon And Katie (Cambridge Cabby) were with us on Cerise Lady, which made us up to eight boats, and it was great to put faces to them (seen here entertaining John in the late evening dusk).
  10. Here's the vid of the Albion crew quanting out
  11. Paul came to join us on Peters Joy and is seen with King and talking to Dee. Hakuna Matata followed by Moonlight Shadow, Bound 2 Please and Nyx all joined in!
  12. The Skipper came to call in the early morning sun!
  13. First thing this morning we were all scattered. Friday Girl, Then Moonlight Shadow, Followed by Nyx and Bound 2 Please Hakuna Matata and Broadland Grebe were on the other side.
  14. SueH with Rosie the Corgi enjoying the late afternoon sun yesterday.
  15. I'll try, Grace, but................. John broke his helm seat on Nyx And disappeared into Beccles to return with one!
  16. After the pump-out (very reasonably priced at £12) Paul checked out a sagging headlining and brought tools and bits to fix it when we were across in the yacht station. (Which he later did in his usual efficient way! We celebrated with a large G&T each!)' We arrived to moor up on the pontoon that we had reserved but Albion was alongside and we would have made their departure somewhat difficult. So we were asked to moor a bit further along the quay, stern on, which wasn't a problem as the height of the tide made it possible for Mary-Jane to get off with some assistance from Paul. To our great surprise, already moored, were Bound 2 Please, Hakuna Matata, Nyx and Moonlight Shadow! More stories and pics to follow later today/tomorrow.
  17. This started yesterday when we motored up from Oulton Broad with the tide. Just after we passed the Waveney River Centre we thought that we could see a familiar boat ahead of us, just pootling along. A wee while later as we closed I was now certain that we knew who it was..... Paul on Peters Joy out from Beccles for a quiet couple of hours! We told him of our intentions to visit his boatyard for a pump out and he dropped behind us for a short time. I then throttled back to below 5 mph and he went on ahead to help us moor up in the fresh N'ly breeze. Our visit was to correspond with the Wherry Albion's visit (reported on in a "Star Seen In Horning") and we had hopes that other NBN friends might arrive sometime over the weekend.
  18. And then getting under way. (the guy next to them is the camera man). I invited them for a G&T on their return, Tim said "Thank you!" The cameraman keeping steady as they quant away from the quay: And even helped with the quanting!
  19. Here's the sequence of from their arrival:
  20. I've lots of pics and a video of them but is there copyright to bother about?
  21. A very big "Welcome Aboard" from us, Andy! Please tell us a bit about yourself in 'New Members say Hi'
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