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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Ah Jean, the dearest ferry in Europe the IOW I believe I have only used the Gosport one to go over to see Warrior and HMS Victory. ​ One of the P&O ones think Aurora I saw in Palma Harbour. A large cruise ship indeed. Iain.
  2. Perhaps Alan they should be added to the IEE Regs as part time / additional earth insulation! Iain
  3. You mean they pasta sign on de left when really they shudda taken the spaghetti junction to the right!
  4. They must have been watching Only Fools and Horses..... Dutch crossing Iain.
  5. Hi Neil, Ramble away if you will, you canny beat a guid ramble laddie! I know exactly where you are coming from regards a Broads holiday. For our family and friends over many years have found it a place of solace to recover from losing family and friends. Pure unadulterated magic IMHO. Iain
  6. Just had a thought, maybe Eric would want it out in Riyadh ​ Nice drive for you Griff! Seriously, there must be a member out there requiring such a boat. Iain
  7. If only I was 30 years younger! That looks a real bargain for someone. Iain.
  8. Have a safe trip and brill weather. Don't forget the bunnet! Iain.
  9. July has not been great up here temp wise, but over the piece remained dry here in Ayrshire. Thank goodness for the Gulf Stream here. The golf yesterday at Sunningdale was washed out. Just a typical UK summer really At least our members had it dry outside today at the Meet! Iain
  10. I was thinking more the Wurzells Iain
  11. Hi Neil, Nope two were Richos, one was HW. If that is the case with the ones you mentioned, I will be having a rethink when booking.for next year. I do miss not taking the boat through myself. Iain.
  12. Not at all you were just rebuilding the topic back to banking! Iain
  13. I am still convinced MS Dos was developed as a spin off from Bletchley Park I did a lot of work in the large local General Accident office, Of course they had it installed asap However, know one had told them the heat generated from the block PC units installed, it was unbelievably hot in there. Worse for me working up at a ceiling replacing or repairing fluorescent fittings!!! Iain.
  14. A bit off topic, but with the same end result. I was a Match Secretary of a local golf club in Troon, and did all the results by hand, a time consuming job, but I enjoyed it very much. Along came MS Dos and one of the committee said we must spend money and get a computer to do all the results. I took exception to this as I churned out the results etc as fast as was humanly possible (like still working well past midnight) CONGU to blame then, so that handicaps were kept up to date. So eventually we purchased a PC and had a company from Ireland install the programmes and software required. I HATED a PC at first, really loathed it. However, I had no choice but to learn it all, and learn it quick. Anyway, once I could work the PC and was down to about ten expletives per sessions. I realised It WAS massive progress and I was printing off all the results in 20 minutes! When Windows 98 was introduced into schools I ended up doing much of SWMBO paperwork at home. More time saved. So there you have it, like it or lump it (I still feel banks should be open) you cannot halt progress in technology. As I have less mobility now, having a PC is a lifeline to me in all things you can just about think of. That is not a rant, just my angle on the progress or not, folks. Iain
  15. Hi Eric, Standard purchase at all footie matches I went to. a Pie and Bovril. Before pre prepared Bovril cups it was up to the ladies making it. I took oxo cubes as a standby in my piece box when out working in farms. It was often bliddy freezing out in those places, so a mug of said item was most acceptable. Iain.
  16. Really Grace? Surely not I have met the Admiral, and finer gent you could not be more happier to meet. I am sure he will keep most of them in order, not sure about that Alex bloke, rumour has it he carries more drink aboard than Tescos stock in Beccles! I just hope that young lad who helms Orca doesn't get too Brahms inclined to Lizt! I am not jealous, honest! Have fun you lovely folks! and take care. Iain.
  17. Looking at pics taken at the bridge area today its busy. I also noted several hire boats going through without a pilot. Norty norty peeps. Iain
  18. Now a Hot Bovril is a different kettle of fish! mmmm nice! Iain
  19. Soundings said..... Correct!!! I really must brush up on my ...well you know what its like on call centres abroad. My consistent reply all the the time is, pardon or what! Iain.
  20. Hi Eric, I may be forced to delete this thread as the natives will reach boiling point in jealousy soon It looks like you are having a wonderful time, of which I am delighted for you all, honest! The pics look amazing. Just have a ball old son, its the only way! Have you found any shoe shops that would suit Grace, there? Look forward to your next update. Awerabest. Iain.
  21. Completely off topic, and call me old fashioned, but we use to look forward to the Tuesday Stalham Market, and a walk along the main street to look at all the different shops and pubs. I believe today its called progress! Hmmmm mutter mutter. Iain.
  22. Hi Rob/Lim welcome to the NBN friendly forum Iain
  23. Hi Alan, That is the first thing I do every day I log on to my Laptop. I don't use my local bank now, cannot be bothered standing waiting to be served, my old legs complain if I did I do just about everything now online, unless its a form requiring attention. I know its a case of use it or lose it. For the likes of Stalham where they are building a lot of new homes I would have thought that having a bank would have been advantageous.
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