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MY littleboat

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Everything posted by MY littleboat

  1. Haya Baz Why don't you have the 'go faster' stripe painted on the opposite side to the engine that keeps conking out - may halp with the trim when we go to London! Looking forward to seeing you both really soon!
  2. Aren't those the things you put Jam in at breakfast time? Anyway, the thread isabout selling boats at NYA - you'll be accused of trying to take Ramjet's crown at thread crashing soon so behave x
  3. No hasn't got me started... as I sit here in 45c sunshine - it's far too hot to worry about a dayboat as I have rigged my anchor to 'free-drop' and should such a vessel come near to my lothiathon I'm going to test it - without warning!! Welcome to the forum BB and anyone who does 26 knots on Breydon, with or without wellies is right up there on my list and welcome to marry my sister any day.. (Too much BlackAdder these last few months!) !!!
  4. You obviously didnt notice the bridle harness I fitted to the front before I left... you keep saying you are a good swimmer well I bet you you can't swim from Yarmouth to Wells... go on - take the bet....
  5. Nope Ian I know they don't, however, Shotly is on our doorstep an I could arrange for petrol to be there for you - alot easier than gillingham I think! (And alot nicer)
  6. Havent booked Kats yet as dont actually knowthe dates we are supposed t be there can someone PM annie or I - as I am still overseas, tinterweb access is still very restricted. As for stops, I wold still heavily recommend Ramsholt on a swing mooring and then Shotley for a fuel stop, both a stones throw of each other
  7. I have to say that NYA had a very good year last year, we drove past every week and saw another boat sold and I haven't known NYA to pput 'under offer' on a boat without taking a depo! A big part of this definitely comes down to personality and they are good at what they do - especially in Brundall, however, as has been mentioned elsewhere, they have been let down by their maintenance organisation on a number of occasions. Its a great time to buy, as Luke mentions, finance is cheap, and so are boats, trading approx 25% cheaper than just a couple of years ago - the only thing that has got expensive is the running costs!!!
  8. Its a real shame you are only looking at Norkolk because probably the best known Boat scrappy (which is like alladins cave) is down here in Woodbridge - Run by Andy Seedhouse and his son James, it is worth a visit as much in stock are museum pieces and we've found some great things there!!!!
  9. Don't like to quote myself but for those who know, they will know my sources aren't wrong!!
  10. HAve to totally agree with Senator on this one - apart from the little shop 'up the hill' at Reedham, I know of no other shops that stay open past about 5! Bloomin nightmare, and sadly, if the attitude s 'closing early is a tradition' it goes some way to explain why many of them are now closed permanently!!
  11. Wire them up to the mains Wayne!! That should get a god spark!!! Usually they go to an igniter unit - cost around £30 for either the electronic spark type ofr the chystal type - used to sell them in Maplins but sure there are other places you can buy them from
  12. Brightlingsea Baz? Are you kidding? Have you got a special mud-cutting hull!! Morgan Marine arent geared up for anything really either!! How about a quick dive up the Deben to Ramsholt (See my pics from last year), or perhaps the Antares owners club stomping ground of Shotley - Bloody ecellent marina there and if necessary we can arrange for some petrol for Ian to be bought down? Then on to Marks territory - make sure you have your 'locking prop nuts' o otherwise you may wake up in the morning, find your boat propped up on bricks and the props nicked!!!! Failing that any port that has a boat in it called m/s Spearmint Rhino sounds good to me!
  13. Oh yeah - what boat are you using? Im off to do Southern France!!!! lol!!
  14. OK so it's gonna be a bit chilly - but has anyone got any plans (boating wise) next week?
  15. Either that, or one could try and drown ones spirit with copious volumes of G & T !!!! Will have a word with the butler and the downstairs maid to ensure that your introduction goes without a hitch!! lol!!! - crikey missed reading the Smelly Bog and Rat Face stuff on here!! Anyway, I'm going to get told off for carpet bombing off-topic entries soon! = May have to have a YouTube question moment instead!!!
  16. Off topic I know, but thanks John and best regards to you and Mary Jane! Been a little rough 'out there at sea' this time if you know what I mean - will no doubt catch up before I return!
  17. My little bird - who incidentally has been 100 % correct about EVERY other stoppage at Sommerleyton and also reported maintenance works at other bridges, as well as given a few other very accurate points has told me this; EXPECT CLOSURES NEXT WEEK AS THEY STILL HAVE A WORKS SCHEDULE SLOT AT SOMERLEYTON AND REEDHAM!!!!! = Although this time there is major concern that this may have bad publicity and is currently being reviewed!!!!!! - Ouch - I've just got back for a few days 'holiday' and this isnt the news that I was hoping for!! Oh and SMELLYLOO - You are welcome to come and visit my 'cottage', and whilst Im enjoying the sumptuous spleandor below decks you can have a lovely stroll in the grounds! - As for the facts - they haven't changed. NR are bound by an act of Parliament, BA are bound by weakness and a top heavy body of 'well-doing yoghurt knitters' and we are going to be stuffed for a long time yet!!!
  18. Esbjerg is indeed nice - was in and out of there for several years in my younger day and watched the port grow...hope Gammelhavn is still open - a great pub!!! Any takers - I'm game!!
  19. Engines too high Ian - Yes I have heard this before regarding engines that are 'back to front' - is that how the V drive works? I know mine are right down the bottom driving a nice pair of 290 legs and it has already proved to be exceptionally stable in rolling seas, following seas and a fairly tough beamy sea so chuffed to bits with it - like all boats it has a few issues but these are getting ironed out bit by bit.. apart from that I have a good half a foot headroom throughout the boat spare and it will run in displacement mode rather happily as well as great fun on the plane to 34 knots so wahay!!!! See you all soon!!!
  20. Reading between the lines then Ian are you saying our beloved commando is pants - I disagree, accept the window engineering needed re-thinking!!! Did you know they are stillbeing made under license and are made from 37 to 53 feet? Did he comment on the Falcon 34 though (Like for sale at NYA) as this would have been produced, literally 'as-is' and would have been called the Birchwood 350? Good fine engineering there... and I would love to know what he said about mine as my Birchwoo insider said that it was probably one of the best boats they had ever designed and build as long as you get the right engine package as they made some hideously over-powered versions with twin 360' hp's - it bankrupted them - literally.. oh and my Birchwoo insider is now a Failrline broker!!
  21. Hello all again!! Yes I see that Ian is looking! Well this 330 - I really dont know much more about it than what I said..I know we looked at it and for alot of reasons chose the commando. I must say that the hull is great at sea, and I certainly see alot of differences between the equivalent sealine. The 330 statesman I now notice has been sold - I wonder how much for? as we all know its history and I wouldnt have expected that to go for much more than mid 50's although the owner was keen to get top dollar (Originally it was up for 75 then dropped to 70 minus a few pennies! Just for the update - the weather here nice and hot during the day but bloody cold at night! The locals are very welcoming and put on regular firework displays unfortunately and Im looking forward to getting back in the early summer! - Will try to log on from time to time and say hi!!
  22. Hi Baz - and greetings from my sunny winter retreat The guy who owns that boat is called Tony and he kept it down on the medway and apart from minor bits and bobs that popped up from time to time, had no major dramas with it. The black window striping needs re-spraying in and as far as Im aware its pretty much a similar designed hull to mine. The flybridge is alot more rromy thanthe equivalent sealine 330, but, do you really want to change what you have?
  23. Simon - fantastic photo's - but where are the Bikini clad women eh?? John - Yes how many times has mary jane told you not to leave the taps running!!!!
  24. My post should have also said Midland 2001 but obviously the fat fingers wee playing havoc with the post...have to agree with DB about the quality of the set though!! I recal when I was about 15 having an Oscar attached to a Mains Operated Bremi 200 feeding a Sigma IV ! Awesome set up, and aparently used to give the neighbours something to think about when they were watching Crossroads and Howards Way!!!
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