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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hi Paul. Don't be put off by the wild side.. I think as others mentioned its too easy to explain the bad bits and neglect the obvious good bits.. we still had a brilliant trip and only had a few dodgy days! I'm finding any close up helming needs to be done in reverse as it keeps the bow under control.. She really is too light and there's certainly been times where a bow thruster would have got me out of trouble.. I've never used one too (apart from this year on a hireboat that I stole for 5 mins to show them how to stern moor) and said I'd never get one fitted but Orca's a bit different and just too light I really think she needs one. We need to come up with a way to put the dingy on the swimdeck but next year lol I'm not sure when the folks are up again.. I think they are up in september though so if you are lucky you will see them then
  2. It was a lovely Yard Iain.. If they want to sell for a quid (with no debt) I'll take it off their hands if I have to lol That mooring port side seems ok and there was a reserved sign for starboard on at the hotel although it's only about 25 feet wide so you wont get two boat back to each other.. the port side there was also a sign saying "No motorised craft" (or similar) so it looks like it's not really a mooring spot I bloody hope mum and dad would buy one but no thats seriously to expensive.. It needs doing so it maybe credit card job lol..
  3. Firstly and from me saily.. Are you southern based? I've seen a simular boat to yours near the WRC (and I've got some pictures if it's yourselves ) Secondly.. Gracie.. There are dragons here.. hundreds of them in and near Norwich.. (but they are harmless).. Not sure on the baby eating bits but probably! Everyone please feel free to visit somerleyton.. we have a nice peaceful secure mooring nearby!! and the pub all we have to do is mention "marina" and we get a table guaranteed (or just luck last time lol!).. It is a brilliant pub and lovely little village so worth a stop off .
  4. Monday 20th July. So awoken by the usual panicking of hirers, It seemed that Monday is also a drop off for nearby Ricardsons yard but by 8.30 was left on our own.. We both tried a little bit of fishing as last week the morning was brilliant. We caught a couple of fish. Dave was a bit worried we was running low on fuel and a quick check we was a bit low so we wondered over the sutton boatyard and they confirmed they can supply fuel and bring the boat over when we are ready. As we wondered back to the boat and got the engine on three private boats arrived and jumped ahead of us (One wasn't happy!) But anyway I thought we go and grab water from the public moorings whilst we waited.. and yup just as we approached another boat took that too.. So we just moored up.. Thankfully the private boat people were talkative and one of them spotted the Rochester bit on Orca's stern. A breif chat, she actually lives in the same village here.. small world.. Eventually the boat finished with water and we quickly filled up as we wasn't really empty. The private boat on the service area also finished and thankfully the other two we just spoke to didn't need surfaces (But was already moored up for the day (at 9.30am?!!) Slowly we took the boat over, eventually the yard hand spotted us and walked off into the woods to grab the fuel hose! Handing it over it was self service! sadly the pump didn't quite work so we only grabbed 20 litres (but at 96p/l it was worth it!).. by this time it was getting and I was getting a bit moody as was dave (a 5 min fuel stop had taken a good hour and a half!!) so we jumpted on the boat and motored away. Today's plan was head to Wroxham and grab some dinner so off we went. Dave helmed for a bit and it was a nice casual trip down the ant. Before no time we could see Horning! I wanted to fuel up this morning but it was impossible with suttons pump so I said to Dave we should try Boulters in Horning. Now last time we went to Boulters we didn't have the best service and we hadn't been back since but I thought I'd try again (10 years on to!). Approaching their yard it was jammed!! and there was a bit of wind typically.. I managed to land Orca and we tied Jaws up outside.. good boy.. I also ran in and just checked they could fuel us up.. "Yup all good".. "Any ideas how I'm going to get in here" I said. .The yard hand looking at Dave said "Your mate can fend off!!".. My first idea didn't work and I wacked the swimdeck.. take too was ok and we was in.. Stern on.. Yup the swimdeck was battered!! The yard hand though was brilliant grabbed us some bolts whilst Dave cable tied it back together.. We topped the tank right up and fueled up our reserve Jerry can. I enquired about the breakdown service and they confirmed they will cover the sourthern broads and the yard hand reassured that he "would love to spend a few more days down south".. We also noticed the chandlery and Dave brought a few more spare bits.. We also got the loo tank all pumped out.. So Brilliant service, we didn't sign up for the recover service but it's on the list for next year. We will be back.. (99p a litre was all good too!). Out the yard carefully, they looked worried we we stopped on the way out but a shout out "Dinghy" we got a laugh and a thumbs up lol. I took Orca back to the main river and geez it was busy. I keep her right on the right and on the speed limit but there were day boats everywhere like annoying wasps.. One tried overtaking at the new inn and I instructing them to go mid river, getting that look of "what the, I want to overtake that side like I do in my audi", as the same boat overtook, and probably got about midships it turned sharply to cut back in. Orcas 160db horn was quickly in action again, waking up Horning and deafening the poor crew who was on the back of the boat (and probably right infront of the horn).. he screamed at the helmsman and the boat quickly steered the other way [Ok note to readers/newbies.. You need to overtake mid river... don't forget on a boat yo u drive on the "wrong side" so you overtake on the "wrong side" too.. Keep clear of the boat you are overtaking and do not cut back in too quickly].. Apology hands clearly visable from the crew so all a learning process.. no worries no contact no problem The atmoshere was buzzing though although it's really hard to helm like this it is typical norfolk and nice to be a part of Further upstream we was in a convoy of boats, a couple of day boats really enjoying the day we overtook a few boats and a few overtook us again a really nice buzzing atmosphere though (I guess the lovely warm sunny day was helping too!). Once again though we have the same thing this time the ignored the horn but had just enough space and I had enough room to turn away and ease off too whilst they accelerated away (I think I just laughed now... clearly people think it's just like driving a car ) as we passed Horning, the GPS was painting a new line on the plotter although we have been on this bit of the river numerous times before. Every little house we passed I said to Dave "I want that one" "No that one" "Omg, that ones got a bloody river as a garden!".. Into Wroxham it was busy but not as bad as some pictures shown on here, We tried "The shed" but not quite sure I found it.. I found some beer kegs but no signage so gave up. Hotel wroxham although busy had "Reserved" signs. hmm.. Spotting the mooring which Robin mentioned on one of his videos I aimed for that.. Sadly/annoying/to my complete surprise, I messed up a lot here and with the wind and the drag of the dinghy Orca impacted the corner of the quay at some force and a load crutch of splitting fibreglass was heard.. Obviously I was really worried and jumped off to check damage. She had a huge scruff but thankfully above waterline and the hull looked intact.. I rang back inside and checked the inside everything looked intact.. Obviously a really silly mistake on my part but I do forget she's not a sailing boat with a keel and not a nice heavy displacement boat so it's all part of the learning.. Thankfully although weakened she's still OK and we will inspect and put a patch on the inside of the hull in the winter (The glass would be weakened so I want to patch it inside to make it strong again. Dave wiped the patch over to remove the marks so it didn't look too bad. Spotting a Reserved sign here too it was time to head off.. Obviously I was shaken and questioning my abilities to helm (For the first time in many years) but Dave was ok and reassured that it was the wind (hmm).. I knew from the forum that someone mentioned that Summercraft will allow us to moor up so we grabbed the map (Again first time in years!!) and I headed for them.. Finding Summercraft we spotted a yard hand, a gentle but persistant breeze was beam on.. grr but I landed Dave and he asked if we can moor up.. "Yup, take the end spot".. Sadly though the wind caught me (on my own) and I ended up getting stuck without crew I had to power up against a bollard scrapping down the fresh paint work.. FFS!! Dave looked helpless, it wasn't too bad but I noticed the dinghy was making it hard for me to power up and turn so once moored up the dinghy got the blame and Jaws was removed from the water and let down and put to sleep! (I have had problems with dinghies before.. Basically I worry about reversing so with Orca were I can only steer in reverse I really struggle as I worry about reversing.. So no more dinghy for the rest of the trip. First time in Summercraft and I must say the yard is gorgeous.. Proper little norfolk yard.. I want it!! There was even a lovely timber classing Broom cruiser in the shed.. I want this yard!! We locked the boat up and wondered into town (Not a bad walk) grabbed some geocaches (including a brilliant one at the train station!!). We grabbed a curry in our favourite curry place (we like it) before going back to the boat.
  5. I'm shocked at this thread.. Grace clearly wrote this when I was on holiday and having a nightmare of a time.. So please ignore Grace she was clearly down the pub wasted .. the broads are terrible..honestly stay away!!! Don't do it.. Benidorm is the place to be.. or a caravan in camber sands for £14k is what you want to do.. or a tent somewhere.. hmm a nice tent.. do not come to the broads. It's far too overcrowded for anymore more.. it always rains and the southern bit .. geez the southern bit.. you will die.. P.s If you really do have to, please visit the northern broads only... and in august... P.s... I agree with everything she wrote... (before she kills me!).. It's an amazing place with 99.9% amazing people! See you there soon..
  6. 4Gig sounds reasonably old It could as Mark says getting too old and giving up.. You could open it up... dig about and get the numbers on the RAM strips and order replacements (they will only be about £20 or so). Or maybe it's time to treat yourself to a new machine.. Must admit I've never had a RAM fail on me though.. it's normally other things first.
  7. Hi Martin, RAM thingies need to compatible with each other.. So what we normally do is put in a pair of the same brand, model etc.. Check they are both the same... Also how do you know they aren't both working? It could also be the motherboard is dying
  8. Thanks Robin. JanetAnne has roped me into to take some pictures at Beccles next weekend! (Yup no pressure!!) so certainly looking forward to seeing her up close Fingers crossed the weather plays nicely! (JanetAnne The camera is booked in today for a dusting down! Yup I made a mess of it when I tried cleaning the sensor so it's off to the pros!).
  9. Yeah.. I bet the water was also lovely and warm and crystal clear and they was taking a dip anyway... The brown coloured freezing cold waverney is something else lol Thanks for the Whitlingham tip..
  10. Yeah luckily we can see them when the waters clear.. Sadly it's not in the marina but down towards beccles etc it's ok.. We should be able to lift it enough to change them or jumpt in the dinghy and do at least. It's coming out for a service in the winter anyway.. although it will be a lift, service and back in.
  11. It does seem even our surveyor is confused though as technically the broads are fresh water but considering the tidal range down south I suspect a lot of it brackish. Although even sillette the makers of the leg refused to provide Alloy anodes and provided Mag ones so yup I'm not happy.. Thankfully we have spotted it before any damage has been down. Hopefully I can find a suitable replacement though.. We fitted Mcduff "MJE1" which is a "Universal stern drive anode" so hopefully they can.. Do you think any alloy anode will do or should I push to get this Navalloy one?
  12. Ok Thanks to you both .. I do more reading late last night and I'm tending to agree.. I've found Navalloy?! (http://www.performancemetals.com/anodes/navalloy.shtml) which on paper look bloody good.. I've emailed Bryan wards and hopefully they can source for me and we can fit this weekend.. From what I've read these mag ones are working although are overprotecting so very short term the legs ok but I do want them changed asap.. Can't believe it's been so confusing!!
  13. Lol it gets a lot worse when Orca meets Wroxham.. she will need a hull repair in the winter
  14. Hey all, We are worried a little, we noticed that our sterndrive anodes are wearing down a bit quick (and there's a bit of surface rust on the stainless hose clips). We are moored close to St olaves the yard advised the water is fresh water (and they confidently said this and they have been for many many years so certainly know their yard) so therefore our surveyor told us to fit Magnesium anodes (and two of them). (They are probably about 1/3 to 1/2 worn (in 4 months). The leg looks perfect condition still thankfully. We do not have 240v connection and there are no loose cables earting anything incorrectly. The anode was provided by sillette and we doubled it on recommendation of the surveyor (so we have technically doubled up anyway). Basically, We are a bit worried that the water here is brackish and not fresh therefore the magnesium anodes aren't correct and we should be using Alloy ones (But I'd rather use the more reactive ones). I'm thinking just replace the ones we have in a couple of months which should make it through the season but then it's used 4 anodes in 12 months. Any thoughts?
  15. Hi all, See attached the current submissions.. although clearly some brilliant pictures it's still an open competition!! So upload any pictures you have taken already! Upload here: http://calendarcompetition.thenorfolkbroads.net/
  16. Don't give Orca and Jaw's any ideas Mark!!
  17. My personal recommendations.. JPC Direct.. Brundall.. http://www.jpcdirect.co.uk/ Or Graham @ Maffetts Loddon..
  18. Sunday 19th July Awoken early to the morning chorus of boat engines and as usual some were quick depart to probably grab tonight's mooring Once awake we noticed my mum sent a text asking for jam from the shop there and noticing we had a build up of rubbish I decided to wizz over to the main moorings and drop the rubbish off and grab some more supplies and Jam for Mum. It was nice to wizz over proving that it was worth bringing the dingy up. I was quickly there and back and we was ready to leave. Our friends from last night where off so we wished them well and hopefully we will see you soon (They had just started their holiday and mentioned they will be heading south).. Once they left it was evident that there was a strong wind right on the beam so I knew we was going to have some trouble leaving as Orca is like a sailing boat with a full rig of sails but no keel (yup that bad).. We discussed which ropes to do in order in the hope to give us more of a chance to leave the berth.. Sadly Dave was a bit slow and Orca's bow quickly went sideways and kissed the boat beside, annoyingly we forgot to move the dinghy so it was on that same size meaning I had now lost all control, I bit the bullet and gently put her in reverse whilst Dave did the best job he could at fendering her off, Eventually I got the boat moored starboard side on and the dinghy was positioned on the other side meaning I could now reverse out into the wind (Which gives me the best control as the stern drive allows us to steer in reverse.. thank goodness!).. As we left (at some speed) the bloody dinghy untied itself and was seen drifting away (Thankfully back to the spot we just departed! The skipper wasn't happy but kept zipped up!! (I dread to think what this looked like!!).. Back to the berth but turning around so we was now port side and the dinghy can be tied to the stern and I could check the knot! (I didn't need to tell Dave to "Do a good bloody knot!!!" as he thankfully did it.. Ok so third time lucky I steered away into the wind and the dinghy stayed on!! The plan was to head back up the Ant and take the dingy out for another trip. The main river was already very busy but manageable. As we turned up the ant and the slower speed the wind and a few boats made steering very very difficult. Thankfully the boats in front were keeping a good pace. We spotted our friends from last night coming back down the Ant hinting that they couldn't get through, which worried me a bit considering we had two similar height boats infront of me meaning they would want to turn.. and I needed a steady speed to hold my position!! So yup as we approached they two boats both reversed and tried turning at speed just missing us.. As soon as Orca was put in reverse she went off sailing, a bathtub behind us didn't get out the way and erm we kissed it but the two boats infront missed us and I missed them so it wasn't too bad... I apologised to the chaps on the bathtubs who thankfully understood and realised I actually did a good job. (This was when it started to sink in that Orca needs a bow thruster!!!). So through the bridge.. thankfully no other boats and we were quickly on our own and amongst the trees so the wind wasn't a problem and I could give Dave the helm and go and relax on the cabin roof (I love it up there!). Camera in hand a few pics taken. We noticed there was a mooring spare at irstead (Although a fisherfolk had taken the third and final spot but I managed to moor up away from them. We quickly grabbed another painted plant pot for Grandma. Dave did a quick sandwiched and we relaxed for a bit watching the boats go past. It's a cool little spot here.. Nice to have a mooring spot. Engine back on Dave drove again and I retook the helm just as we was approaching Wayford bridge.. Sadly spotting no moorings by the bridge but thankfully I spotted one boat untiring also I noticed that that pesky wind was blowing through the bridge so I was a bit stuck were I was. Although as if by magic I managed to manoeuvre out the way.. spinning Orca around with the wind and a bit of gears in her own axis.. Dave said we missed by a couple of inches.. I'm starting to think that I really need a holiday!! All moored up right at the end we made a spot for another boat. Once again we both jumped in the dinghy and it was a lovely day so no jacket! We have been up to dilham but only once and many years ago so I had certainly forgotten what was here. It was clear as usual it was very pretty. I wanted to take a look at the canal here but as we entered it looked very overgrown and the sign saying "no powered boats" we gave up quickly. The river up to dilham was really really pretty and clear water once again.. sadly it didn't take long to reach dilham but still it was nice. A nice spot found for the dinghy (sadly no one about to ask to look after it but it looked rather safe). We decided to have a quick wonder, we grabbed a couple of geocaches and found the pub.. Good pub but it was a liquid brunch! Back to the boat I drove back and sadly we was quickly back to the boat. Noticing a huge boat had managed to squeeze in behind as expected.. I didn't want to think how they got in though! Off we go again, We wanted to find a pub for dinner, we did think about staying here but that pubs a bit expensive and realising that we haven't eaten there we thought we should give it a try (if there was moorings!). Dave helmed again, but I was close by to give him directions as we approached Sutton boats could see all the way down the end but as I sneaked out nose around I could spot empty spots! Yay a mooring!.. I also spotted a very well varnished proper boat.. and pleased to spot the Broad ambition name nicely painted in gold shinning back.. This is when I panicked a little.. this is one boat I can't "kiss" so both hands on the steering and praying for the wind gods to be nice! we easily passed by (Phrew!).. although so chap in a dinghy kinda got in the way and then had the cheek to tell me to turn around when coming into the mooring... I bit my tongue considering the wind was rather strong behind me which was the best place for it as I could reverse into the berth keeping control and not trying to turn around further up.. the rule book doesn't always work. Tied up quickly and easily we moved to a corner berth as so the dinghy could be hidden under the bow. For some reason I needed a beer (So much for a relaxing holiday.. with the wind Orca really is a handful but it's a kinda nice challenge I guess!). I quickly spotted Robin and Griff and had that starstruck feeling!! Grabbed a beer and noticing they was deep in conversation (I wasn't earwigging chaps!) and being a bit to shy (and probably knowing the last thing they wanted was talking to us!) I didn't say anything! We was also captivated by another table who brought an Owl to the pub as part of it's falconry training, you wouldn't think they need to train them but interesting to listen. Beer drunk we booked a table and headed back to the boat. Whilst the water was still warm I jumped in the shower. Kinda hoping to have a quick to Robin and Griff when they returned to Broad ambition I was disappointed to hear them talking to Dave (Who sorry guys doesn't really know who you are.. Also I've shown him some of Robins videos). Sadly they headed off by the time I had finished.. hopefully catch them soon though and perhaps take a closer look at B.A Pub grub was good. A bit noisy from a nearby table though but nice when they left lol. Back to the boat Dave did some fishing but I couldn't be bothered. We brought up a mini DVD player and screen and relaxed watching the Jaw's movie lol.
  19. Sorry Steve, I was just stating the pure fact with you guys up we would be visiting the pub (For lunch and perhaps dinner??) I said nothing about drinking.. lol Does remind me I need to find some long straws for a certainly somebody...
  20. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/could_norfolk_s_most_remote_broads_pub_the_berney_arms_become_a_house_1_4179738 (Bit of a duplicate post but it seems the other thread is easily being overlooked).. Planning permission sought to turn Berney Arms into a house Object to the BA planning here: http://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NOW1V5TBFKK00 (More details here: ).
  21. Neil.. (Et al) Register here: http://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications/registrationWizard.do?action=start Then login.. (http://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications-isecurityweb/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Fplanning.broads-authority.gov.uk%2Fonline-applications%2Fj_acegi_cas_security_check) Then click "Make a public comment" and "Object" (http://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=NOW1V5TBFKK00) (it's a bit convoluted but it's typical BA really). It took me about 5 mins to do
  22. Objected.. 14 now..Not quite sure having a Kent address will really help that much together with Mr Hamilton of up north too!! I think we need a new post as this ones a bit hidden in this thread.. "Save Berney Arms" would grab the attention!!
  23. For a second there I thought it was Ranworth...
  24. Lol Sorry Martin, I did slow a bit it's been three days since the last!! I was hoping to rush through a bit as we are back up this weekend!!! Although that's just a maintenance trip - Steering replacement... although Steve and Debbie are up too so it may involve the odd pub trip too!! I wont do another tonight for you
  25. Saturday 19th July Awoken at a normal time as thankfully everyone else was in a lazy mood today so no boats near us started up early which was nice. I fancied a quick spin in the dinghy so I went off for a bit of a spin around the broad. As mentioned we put our bigger engine on (7.5hp) which down here on the medway it's needed as it helps get over the waves but it doesn't like the 3mph in norfolk but it's still OK. Back to the boat we went for a bit of a walk to drop the rubbish off and look for a geocache but there was too many stinging nettles to retrieve it so we gave up (This really is a winter hubby me thinks!). Back to the boat, she was looking a bit drunk and needed water so I quickly span her around to put her side on closer to the water point. Noticing that one of the sailboats we spotted a few times was actually from our yard I went over for a chat, they seemed a bit strange with me just randomly talking to them (I really do talk to anyone!) and it took them time to work out we was from the same same yard! All sorted we departed, I gave Dave the helm, told him to "Keep it between the banks and don't hit anything" (he's doing OK, I really do hog the helm and have for many many years so he really does need more experience) I told him to keep following the river (he also has no idea of the Rivers, even after all this time!) as I'm going to sit up the front and take some pictures as it was a lovely blue sky day. The river was pretty quiet and I got some good pictures, I told Dave to moor at Cockshoot dyke which he did OK.. he didn't hit anything but the boat didn't want to come alongside but he did ok after a few attempts.. I wanted to hide a geocache here as there wasn't one for miles but sadly it wasn't permitted as it's all a reserve.. shame. I untied the ropes and told Dave to leave the mooring which he didn't well, although it's nice and easy being able to steer in reverse. Dave steered all the way to thurne and I took over when it started to get busy and the white sails started to appear on the horizon. Potter again was busy and we ended up mooring quite a way from the centre but the idea was to take Jaws under the bridge and go somewhere. We both jumped in Jaws and I said I'll drive there and he can drive back. Not looking what I was doing and trying to remember how the outboard works I pulled out right in-front of a rocketship, but thankfully this dinghy will happily plane so a bit of throttle and we was a little rocketship ourselves! (whoops). Power level restored lol we was heading for the bridge, nothing was coming so we slipped through. I wanted to head towards Somerton which our sailor friends from earlier in the week recommended and we've not been before so perfect, it looked the closest too! My god under that bridge it felt like we was rushed back down south, it's been a fair few years since we've been here and I recognised none of it. Being so close to the river was magical too. A lovely marthams sailboat was taking towards us and it looked really good.. It was also nice and easy to navigate past and we commended them on their sailing abilities as they really was using all the River and tacking really well.. Really nice to see.. The whole bank towards Marthams was (obviously) full of timber boats, even before the boat yard (I have a thing for Timber boats).. Such a nice sight..Marthams was full of their boats too and again looked yummy! It quickly became clear though why we had not been up towards Somerton as there was a strange barrier in the way.. As we approached a chap appeared and pressed some buttons (Which really did look like the helm of the Enterprise!) and water started pumping out of this barrier, eventually the barrier span around and it was obvious this was the new martham ferry it looked a bit different to the one we saw before as that was a concrete thing.. Being a bit worried that the chap just opened for us, I asked what the deal was .. Thankfully the reply was "It's always opened, I hardly use it" "Where you come from?" "Potter" was my reply (I probably should have said Rochester, Kent but that may have just confused him! "Where you going" he asked, "The place up here!" "Somerton" "Yup that will do" "Is there a pub" "Yup but you gotta walk".. "Perfect" we waved good bye.. I guess there's not many dinghies that come up here like this. So ok this land really is new and I can't explain how nice it is to see new parts of the broads by boat.. Martham broad full of swans and looked enticing! shame about the no entry signs A lucky hireboat was hiding around a bend on what is probably one of the best wild moorings.. I shouted this to them and they both raised their glasses and agreed! Somerton moorings quickly appeared although Dave was looking over the dinghy and mentioned how clear the water was which it certainly was.. Really magical! I hoped we could hide the dinghy right up into the staithe but the reed looked too long so I span round and put it just beside a ladder and near to a sailing boat. Once off the dinghy looking down the water really was crystal clear and lots of fish could be clearly seen. I wondered over the sailorfolk enjoying afternoon teas and wishing them a Good afternoon asked if they could be so kind and keep an eye on the dinghy whilst we found the pub and grabbed some lunch.. promising we wouldn't be too long.. (I had moored it so it looked like their tender!).. A bit concerned where we was and how far the pub was I quickly recognised the spot (although I kinda knew were we was going) as we come up to horsey alot in the car and knew the pub, thankfully the pub wasn't too far.. Good pub, Ale trail sticker sorted.. Will be back soon Back to the dinghy we thanked the sailor folk and wished them well (They actually then untied and set off, it seems like they waited for us to come back.. very kind folk.. proper boating community people ) Sadly as we was in the dinghy I couldn't bring my decent camera although Dave took some pictures on his phone but it was really lovely. On the way back we noticed what looked like a festival at Marthams boatyard, lots of signs and a stage but it looked empty a bit further downstream a dude looking rather flustered was standing on a upright paddle board and paddling for his life.. ok weird but norfolk.. bit further more appeared and one dude (They really where surfer dude types) said "How far behind are they", We yelled (Outboards loud) "A long way you are doing really" ... I didn't want to mention the one miles ahead.. It was quickly becoming clear that there was some type of a paddle board race going on. By the time we got back to potter bridge it was chaos.. It was hard to get under the bridge and Dave was driving.. He spotted a gap and headed towards the bridge.. half way through a ... dayboat tried coming through! Out the corner of my eye I spotted a Ranger and pre-empting Dave's actions I said "no there's ranger there".. He accelerated a little (This dinghy really will plane in about 2 seconds!!). Sadly the ranger still spotted us and demanded we pull over.. As we approached the Ranger got all excited and screamed "You have a rope in the water and you are about to die" (well something like that) I held up both ropes which I was sitting on, I said to Dave "What's he on about", "Oh there's a bit of string in the water ignore him".. As we approached the chap was drooling at the mouth so I was a bit short and told him to calm down (I so have a way with people and noticing he was making a scene and was quickly going to get told he was wrong with whatever he was moaning about and noticing a dayboat had just tried to drown a competitor whilst he was clearly more worried about Jaw's legal status.. ) Anyways, he rambled on about no toll and then spotted Jaw's registration numbers on the Transom which is clearly a new registration and clearly demonstrates toll has been paid.. He rambled on about checking it.. which I replied "OK, We will sit here and wait and enjoy the race".. Then him saying he couldn't be bothered.. strangely when I advised it's a tender to the main boat moored there (pointing) his attitude improved and he wished us a good day and enjoy ourselves.. shame it can't be relaxed from the beginning but he's just doing his job. To explain further he did explain that the numbers and tax should be on boards on the port and starboard side which I knew but the tolls office told me not to worry too much as long as the reg numbers are on the transom as the toll discs are a rubbish idea for dinghy's but naturally it makes the rangers job easier if on the sides.. this ranger did ask if I would stick them on but when I reminded him they would just fall off advised this is OK but I did promise I'll make the boards up (Once I remember to measure the size!! What fun. Back to Orca, Someone from the houses asked us to let the competitors knows that they had 1.5 miles to go, asking where they started from they advised Horning!! Sod that! I asked one and they had started at How hill.. even worse that's a long way and probably even harder considering how busy the Ant would be today. The last few competitors looked exhausted so I didn't want to move away until the race seemed over. Leaving the race to finish we wondered off to Lathams and Lathams fishing, Back on the boat, we left, we got some fresh maggots so we wanted to head back to salhouse for some fishing. As we approached Ranworth the sun was starting to get low in the sky and I said to Dave lets head for Ranworth Island instead. Thankfully Ranworth island wasn't too busy and the wind wasn't too strong so as usual we headed towards the largest mooring. All in no problems although one of the chaps on the hireboats looked worried and rang to the bow pre-empting fendoffing! Thankfully he wasn't need and quickly returned to his boat. Strangely no one really said anything although every boat here were hireboats, We really were stuck amounts "them" . But eventually once we got the BBQ out and relaxed more and everyone noticed we wasn't weirdo (and we all took the mickey out of one guy who constantly adjusted his mooring lines until I told him to put a reed hook down) a few people came to talk. The chap show was worried before came over and Orca's story was quickly told. Sadly he was on the boat who we saw at Womack a few days.. it seemed like they was still having problems! We had a really good chat and offered beers around and they came and looked aboard.. they have been hiring for years (as always) and want to buy.. obviously shocked to hear what Orca had cost! And we gave them some tips obviously.. Slightly annoyed to learn their weekly cost was the same as Orca's annual cost including maintenance!! We chatted long long into the night long after everyone had feel asleep..Lovely people as always.. (Hi guys if you are reading.. I drank a bit that night so the rest is a blur now lol! )
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