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Everything posted by Janice

  1. Why does it say 'attached thumbnails' I noticed that is not shown on all photos that are uploaded? Do I need to adjust settings somewhere ?
  2. We have a white gas bottle storage box on our deck, it is fitted into the deck and has a lid that opens to maintain the gas bottles. We want something similar for the other side that sits on the deck to replace the wooden slatted thingy and keep the deck tidy. Can anyone advise somewhere where they stock similar type storage boxes. Thanks Jan
  3. That's good news and well done for who ever negotiated it. We have a few bits and bobs that we need to get. Do the shops who support us get a NBN plaque to display? Jan
  4. Ummm hope your wrong . Just had a quick general search on the web. The follow are open half day so there may be hope . Suffolk http://www.rolfesbutchers.co.uk/opening-hours It's not Ludham but if they are open others might be. Forever the optimist ha ha.
  5. Hi Does anyone know the opening times of Ludham Butcher, in particular do you know if they will be open on Good Friday please. We want to pick up some BBQ supplies but are not able to until Good Friday. Thanks Jan
  6. Be assured......., I will only be swimming in it if I fall in, now I know what I know. Jan
  7. Being courteous to others cost nothing and makes the world a nicer place to be. Having knowledge does not qualify others to be superior, "take me as you like cos I know more than you"! How would it be if we all acted like that. I go to work, have a really stressful job with lots of pressure on most days, I am not grumpy to others as I respect them and understand that they have feelings. By the sound of the comments on this thread, it's not all just about being grumpy and yes we are not mandated to put a false smile on, we should be polite though. Taking a sticker off of an item already priced and refusing to sell it for that is not good customer service, whichever way you view it. We will still shop there, in fact I can't wait to go there to see the "grumpy man" I may even ask for his autograph!!!!
  8. That's good to hear., I'll keep an eye out to see the water lilies. Jan
  9. Interesting thread. There are lots of businesses going bust, they are a specialist stockist but not the only one. I know how I would treat customers if it was my shop and for the sake of £2 something I would have let the customer have it at the lower price and looked forward to seeing them come back to the shop. As a goodwill gesture. From the shops point of view, and having experience of the retail trade, some customers can be naughty and switch price tags or can even be rude or grumpy to shop owners, don't get me wrong that does not give the shop owner the right to be rude to the next poor sod that comes into the shop but may explain a little why he seems a bit bitter/grumpy. I tend to try and let it go nowadays if someone is a but grumpy, I have had times when for example I have had health problems and been worried and have had someone say "cheer up it may never happen" and have felt like decking them. They didn't know that I was worried sick and probably just thought I was a grump told Cow so..... who knows the man may have some sort of problem or problems. Again don't give him the right to be grumpy with others. Has anyone ever mentioned to him that he is seen / has a reputation for being a but grumpy?
  10. I did wonder about that, the Broads are great and not having much, actually no experience of the Medway other than sitting in a pub near Chatham and looking at the boats, I wondered if it offered as much as the boards. Thanks, I will tell my sister what you said, although I think they may still start off on the Medway as like you it's a long old trek to the Broads for them. They live in Meopham. Jan
  11. We spent a day cleaning the boat and we ached for about a week afterwards . We are normally like a pair of couch potatoes so the exercise is welcomed. The boat was smiling when we left it so all is good. We are back at the Broads bank holiday weekend although it's Mikes 50th on the Friday and so I am not sure how much cleaning will get done. I love cleaning, I find it therapeutic lol. We tried to clean the canvas , we drove to the broads, brought the canvas back to Hertfordshire, soaked it in a black bin and the lightly scrubbed it and lightly jet washed it. Left it overnight to dry. It looked 30% better for all that work and will need doing again. (May start a new thread to get tips if there isn't one) Jan
  12. There's obviously less going into the broads now if hire boats were altered in the 70's which is good and probably why we can still boat around in mostly river water and not sewerage. It sounds like there is a very small proportion of boats that have sea toilets then? I wonder if the Broads Authority have any statistics that they can offer on boats that are using the Broads with sea toilets still? It would be interesting if a calculation could be done with that information along with any current info on the water quality to see where the broads will be in day 10-20 years pollution wise. Maybe that would be the leverage to get the law enforced. Jan
  13. Welcome, I lived in Kent fir a long while 24 years. My family still live there. My sister and husband have been thinking about getting a boat down that way but nothing yet. Beautiful countryside. Would you recommend boating on the Medway, what's it like in comparison to the broads. Jan
  14. Pollution wise, it sounds like it would be good to get it enforced somehow that it should be illegal to dump human waste or toxic waste in the broads if we want to protect it for the future. Old cars without seat belts were exempt from the seat belt law however there is a strong case, I would think, to eliminate old type boats emptying bodily waste into the broads. I would not want to lose the heritage of the old boats as they are beautiful but there must be alternatives that they can adopt to deal with bodily waste without affecting the boats. As a newbie to boating I probably don't know what I am talking about and my thoughts are based on the knowledge I have using logic from that. Jan
  15. What a shame. I did notice that the waters tend to look a but murky but I thought it was the mud from the broads kicking up and making the water look unclean. We have scuba dived in a cenote, fresh water, and if the fins brush the bottom it would cloud the water instantly and make it look unclean, once settled it was all clear again. You won't catch me swimming in the broads now I know what I know, if you know what I mean. Jan
  16. I would feel happier if we could view our boat over the web cam. Better still would like a web cam on the boat, my husband bought a warm jacket for on the boat and we can't find it anywhere, it could be us that we left it somewhere by accident but it's made us a bit suspicious. Wifi is available at our mooring so it would be possible to fix a web cam up in the boat, the problem is keeping it powered.
  17. Hi When we were at the broads last week we lost our mop overboard, it fell in and then sunk. Mike said that it was a ploy by me to get out of mopping the boat
  18. Great, loved the pictures and the BBC report. Looked like a nice day too which was good and as we seem to be having one day sunny and one day cold or windy that was really lucky! Brill!
  19. Hope it went well, would have liked to have been there but had to go to work. Did anyone get any photos ?
  20. So.... Did you all behave your selves today when Princess Ann came to visit?
  21. Janice

    New Torch

    I love duck......... As long as it's not cooked for too long as it goes dry, yummy.
  22. I have worked out what Princess Ann's visit is about. It is to see her new boat and her mooring at Herbert Woods! The boat was moored on the middle pontoon, I suppose she will move over the the side pontoon with power and water as soon as there is a space . As a customer, HW have had to respect her privacy. Ha ha !!! Go Ann!!
  23. Janice

    New Torch

    Ha ha good try !
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