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Posts posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. I know it is a cat's way of life :cat:, but at lease I am not getting parts of a mouse on each step coming down the stairs. As a child growing up, this was something I had to deal with on a daily bases. So far our daughter has had to deal with a mouse alive, but missing it's back legs (we were up on the boat at that time). 


    Marina :Stinky






  2. Ok, yesterday morning our dear young cat Cici would not come out of the bathroom and she keep looking at the panel in there. I new we most have a visitor behind it :River Police. I text Nic (our daughter) and she told me it got away from her. :mouse:But no it did not get out.

    Ian and I were watching TV last night, when I saw movement behind Ian's legs. I told him not to move his legs, as there was a mouse behind his legs, but of course what a wimp he put his legs / feet on his stool. The mouse went behind Ian's chair. I went and got a tea towel, but of course Cici had to come into the room and she was the last thing I need in the room. Pops our older cat was just sitting on Ian's stool without a care.  Ian put Cici into Nic's bedroom. I moved Ian's chair forward a little and asked Ian to cover the mouse with the tea towel, once he could see the mouse. For once he did what I asked, good shot :hardhat: it covered the mouse.

    Next step was how to get it out of the house. I told Ian to go and open the back door. I pulled the tea towel together in my hands and took the towel out into the garden and put it over the wall :clap.

    Ok, who is the wimp?


    Marina :Stinky

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  3. Hi Kadensa, as you must be aware this year has seen a lot of incidents and we all care not only for our own boats, but also for the hire boat / company. We know that people who may hire a boat will find and study these chat lines and by showing these photos will advise of good / bad places to moor.


    Marina :Stinky 

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  4. Hi Paul, yes I know why does the bank holiday have to be that weekend :bow? We all ways have the first two weeks of September. Plan is to go over to north river on the Tuesday :party:.

    Will we see you on the Saturday at Cove?


    Marina  :Stinky

  5. Ok, will someone tell them for two weeks this Saturday north river is better :liar, so we will have room to moor up for the night :bow:bow. We don't like the hotel moorings, so it must be Y/S :party:.


    Marina  :Stinky

  6. We and many boaters have / do moor up at Bramerton on the last night of their holiday, because it only takes around 45mins back to Brundall  :clap . Plus its a great place / moorings  cheers, but there use to be a lot of ducks on the bank to feed, but even they have vanished  :nosey:.



    Marina   :Stinky

  7. Hi John :wave ,


    Alan (Runworthbreeze) is partly right, there is no way you will get under Wroxham Bridge, but what we do is book a moorings at Wroxham Hotel and then book a day boat to take us down to Coltishall. Ludham Bridge is a lot different, because it is not arched, but flat and we got under at 8ft 3ins which was not even low tide. Our boat is 8ft 6ins windscreen up. :bow



    Marina  :Stinky

  8. I think there are a few around this weekend,this afternoon we were heading down the cut on our way back to Brundall.There was a large hire boat trying to turn around,going past the marker posts.As we got close I sounded the horn,and toad  them to stay inside the past incase you get stack.They replied we are not novices,we know what we are doing.Perhaps its something in the water.




    The boat we saw turning in the cut was one of poor Pauls from Alphacraft :River Police. Mirage is not one of his smallest fleet. Still we could not understand what they were doing  :shocked .



    Marina  :Stinky

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