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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Controlling a willful young teenager is a problem at the best of times! Expecting them to hibernate rather than join their friends must put the aggro on to another level for some folk, especially in crowded housing.
  2. Bill, likewise. Picked up this comment from elsewhere, it seems to sum things up pretty well: "This is a perfect example of Packman's stealthy approach to the introduction and imposition of Sandford: the softening up by seemingly innocuous statements that to the (un)initiated look reasonable but actually hide a pernicious agenda." Beyond that I'm just keeping an eye open, as are others, to ensure something unpleasant doesn't slip in under the radar, especially whilst our minds are on other matters.
  3. The other corner then, with a little bit of space on the workbench.
  4. It is thought by many that the Me-Me-Me-Me culture dates back to when a certain lady was in power rather than to the more recent phenomenon of FaceBook.
  5. I'm sure that you can clear a corner in your workshop!
  6. If anyone is in doubt that the Authority will use the Sandford Principle then look no further than the front cover of the latest issue of Broad Sheet. Take note of the paragraph that tells us that the Authority helps to maintain a balance between the requirements of boaters for navigable channels and maintaining diverse habitats for wildlife. It all sounds good, even convincing, and it probably won't be referred to as Sandford but effectively that is what it is. Who has decided that boaters only require navigable channels? More like that boaters require open water, which under the Broads Act the Authority is duty-bound to provide. I'm not suggesting that the Broads should be devoid of aquatic plant life, heaven forbid, but there is nothing in the Broads Act that limits dredging and weed cutting just to navigable channels. Exclusion by strategically ignoring the need to dredge or to cut weed is surely not acceptable. The Broads Act requires that the Authority maintains the navigable area to what it was when the Act came into force. If it was navigable then, then it should be navigable now, even if it means cutting weeds.
  7. The problem comes when you buy for two or more people, such as folk in self exile due to age or infirmity.
  8. The staff will be in full 'hazmat' gear! https://www.hellyhansen.com/en_gb/aegir-ocean-dry-suit-31706?kk=a4c6224-17106ab40e8-b34ae&gclid=CjwKCAjwvOHzBRBoEiwA48i6Agk4BlLKhLCn5Pz2xPdSx8Wwc1dtc96CA4qH65rAJNVlOQ7fDLtxLxoCvn4QAvD_BwE&utm_source=kelkoouk&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kelkooclick&utm_term=Helly+Hansen+Ægir+Ocean+Dry+Suit+Sailing And that will just be for the pumpouts!
  9. Will have to get my quarantine flag out! Yes, it will seem unreal. As much as I enjoy the winter solitude I do also welcome and enjoy the summertime hustle and bustle.
  10. I do wonder how the syndicate boats will survive. Not being businesses as such I don't suppose that government support of any kind will be available. I expect that all up-front costs have been covered but I suppose that allocated weeks will be lost and maybe service companies will step back.
  11. I suspect that the end of April will effectively be a rolling date so to speak, one that will go until the end of May and then some. A well thought out communication from Richardson's, I expect that the others will follow very quickly now.
  12. Happy Birthday! Bus passes are an added bonus!
  13. More calls to keep away! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/nndc-asks-holidaymakers-to-avoid-norfolk-1-6573161
  14. It is indeed, beyond surprisingly so. Three of my four daughters visited us today, a strange experience being on opposite sides of a patio door! The hygiene regime that has been imposed on us has been a surprise! Have just watched the TV News and the total prats densely packed into public spaces such as Snowdon, amazing behaviour. PS to you and all our members, take care, see you all on the other side!
  15. One of my daughters is an NHS consulting pharmacist, another is a special needs carer, both are in the front line. Both have made it abundantly clear to their doddery old dad what isolation consists of, at least where this blessed virus is concerned. Got to say that I was not aware, until now, just how virulent Coronavirus is. My wife and I are now in lock-down!
  16. Inevitable and responsible, in my opinion. I would worry to what degree a boat had been cleaned. I would imagine that an effective deep-clean to each boat in a fleet would be impractical, as well as a health hazard for the cleaners.
  17. I'm not convinced that they can, certainly not a blanket closure. I think that the BA would be on very thin ice if they tried it and anyway, what would be gained?
  18. I doubt that the Broads themselves will be closed, what with being tidal waters. However, travel restrictions might prevent people from getting here. Indeed, I suspect that will kick in before Easter.
  19. Re 16 weeks, I doubt it too! However, only so many people who had booked up at the beginning of the season will be able to exchange their dates for the back end, fair chance that there simply won't be the capacity available. As for what exceptions can a yard make, exceptional times and I suspect that in typical, laid back Norfolk Broads style most yards will go the extra fathom or two but there has to be a reasonable limit as to what they can do. . At best I suspect that we can expect little more than an eight week season, probably not even enough to cover running costs let alone make a profit. I do wonder, and worry, as to how the small yards, forum member Andy at Freedom springs to mind, are going to cope.
  20. In deed they are not but these are exceptional times. My understanding of English law is that 'it should be seen to be reasonable' and perhaps some give and take can be construed as being reasonable. As things are the 'product' is changing, if only because both pubs and restaurants are closed. Once again, no fault of the yards, but is the holiday that is now on offer either fit for purpose or likely to meet expectations? As it is I doubt that it will be possible to squeeze 16 or so weeks of holidays into the last 8 weeks of the season. I'm afraid that there will be lost holidays all round. 2020 will be a memorable year, but not for holidays. In practical terms I suspect the best that we can reasonably expect is that our 2020 bookings will be postponed until 2021.
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/21/disaster-waiting-to-happen-visitors-flock-to-skegness Flocking to go to Skeggy, amazing!
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