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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Please see 'sanitised Broads Briefing', JP's glaring and very welcome omission has already been touched upon, in some depth I will add! The usual balance was applied!
  2. Shorts & T-Shirt day today, going to be even warmer tomorrow!
  3. Read it, shrugged both shoulders, and went back to sweeping out the garage, far more interesting!
  4. In my days at school we were taught carpentry and basics of practical household maintenance. Boys only school so I I'm not sure what the girls were taught, necessary skills like washing up, cooking and ironing I suspect! A Mr Field was my carpentry teacher, so much of what he taught me, accurate hand cut joints for example, have stayed with me to this day. He must have taught me well, I still have all six fingers!
  5. It must be true, it's in the Mirror! https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/avoid-diy-gardening-during-coronavirus-21806479
  6. Here's a good one for you!!
  7. Back to Somerleyton, bricks from there were used to build Liverpool Street Station so barges as well as wherries would have gone there. For Londoners craving a contact with the Broads just go to the above station and rub a brick or two. Back then our bricks went to London, now London bricks come to the Broads!
  8. It was part and parcel of the Somerleyton Brick Works from where the delightfully coloured Somerleyton Reds originate from.
  9. There was a medical type on the BBC this morning saying that we are at least three months away from a return to normality, that takes us up to June. The fishing season starts on June 16th so fingers crossed that 'at least' becomes 'at most'.
  10. A pint and a packet of pork scratchings will now be a culinary delight of the past!
  11. My guess would be Norwich but no certain idea as to where in that fine city. Just a thought though, first picture, trees on a slight hill, near Carrow Bridge perhaps? Afraid I wasn't around during those halcyon days.
  12. I'm guessing but I suspect that we are going no-where this summer. Just a thought, zoo's can't simply put their animals into storage, it must be a worrying time for their owners.
  13. If I understood my NHS daughter correctly it is expected to go on until at least June and then possibly linger on for several months more so maybe Christmas isn't to far off the mark, what a horrendous thought!
  14. Since this is relevant to the topic and also the jokes section is playing up I'll post this reminder regarding hygiene here, just to cheer folk up!
  15. The message does seem to be getting through as regards social distancing, not that I'm getting out that much. Once to the post office and once to my nearby Lidl. In both cases there was clearly a determination for folk to keep their distance. The other noticeable change was in people's mood, there was a general cheerfulness and friendliness, that at least I hope will continue well into the forever!
  16. I didn't have to smile at this one, ho ho ho! https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-how-to-keep-your-husband-happy-in-lockdown-posters-condemned-11966597 Whatever is wrong with advising women on how to make their men happy?
  17. Thanks, Dave, I know them well, I'd forgotten Cooke Road. Buying from the Oulton Broad branch of Smiths is good because they'll cut and plane for me, no charge, when they are open!! Cooke Road doesn't cut to size, or hasn't in the past.
  18. I have got time on my hands and a 19ft hull in the garden demanding attention, only problem being that there no one is selling timber or fastenings right now, so very frustrating!
  19. Re Lathams: https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/qd-to-close-all-storesd-temporarily-1-6586245
  20. Indeed, so long as that change is demonstratively positive for Broads users.
  21. Please be clear, my concerns are for the Broads that my children, grand children and my dear little great grand child will inherit. As with many things knowing where we come from is relevant in deciding where we are going.
  22. So true. As far as QD/Lathams is concerned, hats off to them, in my opinion. Being realistic, whilst they sell food, I'd suggest that that is only incidental to their predominant sales. As a local I would never regard Lathams as the obvious choice for purchasing provisions. I understand that Jeckells in Oulton Broad is to sell a limited range of provisions but I doubt that that decision has anything to do with Corona Virus, more a desire to stay in business and to offer a service.
  23. There is an obvious answer to that one! The BA's history in not saving money is long and illustrious, where do you want me to start? Indeed do you really want me to start on that one?
  24. I don't suppose that many of us do but for some folk a chance to save a bob or two is not to be missed. Regretfully the Authority does not enjoy the universal support that it did in the days of dear old Aitken Clark.
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