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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. A fair comment. Most of the Rangers that I meet are decent, 'live and let live' folk, I suspect that one or two of them are feeling uncomfortable with this apparent escalation of their duties.
  2. I take this to refer to otherwise homeless folk rather than tourists? Don't know that I'd appreciate being holed up in an unfamiliar hotel with nothing to do.
  3. Being curious I googled and came up with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoopoe Bit of a treat, not yet indigenous to the Broads, e.g. I had neither heard of nor heard one, yet.
  4. Quite right too but consider that the public don't generally have blue uniforms and blue, flashing lights!
  5. Things are getting serious: https://www.suffolkgazette.com/news/army-tanks-stopping-easter-daytrippers-to-suffolk-coast/?fbclid=IwAR2ZluPCeTtJOW1vwA6bmJR-O4P6ok0PPXsMayN_M1m8x3e4iT8al521kzQ
  6. Back in the day we drank in each other's pub, met up at trade shows, had end of season get-togethers, drank the Guiness Bar dry at the Boat Show. Beyond that there was a network. Upset one landlord or yard owner then you could be sure that all the others knew about it! Regarding the then River Commissioners and the Inspectorate, they too were part of that network, the holiday industry was their eyes and their ears, the relationship was amicable and on the whole beneficial to the Broads. Back then there was mutual trust and above all, respect and understanding.
  7. A jape that went down in the local history books! It was perhaps too easy to set dear Jack up. He was a hugely popular man and rather enjoyed the inevitable attention, he also liked his beer. I have regaled you with the time we that we took a sleeping Jack from one pub to another so won't repeat that. However, on another occasion he 'left' his River Commissioner's ensign at the Waveney Inn. We had an impressive collection of Broads boatyard pennants above and behind the bar, several yacht clubs too, but we didn't have a Commissioner's flag. The legendary Charles Collier used to drink at the Waveney, but we could neither beg, borrow nor steal a flag from Charles, too damned smart! Jack used to come down off the Yare & meet up with the Waveney inspector there, probably because we served well kept Adnams! Anyway, we eventually acquired not just a burgee but a smart new ensign off Jack's boat. When he next came to the pub he commented on the Ensign, now in a prime position over the bar. With a straight face we told him that Charles had given us his old, despite it looking rather new, ensign. An answer that he appeared content with. Charles asked the same question, only to be told that Jack had actually donated it to the pub. Whether either spoke to the other about it I don't know but either way the Ensign stayed above the bar!
  8. I don't think that I am actually trying to find a way round the rules and guidelines, just asking that a fair and reasonable interpretation of the rules is applied. Personally I do use my boat to go shopping so could argue that I need to get from my home at Oulton Broad and go to Lidl at Beccles, I could but I won't, it wouldn't be reasonable! I have a public footpath that runs down the side of my garden, I have seen a dramatic increase in joggers and cyclists in recent days, either going shopping, run out of toilet paper, or simply exercising. Personally I do get out in the garden, either gardening or working on my boat. I'm lucky, the best part of an acre of garden at my disposal and in truth I'm rather enjoying it. However, I do sympathize with those 'trapped' in less fortunate circumstances. If rules are made in a hurry then reasonableness is required. An eighty mile trip to go kayaking is not reasonable but that is not to say the activity itself is unreasonable.
  9. I think that you are. I would love to visit the Tate & National Gallery but I am not allowed to make the journey to London. That journey restriction works both ways. All that the folk preaching 'stay away' are asking is that the virus is not brought into their/our communities, I don't see a problem with that, sorry.
  10. Outrageous is too strong a word in this case. Perhaps 'ridiculous' might have been more apt!
  11. Despite whatever folk might think, and agreeing with the point that Poppy is making, I think that we do have to resist power grabs, from whatever quarter and for whatever reason. Which takes me to my favorite (alleged) hobbyhorse. The BA is acquiring a reputation for power grabs, e.g. the spread of its planning duties and executive area beyond its boundaries and its emerging anti boating agenda. Any attempt, for whatever reason and however well intended, to restrict boating activities has to be questioned, I truly wish it were otherwise. Mind you, for now:
  12. I agree with Poppy on this one. For many folk paddles and oars are their form of exercise and I see no difference between that and bikes and even trainers.
  13. Vaughan's posting brings back good memories. My father loved his daffodils and come the Easter Holiday we picked bunches which would be placed on the tables in his restaurant and on the table in the boats. It was the start of the season, along with Coldham Hall Regatta, a way of life. Dad's grave has several clumps of daffodils celebrating both his life and, like the cuckoo, welcoming the summer season. For so many years the summer season being our way of life. Like Vaughan I don't welcome the threats to that way of life albeit I am no longer directly involved. I haven't heard a cuckoo yet, worrying, where are they?
  14. I have just returned from my shed, after a good ponder and enjoying the sound of silence. Not absolute silence though, those blessed bees and cooing pigeons were quite noisy, plus the whistle of the boiling kettle! I'm not writing this seeking argument, although I don't doubt that the usual combatants will respond but hey-ho, that's forum life. As one who can no longer walk any distance in reasonable comfort I am seeking an alternative form of exercise, considering either rowing or 'paddling my canoe/kayak'. Only I can't, the BA says so. I could go running, walking or get my bike out, the government says that I can, but physically I can't. Now, just in case anyone misunderstands me, I am totally supportive of social distancing. I have a daughter that is directly involved with treating Covid 19 patients thus I do have every sympathy with the NHS and the risks that we are all faced with. No, my issue isn't so much now, it's tomorrow and the days after. So, why am I worried? In a nutshell it is the slowly changing face of the Authority. Make no mistake, I totally agree with & support the dissemination of advice and information but we are now being told that if we are naughty boys and girls the Rangers will report us to the Police. Some of you will probably think or say, why not? To be honest, I wouldn't blame them but I still feel uneasy about this change of roles. We have certainly witnessed a creeping and sometimes unwelcome change of ethos at BA Towers. It is not the role of the Rangers for one thing although it's arguably reasonable. I've long regarded the Inspectorate/Rangers as my friends, having been on first name terms with many of them over the years. Decent people, generally fairly laid back but there if and when I have needed them. Directives have been issued in the past frowning on fraternisation but largely these have pretty quickly been forgotten, at least seemingly so, friendships have continued. The Rangers are the face of the Authority, and largely the friends of the boating community. Advise us, yes, perfectly reasonable but reporting us to the Police, not so sure. An unwelcome change of ethos, possibly? I well remember the debates at the time of the creation of the Authority, questions being asked about the title. Authority in name but how far should that role go? I don't know about you but I always feel a degree of unease/distrust when talking to police officers, don't know why, but I do. I should hate to feel that way when talking to a Ranger. This is very much a personal response. Very clearly the present situation will change our country, I do have my concerns. I would like to see the Broads at least return to its old self as soon as possible. I just don't want to see the Ranger/Public relationship being damaged. Argue if you must, but that is NOT the purpose of this posting. I just hope that the Authority takes heed and questions its role, just how far should it go? I would hate to witness the historical repore between the Rangers and stakeholders being damaged. The Rangers themselves are a pretty wise bunch, not so sure about their boss though! At the moment it does seem that there is a determination by the Executive to further distance itself from us 'Little People'. Got that off my chest, enjoy your Easter. Vaughan, wonderful post, thank you.
  15. Don't they just, and not just what Vaughan wrote!
  16. More by luck than anything else I managed to avoid disaster. Jimmy Hoseason had changed the demographics of his customer base in an attempt to take on Freddy Laker at his own game, that was to prove a bad move. Dougy Rushmere at Ripplecraft was keen to expand so we let our boats go, thank goodness. Up to that point my souvenir shop was providing a more than reasonable living. For several years I'd been selling expensive, premium grade plush's, soft toys, that were incredibly realistic. As was the way of the industry I contracted to buy so much stock throughout the summer. At the start of that last, fateful season, the toy rep asked if he could sign me up at the same rate as the previous year, I said no, I had enough to last a couple of weeks, it actually took me all summer to sell those few leftovers. Thankfully a rich Londoner came along, wanting to buy into the lifestyle, so we sold the company and thank goodness we did. Astons at Beccles, plus most of the yards at Oulton Broad were wound up, no longer were our moorings full, fifty plus boats a night was the norm. The new owner often told me how he never came anywhere near to the turnover that we had achieved. Largely I managed to hang onto what I had but many of my friends didn't. A change of customer base, crippling interest rates, the industry was struggling. This time around the interest rates are low, at the moment, the bigger fleets are strong with some superb boats. People will be wary of foreign holidays, at least for a while, I do see some of the smaller businesses falling by the way, but the long established yards, especially those who own their freehold, will survive & flourish, of that I am confident. Following an enforced lock down I suspect people will be keen to take a holiday. My concern isn't so much for the big yards, my sympathies lie more with the pubs and attractions, many of whom rent their premises.
  17. I don't doubt for one minute that the BA is trying to support the yards and that is very commendable and how it should be.
  18. Now, Jay, is that a statement of fact or a directive?
  19. Perhaps it is time for making and taking provisional bookings. Probably already happening but if I had a yard then I would actively market such a service. When restrictions are lifted I suspect that there will be something of a rush to book stay-cations. Now's the time to jump the queue!
  20. Rightly or wrongly Southwold is defending its boundaries. Seems a bit drastic to me but I suppose these two gentlemen have a point. Apparently Easter is going to be crunch time and travelling to the coast is hardly necessary travel. With all the pubs closed I really can't see the attraction!
  21. SS. does that equate to 'silly sod'?
  22. Perhaps folk feel that if they make Tom feel welcome then he'll stay. Got to say that on balance I'm pleased to see him here. Mind you, I don't always welcome the propaganda!
  23. I almost know it of by heart!
  24. I would if I were you! Have had flue jabs for three years now, guess what, no flu, not even man flu.
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