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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/coronavirus-lockdown-quiet-on-broads-1-6629567
  2. The Government has prevented a great many businesses from doing business, from boatyards to boutiques, so what is HMG's (taxpayer's) liability?
  3. Andy, I wouldn't count on it. Whilst the big boys are protecting themselves in an attempt to avoid going under there are also smaller fry who will also wish to safeguard their interests. Personally, like many in retirement, I have no way of replacing what I lose, thus I would fight to retain what is mine. Not that I am unable to see the bigger picture, indeed I think that I can. There can be little question that such as Hoseason are presently vulnerable. I see no reason why I shouldn't protect my interests, just as businesses do. Many years ago, in the great Broads recession to which Vaughan has often referred, I bought two day boats. Decent people, good boats, rather than just the usual deposit on commencing building, they asked for the cash up front, which seemed reasonable and they had been entirely open and honest with me as to their situation. Unfortunately someone else in their supply chain was also in trouble and one business dragged down the other. End result was that I became the owner of two incomplete boats, one without the engine. From that day to this I have vowed that I will not be caught again, my family's interests have to come first.
  4. I don't doubt for one minute that whilst checking the boat in question that the toll number and toll itself will also be checked! To allay your suspicions I suspect that you can guarantee that it will be checked, and maybe a few other nearby boats too! .
  5. East Coast IPA speaks with much wisdom but in the meantime Hoseasons could have put out a public statement if only asking for time. As for folks money, have they paid it all via Hoseasons? If they have then surely Hoseasons has rather more than just their commission in their piggy bank?
  6. As has been said, it's not just today but also tomorrow so to speak. Hoseasons, although only a part of the chain, are up there at the sharp end. People are people and I suspect that the majority will judge Hoseasons by the way that they responded to the present situation from a customer's point of view. Representational damage, as a certain Mr Green is finding out, is hard to repair. What would Mr Hoseason have done? My guess is that he would have pulled the industry together in one room before now as well as answering the phones and e-mails. The customer is king, and he knew it. I can't help but feel that Hoseasons is not only damaging its own hard earned reputation but also that of the Broads. That said, the Broads survived WW2. It will survive this, but maybe Hoseasons won't.
  7. For all my life Hoseasons have been synonymous with the Broads. Very clearly, in its present guise, Hoseasons does not appear to be in a damage limitation mode, at least as far as their customers are concerned. I rather fear that the company, rather than try to rebuild bridges, will turn its back on The Broads, or more likely the Broads will finally turn its back on Hoseasons. Our world will never be quite the same, that is becoming increasingly obvious. Very clearly some institutions and businesses have made some unwise, even suicidal knee-jerk decisions. As Jaws suspects, when the money runs out then it will get more interesting. Mind you, it's not just Hoseasons, the yards etc are hopefully in receipt of the money collected on their behalf, maybe there would be some sense in contacting the yards directly in an effort to retrieve money. Take that thinking a stage further then why should Hoseasons return money that they in turn have already paid out to the yards, if they have. Supposition on my part, that's for sure.
  8. Not that I have any great trust in Trust Pilot but I did however follow Duncan's link. I knew Jimmy Hoseason personally and I dread to think what he'd think if he were still alive. He built that company by treating people fairly. Hoseasons will have to go some in order to regain both the trust and the reputation that had taken the company decades to acquire. Sad reading.
  9. Hello, Duncan. Does not your insurance cover your loss? Does not ABTA or whatever offer to act on your behalf? Not sure that a company can change its T&Cs after the event!
  10. Excellent News, BA Rangers doing good!
  11. My insurance demands that I check my boat weekly hence I share MM's concerns about wriggle room. Not as if MM has that far to travel!
  12. I'm not advocating cheating, just suggesting that there be a reasonable interpretation of the guidelines by those enforcing them. Both the Angling Trust and the RYA have made reasonable suggestions, I don't see why there should be a problem with that. Lock-down should be lock-down but clearly its not, the door has been opened ajar. That considered there really shouldn't be a problem with the various agencies being reasonable and fair. Just for the record I have three daughters on the front-line, two now having direct contact with virus victims, plus a wife who is extremely vulnerable, meaning that I have to be aware, and I am. For the sake of my wife It would be unreasonable for me to be otherwise. One of my girls is an NHS senior pharmacist working on the wards, another is an NHS carer and the third is a carer in a care home which has now got it's first victim, a man with dementia and absolutely no understanding of what is happening to him or the meaning of isolation. Two of the three are mums thus there is a very real risk that they will bring the virus home with them to their children. My wife and I are in absolute isolation from our family, that is hard. Please don't think that I don't have an appreciation of the facts.
  13. So the 1950's is ancient, so where does that leave those of us born prior to that date?
  14. Thus it would also be quite reasonable and fair to allow . . . . . . . . . . .
  15. The Green Book is invaluable but the NSBA has shown itself as being seemingly 100% flaccid in regard to the lock-down. Granted they are not a political party but lobbying on behalf of their members wouldn't go amiss occasionally, and this is one of those occasions, surely?
  16. Maybe not but the footpath that runs down the side of my home has never been so busy as it has been over the last few weeks, haven't seen 9/10th of these born again walkers before! Cyclists & joggers too.
  17. A decent run or two never goes amiss whilst angling! It's what us anglers crave for.
  18. I've made a start, only a few thousand to go! The loss of movie memories should also be of concern.
  19. The Broads Authority has a duty to protect the interests of navigators etc.. Perhaps someone will submit a similar case to that of the RYA, first thing in the morning perhaps?
  20. The case for Anglers: https://joinanglingtrust.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/When-We-Fish-Again-Report-13.pdf
  21. A good friend of mine lives and boats in Sydney, Australia. He tells me that their lock-down is very similar to ours but those who sail small boats, crew and skipper ONLY, are being allowed to go sailing on Sydney Harbour. That seems reasonable to me and I wonder how long before similar is tolerated on the Broads.
  22. Good on you, Ian, my thoughts are with you! I trust that you will be pushing the lawn mower or the yard broom as you go, mustn't waste your energy! Excellent cause.
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