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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. A perfectly reasonable conclusion but I suspect that the official fear is that some folk will effectively move home, that a long weekend will be extended to a long summer and maybe beyond.
  2. I'm afraid that you are right, ignorant selfishness could so easily undermine the lock-down and social distancing that we have all endured.
  3. Well done to those at the Authority and DEFRA etc, the end result is both fair and reasonable, what more can we ask. Marshman is now happy!
  4. That should placate that Marshman fellow! The whole document strikes me as being wholly reasonable. There is concern in some quarters that the guidelines are discriminatory, effectively what is good for one boat should be good for another. That could be true but surely the guidelines are aimed at the activities rather than the boats themselves. Perhaps the BA could have stood firm on behalf of motor cruiser owners, all or nothing, but I accept DEFRA's reasoning that all waterways should be treated the same. All in all I think that after a shakey start the BA has done reasonably well. Perhaps toll money talks.
  5. That might be true but I suspect that the pub provides customers for the ferry and vice versa.
  6. Mine works! That doesn't mean that the skeg won't get snarled up but the prop remains largely clear. It keeps my dyke clear!
  7. That's an extremely kind thought. My guess is that it is down to the lack of business with the pub being closed thus it is costing them money to run the ferry.
  8. For many of us a private boat is just as likely to be wind or paddle powered boat rather than engine powered.
  9. I could have but it was the nature reserve car-park by St Michael's Church, Oulton, that I had in mind.
  10. I was right, so there!! From the BA: Broads Authority Statement, 12 May The Broads Authority has been working with the Defra and the inland navigation authorities – the Environment Agency, the Canal and River Trust and the Association of Inland Navigation Authorities (AINA) - in order to obtain and give accurate guidance regarding boating on the Broads. It is now clear that the Government guidelines issued yesterday (11 May) allow for sailing and paddle boating (including canoes, kayaks and paddle boards) to resume from Wednesday 13 May. We are awaiting clarification regarding whether private motor boats can be used for day trips. There is a preference for consistent advice on boating across England. However other inland waterways may be forced to delay reopening for private powered boats as they need to complete tasks such as asset inspections to ensure their waterways are safe. The Broads Authority has continued to maintain its waterways so they are ready to resume boating immediately. This is a unique position and we would be able welcome private powered craft back to Broads waterways this week. We expect a decision regarding this from the Government tomorrow (Wednesday 13 May) and will communicate this to boat owners as soon as possible. To summarise, sailing, canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding on private vessels can resume in the Broads from Wednesday 13 May (for day trips only) and individuals are able to drive to access the waterways for these purposes. We will advise if the same is true for private powered craft as soon as we receive confirmation from the UK Government. As always, we continue to urge people to take care, follow guidelines and respect social distancing. Please plan ahead to ensure the safety of you and those around you, and try to avoid areas that may attract lots of people.
  11. I'm always happy to take my 21' drascombe up there but I do tend to avoid low water! I do have a 'weed-cutter' prop though.
  12. It would indeed be. But the Broads is different to London for example, obvious statement, but in some respects different areas have their own unique problems which require suitably unique solutions. One size does not always fit all.
  13. Whilst my common sense tells me that if cabin cruisers are used as day boats then there will, inevitably, be those that abuse the situation, which would surely not be preferable!
  14. The BA appears to be waiting to see what what other Authorities are doing, forgetting, once again, that the Broads is the Broads, a unique institution. I agree with Marshman, the BA needs to take the initiative rather than leaving it to DEFRA. A one size fits all, DEFRA solution is not the answer!
  15. I don't know where Marshman moors his boat but I doubt that it is a large, plush Tingdene style affair. It would seem that both common sense and reasonableness should be joint drivers on this one.
  16. Clearly Marshman, and others, can now travel to their boats. Garden Centres can now open so it would seem reasonable that marinas can also open, but that is surely up to the marina owners. A simple phone call perhaps?
  17. No firm guidance, yet. It does seem to me that day-boating will be acceptable, at least we can hope so. Will folk in general use their common sense in the event that that is the case?
  18. Sounds like a simple ask is all that is required, a common courtesy & I wouldn't have thought it would be unreasonably refused. Just maintain social distancing, what could be more simple? .
  19. What will they have left to sell then?
  20. He wasn't that old was he? I didn't always agree with him but he was a decent sort and he did some good work.
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