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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Do you anticipate much structural work? She does look pretty good above her chines though.
  2. Incidental to another job I had the great pleasure of meeting Jack in the studio. To my surprise his shed had only two sides and no roof. Actually that explained how he could assemble a ten or twelve foot long fishing rod and stand it up on end in his shed. Nice old boy.
  3. Lets get back to the Broads with this one, a real classic. This was over the weekend, look at that sky! That's an ex Brighton beach boat in the background, one of the Dunkirk Little Ships.
  4. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Judging by the accents the ladies of Essex have moved up to Beccles, complete with ankle warmers!
  5. Natty white socks, he just needs sandals or Crocs! !
  6. My recent experience of Lathams/QD is that their staff sanitize the handles and rims of trolleys. That aside, clean your hands!
  7. I feel a spot of waistline watching coming on!
  8. My brother in law is a builder & he too is being asked for extensions. Seems that the reason is that people see adding extensions as adding value to their existing property, even if said extension is absolutely hideous! Not so easy to find a two bedroom home nowadays.
  9. Seaman Stains had a lot to answer for!
  10. Reminds me of one or two well known rugby songs!
  11. The Society has long adopted a softly, softly approach and quite honestly it hasn't worked. Indeed it's been seen as a weakness and clearly taken advantage of by those with whom the Society should be seeking to influence.
  12. Just a thought, Mike, what titles do you think that sailing/boating club committee members should use? I do hesitate at the use of the term 'admiral though, other than as a bit of fun/micky taking.
  13. Please note, Clive, NSBA has been mentioned. As a group they do disseminate safety advice. I'm afraid, Clive, that your group is something of a Johnny Come Lately group as far as Broads safety is concerned. You are very welcome to the Broads but you are offering nothing new. sorry to be so negative but reality is reality.
  14. Agreed. In fairness to Clive, he has chosen to private message me, and perhaps others too. I appreciate him doing that and have responded as fairly as I can, pointing out something of the reality, not least the good work being done by the Rangers and the Communications team at the BA. Okay, so I do wish they'd drop the BNP nonsense but that aside the Authority does do an excellent job in getting safety advice out to where it matters. I also made it clear that when outsiders tell us what to do, most notably when it is already being done well, that we do tend to be a tad irritated! As for the NSBA, it appears that they have chosen to be totally non political, their choice, but what they do do well is to provide the very excellent 'Green Book', many a Broadlander's bible, well worth the subs alone.
  15. They don't have a USP, plain & simple. By suggesting that they have a roll to play implies a criticism of those who already fulfill a similar if not identical duty. I find that distasteful.
  16. Clive, perhaps you should make contact with these good people, your aims seem to be pretty much the same. https://www.facebook.com/groups/277817965887612/
  17. Gosh, Clive, however ancient are you? I've been in, out and on the Broads since I was babe in arms, 74 years ago, and I can assure that there have in that time been the very able River Commissioners, scores more yards than there are today and professional boatmen at all the major centres on the Broads. Not only that there was an influx of ex Wavy Navy & Patrol Service folk keen to get back on their boats. 1950's through to today, at least, has seen no shortage of suitable expertise on the Broads. In the meantime I firmly believe that our local RNLI members do a sterling job and to suggest otherwise is uncalled for.
  18. Now, a wheelbarrow can be useful, ideal for emptying and carting away the empty gin & wine bottles from the bilge, as well as carrying the skipper back to the boat from the pub at closing time. Perhaps a 'rent-a-barrow' scheme would be good for those wanting to cart their holiday tat back to the boat from the revered Lathams!
  19. Clive, with your most recent response, you are attempting to replicate what already exists. Last year, for example, pubs welcomed demonstrations on rescue techniques for their staff. There is a well established belief among those of us who mess around in small boats, especially on inland waterways, that naval officers (MN & RN) are about as much use on a small boat as a lawn mower, a billiard table and a spirit level, and quite a few other suitable items. I mean no disrespect to your members but their 'vast boating and maritime SAR experience' may well have little or no relevance on the Broads. By all means help and support the RNLI, several of us do, but don't try and teach us to suck eggs. A couple of years ago a pair of gentlemen set themselves up to do pretty much what you are offering to do, they really didn't fit in and eventually they gave up!
  20. I wholeheartedly agree with both Marshman and Vaughan on this one. Diluting what is here could cause confusion and the consequences of that could be fatal. I was a Coastguard Auxiliary for twenty five years, as if that matters a jot. As it is we have the RNLI, Hemsby Broads Rescue, RYA, NSBA, a network of boatyards, the Fire Service and the Broads Authority itself all singing from the same hymn sheet, do we really need yet another vigilante group, however well meaning? After all the safety record on the Broads is pretty good. Sorry, Clive, but we have seen it all before, butterfly lifeboat men come and go on the Broads. Indeed the RNLI itself had an ILB at Oulton Broad, it didn't prove itself and was eventually stood down, not to be replaced. You may perceive a role for your members on the Broads but, frankly, you will only be duplicating, and perhaps only as a shadow of what is already here. A case of too many cooks spoiling the broth perhaps?
  21. Safety for dogs too. Blue/green algae can emerge very quickly with hot weather so beware. Not directly on the Broads but still applicable: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/dog-owners-urged-to-keep-pets-away-from-river-due-to-algae-1-6677446
  22. Just to remind folk that the Broads Authority provides an excellent service via their 'Broads Control'. Broads Control If you want to contact the Broads rangers to report an incident, you can phone Broads Control on 01603 756056, VHF channel 12 or email Broads.control@broads-authority.gov.uk. Broads Control is manned between the hours of 9am and 6pm during summer, and 9am and 5pm during winter. Please always phone 999 in case of emergency.
  23. In an effort to be helpful I have spent a pleasant half an hour trawling Skanner 19 on Google. The original poster has an attractive boat for sale & in more normal times I suspect that she'd sell quite quickly and easily. Floydraser has highlighted the foibles of E-Bay which I'm afraid are an unfortunate reality. That the seller has suggested that he'd convert to an outboard, I take that to mean that the present engine is knackered. It might not be but that is how I read it. I note that Yanmar sell an updated version of the original engine. I think that I'd update the E-Bay listing with the details and cost of fitting a replacement. The cost of an outboard and the structural alterations required might be more than a simple engine replacement. Not only that but judging by this picture an outboard installation takes up cockpit space and looks pretty awful!
  24. I don't remember which Wanderer it was but one was based on the Laurent Giles Dyarchy design. https://www.classicboat.co.uk/buying-and-chartering/laurent-giles-3/
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