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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. From astern? You naughty old man! I once did a summer season with Sandy Sandford, do you remember him, he always reckoned it was like watching a couple of whippets fighting in a sack! Can't think why but that has always stuck in my mind. Can't think who it was now but another comic suggested that a well formed derriere was akin to 'jelly on springs', at least when cycling down Elm Hill in Norwich!. I remember, it was the then young Olly Day!
  2. Back to simple pleasures, us locals inbreds rely on such things. My wife and I enjoy sitting on the river bank watching the world go by, especially folk making a pig's ear of going under Potter, for example. How simple do we have to be to derive pleasure from watching folk do it all wrong? We sits on our respective walls and benches, watching with a wry, quiet smile, and maybe a half of Adnam's to hand. Sometimes we go 'ooh arrr', that boat is flying its ensign from the wrong end, or that boat is dragging its fend-offs, crooked water-lines are good for a chuckle, maybe that lot are judged as not having a clue, we also derive great pleasure in watching folk enjoy themselves, even with the red ensign on the bow and dragging their mudweights! A spot of fishing doesn't go amiss either, nor does watching the birds.
  3. I use Lidl a great deal and have never, in many years, had a communication issue with their staff. On the other hand I have used, and been abused, at Asda. Now let it be said that my wife was surprised at my outburst, in over 45 years of shopping together she tells me that she's never seen me react as I did. Anyway, I did go over to 'customer service' where, judging by the reception I received, it was clear that I was the bad man no matter what. Subsequently I didn't bother with actual management. I don't blame Asda, it won't stop me going there. I do wonder at the schools curriculum though, social skills and manners are clearly absent in many class rooms.
  4. I must admit to losing it with a 'colleague' in Asda the other day. However, in my defense, said colleague was totally devoid of manners or social skills. The good lady had probably had a hard time, but then so had I. I only reacted after she verbally went for my jugular. Poor training by the management? As a customer I don't expect to be abused by shop workers. It's a situation that works both ways.
  5. Whichever description is most apt!
  6. Scarf 'em all together, doddle of a job!
  7. There is a Broads link, so a valid debate, if only to a lesser degree. Let's be honest, we even debate topics that have absolutely no tie up with Norfolk let alone the Broads!
  8. Someone has beaten Lathams to being the first to mention the unmentionable!! https://www.edp24.co.uk/going-out/the-polar-express-train-tickets-norfolk-1-6710523
  9. I have a sneaking suspicion that there is a degree of humour (micky taking) in the twisting and turning! By the way, occupation was mentioned: There is a local connection - a certain pub manager who was a police sergeant was involved. I suppose there could have been some mention of being in the shadow of an iconic white mill!
  10. Martham Boats did low wash hulls long before plastic low wash hulls were built. I suspect that the reversion to V hulls is in order to build a boat that is not just suited to the Broads thus making maximum use of the hull tooling. The other factor might be that some of the recent low wash hireboat hulls are just so damned ugly which might affect subsequent sale to the private sector.
  11. I don't know if Dennis Waterman is still living in Beccles but if I bump into him I'll ask him to step in. His daughter Hannah was at a Beccles school with one of my lot, thirty plus years ago. Dennis inevitably opened scores of fetes and the like, he was certainly no celebrity hermit.
  12. Mustn't forget the double wink and the 'no wot I mean, Jon'!
  13. More details for those morbidly interested in the detail! https://thebristolcable.org/2019/05/part-2-the-troubled-cop-bent-on-solving-the-uks-longest-running-murder-case-and-a-key-player-in-the-phone-hacking-scandal/
  14. Perhaps it was his missus or his daughter so yes, you are right, he probably couldn't, we shall have to guess why!. I note that he posts on some of Sue Hines's Broads related websites under his name.
  15. It has long surprised me that the unmentionable gentleman was able to get a booze licence. I know that when I gained my boozing and gaming licences that my 'character' went under scrutiny. Before I knew of his past I did visit the pub, enjoyed chatting with him & his staff, thought the food very good, hated the profusion of 'don't do' notices that abounded and thought that the place was absolutely filthy and that it was best avoided during the rainy season unless you liked drips in your beer. Like others, on discovering his past, I took to sailing on past, regretting the money that I had spent there.
  16. Tidal water thus surely salvage rights exist but could any costs be covered by the value of a valueless wreck? If the hull remains viable then it could become a pontoon for something I suppose.
  17. Having a beard means that most coverings are near useless but I have found that neckerchief, bandanna style, works well enough, providing two layers of cloth over my nose and mouth with the potential of a tissue filter between the layers. I can tuck the bandanna into my t-shirt and the top edge held in place under my glasses.
  18. A commercial opportunity for a Broads based boat breaker?
  19. And so back to the question of safety, or lack of. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tributes-to-gentle-giant-who-died-in-norwich-river-drowning-tragedy-1-6710327
  20. A lot of people clearly do consider themselves and their children immune. For example a local to me playground has had the gates forced open and yesterday scores of small folk were playing on the rides. Irresponsible or what?
  21. If he's known but has no funds then I suspect the BA considers it pointless chasing him. Blood out of a stone springs to mind. Regretfully a number of end of life boats belong to folk with no funds, I suspect that the BA would love a solution to this growing problem. If we say that the average life of a boat is fifty years, that to dispose of a sunken wreck is five thousand pounds then ask ourselves whether or not the toll should be increased by one hundred pounds per year in order to cover that eventual cost? Perhaps if a public slipway was provided where boats could be hauled out to be maintained or broken up then maybe people would make use of that facility? In the past wrecks would simply be hauled ashore and set alight, don't see that happening now, especially with synthetic boats and indulgent tree huggers. The problem is not going to go away, indeed it will get worse. Any ideas?
  22. I suspect that the wreck is out of the navigation channel as such thus it is low priority. However, the owner might be known and the BA is hoping that he'll face up to his responsibilities. Yes, it needs shifting, anyone fancy volunteering?
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