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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Closed at the moment for what I would consider to be fairly obvious Covid 19 hygiene reasons as probably will be other children's attractions, at least for now.
  2. I thought that Gt Yarmouth was the absolute pits!
  3. Trial by forum & cut their favorite playthings off!
  4. Pathetic! That's no way to tip a boat, but this is!
  5. Allegedly she's going home to the Netherlands.
  6. What is one man's perfect boat may not be another man's idea of the 'best Broads boat'. Personally I'd insist on sails, a mast in a tabernacle, three foot six of keel and no bow thruster!
  7. I suspect that the port authority at Yarmouth will insist on the Vagabond being seaworthy before being allowed to pass through the harbour. I would imagine that the tug company will do likewise. An alternative might be to tow her across the North Sea on a pontoon barge, at a price! On the other hand perhaps an English yard could do the structural work.
  8. What can be seen as a big, oblong shape is, I believe a houseboat that had come off Oulton Broad to be rebuilt. In the Google Earth picture you can see that there is water around whatever it is. However, there is, I believe, a 12 to 18 ft rise and fall so yes, the mooring does dry out. A number of people keep their heads down and live on their boats in that area and I suspect that you could do too. As for the boat-house-boat, I suspect that that could become an office or workshop but there is no access for fire-engines or ambulances thus I suspect that residential use would be frowned upon. I would also question the flood level, the whatever it is is built on stilts and might be above the level of a potential surge tide. but I stress 'might'. At £12k it could be a relatively cheap mooring. Perhaps in times gone by there was a Great Eastern Railways bridge keeper's cottage there but in planning terms I doubt that that now has any relevance in planning. Delve wisely, my friend!
  9. But is it, or was it an old house? I've lived here all my life and gone past the site either on foot or by boat many hundreds of time and I don't recollect there having been a house there. Might have been a house there very many years ago but I suspect that in planning terms that that consent or use has long been abandoned.
  10. The new trains are a great deal quieter than the old ones, granted, and the site is only a hundred or so yards from three pubs, but the shed or whatever is only yards from the actual railway line which runs along an embankment that is above the roof line so quiet it is not! As for the recluse, yes, ideal for an overgrown 'railway child' with a penchant for pubs and carveries!
  11. Last time I was there, a couple of summers ago, was for party, new age traveler style. That in itself was great, met some grand people and, in fairness, what ale was available was in good condition. However, the place was a tip and the opening hours sporadic.
  12. https://www.auctionhouse.co.uk/eastanglia/auction/lot/103740 John, if you are seriously interested then I seriously suggest that you check as to what planning consent is in place in regard to residential use. That might explain why the property is for sale. That aside, an interesting site for anyone with an interest in boats and nearby trains! There is also an issue of access, or lack thereof. If there is no reserve then I can see this going cheap. In reality I suspect that what is on offer is effectively a workshop and a mooring of sorts with a footpath under a railway line for access..
  13. The Dragon at Oulton Broad:
  14. I last stopped there about four years ago. What I was served was over-cooked and akin to an over-sized school or canteen 'dinner'. With Reedham Ferry just downstream and Surlingham Ferry and the pub at Rockland Broad just upstream means for me that Cantley has become a pub that I just pass on by. Excellent moorings though.
  15. The road access is nothing more than a dirt track, okay during the summer, a quagmire during a wet winter. In its prime it must have been a magnificent building, its one time splendour now deeply tarnished. I'm sure that it could have a future, with a few attitude changes.
  16. I suspect that 'Floyd's' point was the hypocrisy of those who criticize their forebears whilst continuing to exude vast quantities of rubbish on the countryside themselves. Maybe it's not a generational thing though, today's society does seem prone to leaving a great deal of rubbish behind them, possibly considering it's someone else's job job to clear up after them. "It doesn't matter, someone else will clear up after me/us". Each following generation is left to clear up after its predecessor and so it will go on, probably into eternity. No excuse for the mountains of crap left at beauty spots though.
  17. For those who don't know it the owner of the Beauchamp Arms also owns the Berney Arms, perhaps there is an emerging pattern!
  18. You are probably right. Nothing much was wasted in those days and, as I understand it, marsh litter, which contained a wide variety of stuff, even reeds & weeds from the river verge, was used 'under hoof' so to speak in stables. Coming from a wet environment it would inevitably need drying I suppose. Pure guess work on my part, based on comments in various Broads related books but I have long forgotten which ones, sorry.
  19. If folk LEFT click on the image then it can be enlarged X2, it's quite a big file. I don't think that the 'tiles' are tiles, rather that it is willow stakes or whatever being used to anchor down the thatch. There is no crown as such. As for the piles of whatever, perhaps it is marsh litter off the banks being dried before being loaded?
  20. Sorted, due to inevitable government cuts the Acle Bridge visitor centre is being severely downsized and relocated to a ready made, wide, long, flat lump of old concrete that will be used for the foundation. A win win situation that will also save on salvage costs.
  21. If they are relying on wherrymen for their custom then, with only eight wherries on the Broads, I rather fear that the asking price is unsustainable. .
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