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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. The hire industry is expected to make full payment on boats that are hired out, fair enough. But it has been clearly stated that the situation will be reviewed in September, meaning that the door is open for further exemptions or adjustments. I am not sure that I was suggesting that there should not have been a payment holiday. My gripe was and is that the private sector is being treated differently to the hire fleet. A laid-up boat is a laid-up boat is a laid-up boat and all should be treated the same. It might be very old news now but that does not make it right or fair. The BA should learn to adjust its aspirations to its income. Norfolk isn't Hampshire. The hire fleets need protecting, so do the yards, marinas, pubs and attractions, and so do the many private boat owners who won't be commissioning their boats this year. .
  2. It pleases me that you appear to think that I am not bashing the BA , subtle or what! It does concern me as to the way the BA has reacted to the tolls in relation to boats that are laid up, both hire or private. It also concerns me as to why JP is cow-towing to the hire industry. I am quite sure that he will expect a payback.
  3. My thought is that the BA waterways work, at the moment, is effectively being financed solely by the private sector rather than shared as it always has been. Granted that the actual finances are probably being shored up from the BA's ample reserves but the harsh reality is that at the present moment one sector is having a payment holiday. I have every sympathy with the industry which has for so long been the backbone of the Broads. Nevertheless all laid up afloat boats should have been treated the same, private or commercial, at least that is how I see it. The pain should have been shared all three ways. I went past the yards at St Olaves yesterday, lots of boats still on the bank. I do worry for the Broads, not just the commercial side of it. I do wonder just how many boats, private or hire, will be up for sale this winter. Sad, worrying times, whichever hat you or I might be wearing. I have a good friend, a boat salesman, very successful in the past, he's just lost his job. He probably won't be the last.
  4. Hopefully you are inwardly digesting and absorbing said cleverly worded post! Batrabill inevitably popped up with: Cobblers, is the Covid truce over??? It was great while it lasted. What truce? Did anyone tell those nice folk at Yare House? How? If anything the private sector is now subsidizing the hire industry. Indeed, at the moment, that subsidy is quite substantial. I won't go into detail, at the moment, but I do considered that the multiplier, all things considered, is now growingly unfair.
  5. If JP is to progress his national park vanity obsession then he needs the hireboat industry onside, even if he has to buy his way in in order to gain any form of control or influence. The industry should wake up and smell the coffee in regard to the NP issues.
  6. First of all, forget the local economy for a moment or two, as important as it is. The Authority derives much of its income from both private and hire boats. The inequitable treatment of the two sectors is unquestionably devisive, just as is much of BA agenda. Divide and conquer? The hand that is the private sector has every right to question the largess that has been presented to the hire industry. Don't let us forget that the hire industry depends on the Broads being maintained just as does the private sector.
  7. I've made this point countless times, the Broads is the Broads and the Broads themselves are Broads, they are NOT lakes as stated by the BA, nor as I tirelessly remind Dr Packman et al , is the area a national park. Yes, I know, we are all well aware of all that so why do I repeat it, apart from the fact that I can? That is entirely true, as we expect of Paladin's posts. So why is JP muscling in on act? Is it finally a realization that the holiday industry not only provides income but also sets much of the character and culture of the Broads. Bare in mind that many private boatowners first came to the Broads as holiday makers. No question that he is attempting to extend his control/influence, even into taking the lead. Will that, could that be good for the Broads? JP is perfectly entitled to state his opinion. However, I hesitate to applaud any undue influence from above. Why should I think that way? Trust, plain and simple. I fear ulterior motives.
  8. They were poor times, there was a dried sea-weed movement back in those days.
  9. Joking aside both Joe and Charles were very regular for the men as was Elizabeth for the women.
  10. One for the indigenous locals: https://dirtyoldgoat.com/products/cnorfolk-where-bob-is-not-necessarily-just-your-uncle-norfolk-mugs
  11. My NHS hero daughter tells me that the computer models predict September onwards.
  12. Takes a minimum of three generations, better still if you can go back to at least 1066! On my mum's side I can go back to 1460 but before that the records are a bit sparse. Lots of cousins marrying cousins though!
  13. Pretty darn right is that. I remember that fateful summer, things really did change.
  14. The problem is that all to many youngsters see the Broads as being suitable for unwise or anti-social behaviour..
  15. If the industry fails to maintain guidelines then I can see the lock-down quickly returning to the Broads and the remainder of the season being curtailed with disastrous consequences.
  16. I have to agree but perhaps the industry has for far to long targeted holiday makers rather than Broads visitors.
  17. Long term or short term? Regretfully short term rather than building for the future. I would certainly hate to see the Broads peopled by any one particular social group. The Broads should be for all but at the moment far too many folk appear to be distancing themselves because of the hullabaloo aspect.
  18. During my days in marketing it was always claimed that for every one upset customer you would subsequently lose twelve potential customers. I do browse other boating related forums and groups, so often do I read the comment that folk won't come to the Broads citing the yob aspect as their reason for not coming here. Customer selection is a thorny topic but when a bunch of lads turn up to pick up their boat, loaded down with a dustbin filled with ice and cool boxes crammed with Budd or whatever then the clues are pretty darned obvious! As for bookings, computers are wonderous things. As I see it this is one that is long over due for the industry to sort out, for itself, not the Broads Authority.
  19. I have long argued that the image of the Broads as is often displayed on U-Tube of loutish behavior is incredibly damaging. Were I still involved in the industry then I would be very careful when it comes to accepting stag or single sex parties.
  20. In my experience real friends are concerned and honest with each other.
  21. Oulton Broad, Loddon, Beccles, Norwich and if you enjoy slumming it then head for Gt.Yarmouth.
  22. I missed her at maximum roll but the skipper did afterwards tell me that he thought that they were going over. Mind you, not for the first time, on one occasion she had her sail laid on top of one of the Breydon posts! Effectively she is an overgrown dinghy with a lid on it.
  23. It is also a fact that forum addicts are constantly looking for topics on which to post and to comment, however trivial. Clearly there is a downside to this trend. Dash Cams on boats, whatever next?
  24. I believe that you might be right, in part. I also believe that there is a proviso that a stringent hygiene regime is put in place. Whether local parish councils will be in a position to meet that proviso is debatable and whether social distancing, especially with young children, can be upheld has to be open to question. My local Africa Alive wild life park is reopening this weekend but all the play areas are to be kept closed where close contact can not be avoided. I suspect other parks will follow suit. It's for the good of local as well visiting children. Effectively restrictions are being eased, not removed. The threat of the virus remains very real. It is not a return to pre Covid 19 days, fingers crossed or not. The public have shown how irresponsible they can be on the Dorset Beaches, heaven forbid that similar happens in Norfolk.
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