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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/hopes-of-berney-arms-reopening-dashed-norfolk-1-6758286
  2. About half the pub moorings were installed by the Environment Agency/National Rivers Agency thus I suspect that they are responsible for their condition. The other half is largely DIY and pretty appalling, I've always resisted using them. If I understand the RSPB's response correctly then there is a question as to what land is actually owned by the pub. I would question whether the river bank is within the boundary of the pub.
  3. Realistic more like! Mind you, nothing wrong with looking at the menu, just don't place an order though!
  4. For the same reason I no longer go extreme kite surfing, deep sea saturation diving, high altitude hang gliding or sky diving without a parachute!
  5. It's not what you suggest but the way that you suggest it that matters!
  6. From the same source this one reminded me of my bird watching days!
  7. Why is he seeking a change of use on a tatty outhouse when the pub itself is a pub that could surely be reopened as such? Perhaps the next move would be to let the squatters in.
  8. For all of you visiting Beccles, St Olaves and Oulton Broad, thus visiting Suffolk, this mug could help you understand the natives:
  9. Can't change it now. Just read it as 'someone who has snuffed it, fallen off their perch, gone 'rrrrrs uppards'
  10. The modern semi detached buildings to the left of house certainly don't float my boat. Shades of Wroxham, hardly get a fag paper between 'em!
  11. A predictable situation? Could it happen in Norfolk? https://metro.co.uk/2020/07/22/brits-may-have-quarantine-return-spain-sure-coronavirus-cases-13020943/
  12. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/victorian-home-with-airbnb-holiday-let-for-sale-for-1-2m-1-6756072 Perhaps Vaughan might wish to return to Thorpe? Moorings for NBN members visiting the City perhaps?
  13. Netty, if I have discovered the right one, could well be a decent human being therefore a suitable member of the Archers. Regretfully I have yet to meet a tenant who has a good word to say about the others, perhaps not obvious Archers characters.
  14. There is a lady of that name on FaceBook, seemingly a dog rescuer and friend of the homeless, both meritorious traits in my books. Among her pictures is a rather fine snap of a Breydon sunset. As for permissive rights of access, something of which I have some experience. The original consent will probably have been granted by someone who is diseased, might even have no heirs thus there might not be a living owner of the land in question. That can cause problems but then there might also be a question of migrating boundaries, a very real problem in identifying relevant landowners. I don't doubt that a right of access from the public highway to the property in question exists but most likely that is only a pedestrian right. Mr Horrocks will probably need very deep pockets, especially where the RSPB is involved.
  15. An enviable trip. thanks for posting.
  16. Seems to me that more than a few people, visitors AND locals, are visiting holiday resorts and amenities and that they are quite determined to behave just as they did last year, before the pandemic reared its ugly head.
  17. There lies the problem, indeed there be very many dragons looming in the background on that one! People should be more thoughtful when choosing a boat for Broads use, e.g.slow running and Potter Heigham Bridge being perennial issues!
  18. Regretfully many of the Navigation Bylaws were drafted without much, if any thought to legal definition. For example, is it possible to define and quantify what is reasonable in regard to something as transient as exhaust fumes or noise? There is nothing in the regulation that states for example, as to what decibel level an exhaust become an unreasonable nuisance? It wouldn't take a particularly sharp lawyer to successfully defend a wayward client on that one and I suspect that the BA knows it. At what point does it become reasonable to be annoyed? My point was that if a lorry or car can have its exhaust emissions measured, and be penalised if they exceeded a defined level, then so it could and should it be the case for a boat. Indeed, perhaps it should be a requirement of the Boat Safety Scheme.
  19. Try telling that to the Broads Authority bosses. I have, several times, face to face, in writing and as a member of the Navigation Committee, might just as well have saved my breath!
  20. Got to be said that on one occasion I did resort to direct action. A very large, enviable sports cruiser moored up-wind of us, the skipper leaving his engines running, and running and running. We were sat there, previously enjoying our picnic lunch. Fresh air is a reasonable entitlement, in my jaded opinion, so I very reasonably, and politely asked the obvious owner if he'd mind turning off his engines. That didn't work nor did two further pleas. His acrid exhaust was both extremely unpleasant and probably equally unhealthy so in both exasperation and desperation I stepped up onto his side deck, reached across and turned off his confounded engines whilst telling him what I thought of his bloody minded lack of consideration. I really don't think that he actually had any comprehension of the stench and annoyance that his engines were creating. Effectively two lorry sized engines spewing out near neat diesel exhaust! Expect that my name was dirt but I really didn't see why my then young family should have to have that inflicted upon them. I have every sympathy for the 'turn your bl##dy engine off' school of thought!
  21. So very true! But we mustn't forget alternative users, which we have in the past. Long distance walkways we have, but we need complimentary accommodation and facilities. These could be said for bridleways, surely a huge potential there to provide a new experience. The same could be said for cycle tracks, once again possibly a potential well worth exploring. Back packers too, just needs some imagination and coordination of interests. As for boaters, yes we do need more moorings, but do they have to be so elaborate? Not everyone needs running water, crushed aggregate, electricity and information boards, we just need to be able to moor, after all, our boats are generally self-contained little worlds able to survive a few privations! . If anything the Broads needs more destinations and facilities, for all and sundry, not just boats. More than anything it needs creative thinking and creative leadership. At the moment there is no real leadership, just would be leaders pulling in different directions, often pursuing their own blinkered agenda.
  22. I rather like it but it is an old boat with an old engine. Personally I'd go in at £7,500.00 and walk away at £9,000.00.
  23. Clive, great news! Perhaps one with a mast, maybe even a planing hull, could be in the pipeline?
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