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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Hardly the publicity that the Broads needs at this time, or any time for that matter.
  2. In the case of Thorpe surely navigation is the responsibility of the BA rather than Broads Beat?
  3. I remember the manner of some of their postings on facebook etc., not conducive to attracting support, financial or otherwise, in my honest opinion. If there were money to be made there then Norfolk's big boys would have grabbed it, that they didn't speaks volumes.
  4. Well scrubbed deal is the right and proper cabin flooring in a boat!! If you want patterns on it then you can go to town with a felt tip.
  5. In days of old the outside of a boat was designed first then the inside was fitted into the outside so to speak. Now it seems that the inside is designed first and then the outside fitted around the inside. I can see the sense in doing that but I would never be able to take any pride in owning one of those super ugly boats!
  6. I suspect that they can be rolled up or removed but in many instances they seemingly become permanent structures!
  7. Re covers, extra rooms on boats, I really don't understand it. For example a number of good looking boats have dual steering positions, an interior one for when it rains and an exterior one for when the sun shines, great but what do folk go and do, they then have fitted an ugly, mega pram hood affair enclosing the outside steering position which will remain up even on the sunniest of days! Is it a desire to return to the womb? I don't know the answer but I suppose for some folk their is comfort in being in an enclosed space. I'm afraid that Norfolk's cover makers have a lot to answer for! Some of the hideous, yurt like structures now seen despoiling otherwise good looking boats is on the increase. Open spaces and fresh air, wondrous!
  8. Another Welly tip! A pair each perhaps? https://www.johnlewis.com/dubarry-galway-gortex-waterproof-knee-high-boots-walnut-leather/p3276267?size=6&sku=237018590&s_ppc=2dx92700055229871173&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu8r4BRCzARIsAA21i_D5tHJK_couP6VZYVdzqUZh_UH-AyUPBEhOEhEi_ddCGvvAk5pN-SIaAlmUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  9. Now't wrong with Gill stuff, I had a pair, but the rubber does dry out after a year or two thus mine crazed over the ankle & along the shank and became porous. My wife has a pair from Joules and the same thing has happened to hers so now I stick to cheapo pvc wellies, all of which have done the job well. By the way, Jenny Morgan is the name of my boat, not me! Mind you, I answer to just about anything, especially when the answer ends in 'mine's a pint'!
  10. No different to when the Ferry is operating. If one boat hesitates then so does the next and so on. Had the GP's kept over to the right then there would have been room for the hire boats to slip through bridge quite safely. I mean no disrespect to the GP Navy but it appears that if they stick to the centre of the river then, theoretically, they won't hit anything, a comfort thing I suppose. Someone made a comment that it was an RYA organised event. I have actually been on one of those events, what an admission! Some were there to learn but I couldn't help feeling that more than one of them was there because they hadn't and never would have the confidence to be there otherwise. However, anything that helps folk get out on the water has to be encouraged. We all had to start somewhere! Convoys of boats, like convoys of caravans, can be a real pain in the bum for those of us caught up with them. If anything can be learned from this event then perhaps the organisers could explain to the GPs that they should slow down near moored boats and keep to the right when passing through Reedham Bridge! Effectively an absolute non news event!
  11. Re footwear, bare feet or cheap half wellies. The PVC rather than rubber boots are remarkably non slip, comfortable and easy to dry out if I flood them, as are bare feet. Re Crocs type shoes, dreadful things, especially on wet algae, as slippery as hell!
  12. Norfolk Broads Yacht Club burgee, maybe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  13. We certainly did back in the 1970's. Jimmy Hoseason was remarkably adept at buttonholing potential customers to suit the various yard's specifications. Alec Hampton's preferred customer specifications were the most stringent of all the Oulton Broad yards and he probably had the longest season of any of us. Whilst I can see the need for just about any customer right now I have always regarded Alec's approach as being the right one in the long term. Competing with Faliraki or Benidorm, perhaps not!
  14. Or have a peep at the Broadland Memories website. http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/boats.html
  15. The above is perfectly true and nowadays we have the added, albeit sometimes very funny, addition of YouTube. The problem with YouTube is that it doesn't go away, indeed the often regrettable, damaging stuff is cumulative. Unfortunately much of this detritus stems from stag/hen parties and 'lads/ladetts afloat' videos, a damaging factor that the big yards tend to ignore.
  16. If folk can not wait until they arrive in Norfolk and Roys or Lathams in particular then they can buy Regatta merchandise on line: https://www.regatta.com/outlet/
  17. When Noah sends his animals to go forth and multiply, a pair of snakes replies "We can't multiply, we're adders" – so Noah builds them a log table.
  18. At least when sailing boats are tacking all over the place then they do tend to know what they are doing!!
  19. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/reedham-bridge-boats-holidaymakers-chaos-1-6749558
  20. Us locals believe in giving the grockles fair warning before our pet adders do as they have been trained to do!
  21. That reads as being rather final! No more molding in the foreseeable future? If so then that's tragic.
  22. Oulton Broad Regatta is hoping to go ahead this year, Covid 19 willing. As I understand it the event will be limited to local boats, e.g. only Broads based and boats must only be crewed by family members. Shore based activities are likely to be nil. I would have thought that the same could easily apply to the Beccles event.
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