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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Exactly! And will they, will they heck!
  2. Or trigger the anticipated second spike for which my local hospitals are preparing themselves. The Norfolk & Norwich, for example, is building a specialist Covid 19 annex.
  3. I always felt that the charm of the place was that it did not do fantastic food. There were setts on the floor, carpet probably an unknown, at least down stairs. A decent pint, basic food, practical decoration, wellies welcome, I loved it for the simplicity of the place, as did others.
  4. Maybe excessive windage and inadequate power from day one?
  5. I've almost certainly mentioned this before (!) but Ra was brought to Oulton Broad when she was new. She was loaded up with local worthies and dignitaries. Off she went, with a following wind and big smiles. She was a long time coming back. Eventually a River Inspector's launch set off to find her and to tow her back, smiles turned into cheers and laughter! A great idea, probably ahead of her time but having to recharge off the mains does somehow devalue the concept.
  6. Plus a following tempest! Fanciful thinking from day one, best pensioned off.
  7. Got to say that I really don't understand the bloke. If someone actually makes a profit then the rent just goes up and up so little or no incentive to move forward. Regretfully he owns several properties including pubs and a boatyard, wouldn't want him as my landlord.
  8. Other pubs and a boatyard too. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/berney-arms-pub-could-be-set-to-re-open-1-6705307
  9. I don't see it as a conspiracy as such but I would like to know why the Authority is less than keen to quite reasonably provide the requested information which is now very clearly of public interest.
  10. Having now read a similar thread elsewhere, & digested the information from a certain legally minded beagle of high repute, I have to admit to detecting a feint smell of rotting bream! I am puzzled as to why the Authority is not forthcoming on answering questions that are clearly of public interest.
  11. My neighbor has a right of access written into her deeds, as do several other nearby properties. The issue actually popped up this morning in conversation between a retired Borough Solicitor and myself. In this case it does not confer a right to moor, just a right of access and it dates back to the wherry trade. Why it cropped up is that I own the footpath over which he accesses the river bank.
  12. Alan, mental well-being is no bad thing and angling can really help. Have a peep at this link:
  13. It does indeed. I was actually sat on a chair, on a slipway with the water near to the top of my wellies. No net, I drew the fish alongside me, lifted it out of the water with my left hand and hook out with the right before grabbing my camera. Minimal contact, not so much the scales but also minimum loss of slime/mucous. Had an even bigger one this morning, no single handed lift with that one, needed both hands but still with minimum contact. Straight onto a wet unhooking mat, job soon done. The very worst thing that novices can do is to hold bream with a rag or towel, even a wet one. That does remove the slime, leaving the fish open to infection which can then effect other fish.
  14. Marsh, not sure that you are entirely right about that. There are several similar rights of access across Broadland, five that I know of on Oulton Broad and Oulton Dyke, as well as several at Beccles. In this instance a right to moor is also being claimed which the Authority has apparently acquiesced to.
  15. Are you an angler, or a fish biologist? Fish extract oxygen from water, not oxygen as you and I breath it. Keeping the gill covers closed on a hot day also prevents the rakers drying out. As it was the fish was only out of the water for thirty seconds or so whilst it was unhooked. Better held firmly than dropped.
  16. Perhaps Mr Weston already has, at least some of us.
  17. The 16th done good for me! Nothing huge but plenty of them!
  18. Thank you, Andy, for your candid honesty in sharing this with us. I'm afraid that the light at the end of the tunnel was always going to be a variable, rather like chasing the end of a rainbow.
  19. Chose that one in particular, when he conveniently lost or damaged his prop, and also the ability to sail a sailing boat.
  20. Of all people! Perhaps the BA should have started a petition when Weston well over-stayed the 24hrs in Commissioner's Cut
  21. Worth repeating, I feel for Andy in just the same way. I'm afraid that he won't be the only businessman to make the same, painful decision. Next winter is not far away now.
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000k5q8/look-east-evening-news-14062020 See 35 seconds in.
  23. I wonder what the cost of a second spike would be?
  24. Perhaps someone should ask the same question of Norfolk's web team. Whatever the question, perhaps wind and tide might be a deciding factor, not Plod.
  25. If people staying on their boats were to fall ill with the virus then do they rush home or go into isolation? Isolation onboard sounds good but if you then really become ill, or simply need to go shopping, then you are putting other folk at risk. Seems a tad selfish to me.
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