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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Authority for the sake of it, petty officialdom perhaps?
  2. Probably Ranworth, moored boats will probably have folks on-board, boats in marina, maybe not so likely.
  3. The private 'racing fleet', many hundreds of boats, may remain mothballed this year. Dinghies will remain in backyards and driveways whilst bigger boats will remain in their sheds, providing income to the yards that cater for such boats. With no organised events on the Broads that means no yacht racing. There must be a hundred or so racing sailing boats on Oulton Broad alone, dinghies and keelboats. Will they launch, and pay a toll, if there is no racing? I suspect that the majority will be mothballed. Regattas are an institution on the Broads, it will hit the local breweries hard if there is no racing! I just don't see this lot launching if there is neither races nor sherbet on offer!
  4. The alternative is to avoid Ranworth. Apart from the church I often wonder what the attraction of the place is, can't be the pub!
  5. On Broads built boats, maybe, but foreign interlopers don't always follow local custom. I'm told that putting the wheel on the 'wrong' side is to appease Sunday drivers when they are afloat.
  6. Flour from the Co-op, worth a try. My local Carlton Colville one had plenty during the week.
  7. Lidl does some very good frankfurters in jars which are good, plus you can take out what you want and then put the lid back on to store the remainder. Vesta do an excellent paella & beef curry, available from Amazon. The other staple is carp, the monks at St Bennet's were very partial to them. Ducks, geese and swans are a good standby. Don't forget to top up your gas bottle. Re Nyx's patina, perhaps it could reasonably support a decent crop of cress if not tomatoes or even potatoes?
  8. Corned beef and hot-dogs are a godsend! Eat them raw so to speak, fry or grill it, it's hard to spoil! Eggs keep for weeks so a fry up can be good!
  9. Men of a certain age might remember the Pretty Things. I remember them playing at Norwich & Gorleston-on-Sea. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/pretty-thing-s-phil-may-dies-in-qeh-hospital-norfolk-1-6656440
  10. They were dredging 'Day's Corner' this afternoon. Also a ranger tucked up in the reeds for a while. A few sailing boats out too.
  11. I dare say that you are right but perhaps a few less cars in the central zone won't go amiss either. As a country boy I am really enjoying the lack of traffic noise in my own neck of the woods, I'm sure that I am not alone in that.
  12. Seems to me that you agree! I've said that we needed at least another month before the relaxation. To add to that my reasoning is exactly the same as yours in regard to the stupidity of others. The science appears to be supporting the relaxation whilst common sense and human behavior suggests otherwise.
  13. Agreed, I think that Boris & Co have jumped the gun by at least a month. Reality and science don't always go hand in hand.
  14. It turns out that I might have had it. Daughter Number Four is a clinical pharmacist in a local hospital, treating Corvid 19 victims. Just before the lockdown her two little boys had terrible coughs and phlegm and as small children do were coughing in everyone's faces, inevitably we were all pretty soon coughing along with the best of them. Lynn, my wife, also had a course of antibiotics for a chest infection. Talking to friends they too had had serious coughs at about the same time, but not much else. Daughter's husband works in London but we think that whatever we caught had come via either school or creche, e.g. the children. Now it appears that there are a number of strains of this virus and that children generally have it fairly mildly and perhaps we did too. My daughter is seeing the virus daily, is up to-date on all the latest information, and just the other day says' 'do you know, dad, I think that we may all have had it. Of her immediate team in the hospital she is the only one that seemingly has not had it, but maybe she has, maybe she's developed antibodies. Now there are newspaper headlines this morning suggesting that many millions of us have had it, often unknowingly. Roll on this new antibody test! At this moment in time none of us know for certain but it does make me wonder. It would be good to know. Anyway, did see one small cruiser cross Oulton Broad yesterday which is heartening and to be welcomed. My wife and I, like many others, are keeping our heads down, not entirely confident in Boris's upbeat drum beating, but when it comes to boating we share Vaughan's view that a dayboat trip out on the water is pretty safe. Of course there is a fear that someone from outside will bring a more virulent strain of the virus into our community so I will say that if you know you have got it then please don't come to the Broads. The Broads is a cure for the soul, but not for Corvid 19. Like many other locals I do rather fear an uncontrolled influx of visitors.
  15. Thankfully none of my family or friends are currently ill but it has certainly had an impact on all our lives. One thing is for certain, we shall never be able to make up for our lost time together.
  16. I'm afraid that Poppy is right. Health care professionals that I know have made the same observation.
  17. Provided everyone is fishing and awake! Perhaps sleeping during the day is the answer.
  18. Having once owned one I would have thought that a Skipper dinghy was nigh-on impossible to capsize. The bloke must have done absolutely everything wrong all at the same time. Twit and a half! ( replace the I with an A)
  19. Perhaps Mr Plod was there to buy his tomato seeds or whatever. In fairness to Lathams/QD their garden centres are very good.
  20. You gave her transom an appreciative pat then?
  21. At best it can only be viewed as a C, maybe even a D road! It does come out of service for its certification and servicing so it does close. Apart from that it is a private, tolled service, all or part of that might apply.
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