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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Just drinkers of Corona Lager
  2. Perhaps it says a great deal about their customers?
  3. As I understand it the new mooring is to be of the floating pontoon type. Must say that I wasn't aware that any ownership was to be transferred so I won't argue that point other than to suggest that what little land is actually involved would be of little or no real value other than that it will be rent free, or at least I hope so.
  4. I suspect that giving into the inevitable will eventually come to Broadland. It won't be me but it will be my great-grandchildren who will probably have to learn to live with it. Are salt water marshes really such a bad thing? Sat here I simply don't see an obvious answer.
  5. Oulton Broad has been pump dredged in the past, but not by the BA. We shall have to wait and see what they do this time.
  6. Let us consider reality. Peto's Marsh is largely below the high water level, it would cost the SWT a huge amount to import material to rectify that fact. Some years ago Peto's Marsh was skimmed of topsoil by a short sighted developer which increased the likelihood of flooding and certainly the cost of pumping off surface water to any subsequent owner. There is also a ready made spoil ground on the other side of the river on the Church Marshes, granted that that would require agreement with the Environment Agency, as it is they who dug the soak dykes there as part of the Flood Alleviation Scheme. It was originally planned and created with a view to creating a spoil ground in conjunction with the BA, or so I was told by EA management people. So if the SWT didn't take the spoil then they would have had to import it from elsewhere, at a cost. I'm not a fly on the wall but I do wonder whether the SWT demanded a freeby 24hr visitor mooring in order to clinch the deal or whether the BA simply offered it out of the goodness of our toll money? I'll leave that one to your imagination!
  7. The latter. We need a spoil ground and the SWT needs our spoil, a match made in heaven, but the visitor mooring does rather skew the deal. An ideal platform for the Doctor's NP agenda.
  8. It is indeed a point of view but I will respectively remind folk of JP's national park aspirations. The Carlton Marsh Nature Reserve is a wonderful attribute to the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, it really is. Regretfully the Trust appears to have swallowed JP's national park waffle & justification and their CEO gleefully refers to the BNP. Doubtless JP will wish to be associated! As far as the reserve is concerned it is what many of us would expect of a national park, far removed from the 'hullabaloo' image of Wroxham & Yarmouth. If you are down on the Waveney, and you like birds, drop in, I'm sure you'll be impressed.
  9. So it might be but methinks that you tend to bury your head in the sand. The Secretary of State Grant and the Tolls are both effectively taxation thus you and I pay into both kitties, that I accept. However you and I both pay tolls and the Act requires that such money is spent on navigation and supposedly only on navigation. When it is hived off on other issues, as it is, then people are right to be concerned. There is a strong and valid argument to suggest that the Peto's Marsh 24hr mooring is JP wishing to ingratiate himself in with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and that he's using navigation money for that purpose. There are honey pots around the Broads that need extra moorings and Oulton Dyke really isn't high on the list!
  10. It does indeed. The article also shows the sheer stupidity of some people!
  11. Not likely to get 'brewer's droop'!
  12. I suspect that they have opened just for me and my usual five litres top up!
  13. Save your three quid & print one off at home or download it to your phone!
  14. Wow, what luxury! A toilet seat, a real wooden one too!
  15. Reminds me of Christmas! Went into my local Spar last night. The proprietor told me that he'd been really busy, lots of customers that he's never seen before, sold out of hand soap, toilet rolls, bottled water and Pot Noodles! Why bottled water, will the Corona Virus travel through the tap? As for Pot Noodles, for heavens sakes? Ward off Corona Virus and die of malnutrition!
  16. Very true, sales of nail brushes and nail files went through the roof!
  17. Why send out maps to repeat visitors? It all makes sense to me. Perhaps Clive has an even taller, carbon mast on order that needs paying for!
  18. The BA's Broadsheet is totally non absorbent otherwise that would a perfect end use!
  19. Interesting theory here, and an amazing Sky video report! https://www.klfm967.co.uk/news/world-news/3058225/coronavirus-why-are-people-panic-buying-and-why-toilet-paper/
  20. Or those that are personally important to us.
  21. He certainly does! The infamous double tides, influenced by the wind direction around the Isle of Wight, often caused a few surprises, such as at Bosham!
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