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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. As some of you know I have a public footpath running down the side of my garden. Not generally a problem, indeed far from it, other than the inevitable rogue dog owner. The annoying people who, as soon as they step off the pavement and onto the footpath, let their dear, beloved, can't possibly be a problem dogs off their leads is a recurring problem. I had one particular dog who ran wild in my garden, killing two chickens. I remonstrated with the owner only to be told that my pets were 'only chickens'. Without hesitation I told him that should his dog come into my garden again that I would shoot it, it was 'only a dog'. I haven't seen him since. I no longer have a gun but he wasn't to know that!
  2. Was that a good price back then? I know what was paid for the Waveney River Centre back in 1979 so I can only guess that £180K was a very good price on the surface. Perhaps Mr H thought that he was onto a fast buck. Now there is a plan to create four residences. Is the present power supply up to the mark, seemingly not. Sewerage disposal, is that up to the mark, I doubt it. Vehicular access, nothing guaranteed other than problems. But then any building site in Broadland is surely going to be worth at least £200k, it's got to be worth solving a few problems!
  3. Loddon Parish Council PERMISSIVE PATH CLOSURE The Council has been informed by the landowner that the permissive path from Loddon Marina to Pyes Mill / Holy Trinity Church has been closed. The landowner informed the Council that this action has unfortunately had to be taken as a minority of dog walkers continually fail to adhere to the signs, and refuse to put their dogs on a lead (despite the wildlife and livestock on the field). There have also been reoccurring issues with dog fouling.
  4. Say no more, nudge nudge etc etc.
  5. I can only guess but perhaps it was thought that both customers and supplies would arrive by train thus provision should be made to collect either from the station, whatever the weather. Presumably a car or cart could have been delivered either by rail or wherry. Whatever, a strange restriction that ultimately was never developed. In practical terms, by my reckoning, the present owners bought a business that very clearly they don't appear to understand or appreciate.
  6. Regretfully being killed off. The demise of The Locks was a tragedy.
  7. The right people were there, Tracy & John. Meantime has, as you have written, nailed it. I spent several hours drinking and chatting to John a day before he finally called it a day. He was understandably bitter, adamant that the Berney had been viable, only his rent was continually increased until further viability was impossible.
  8. Regretfully the expectations of the present owners have ensured the demise of viability.
  9. Perhaps someone might have felt cold and lit a fire, nudge, nudge, know what I mean!
  10. I well remember beer being collected from Burgh Castle. Back in the day if we had a breakdown/service call at Berney then we generally relied on scrounging a lift from Burgh Castle, and sometimes shared the trip with the beer delivery.
  11. Apparently it's three and a half miles walk of largely unmade up access, probably not best suited to the weather of recent weeks.
  12. That is relevant. One of the obstacles raised by the BA in regards to residential boaters. Regarding other emergencies the RNLI is near and handy but that is hardly ideal. I have it in mind that up to five properties can use a prescriptive right of way. Access is a topic that makes a solicitor rub his hands together in glee. Something for the potential developers to sort out before anything else I would have thought. Four residencies has the potential of at least eight cars, I don't see the RSPB ignoring that possibility.
  13. I dare say that building material could be delivered by rail or by barge but I don't see it being delivered by road, that being how the industry is geared up. Strikes me that a great deal of ducking and diving is going on, both Berney and Beauchamp. Perhaps Mr Horrocks would have been better to have left things alone.
  14. And there lies the problem, the longer we wait for the restrictions to be eased the greater the eventual surge will be. The hotspots were clearly unable to cope last time and the crowds were all to often unmanageable.
  15. May that day come soon, please. Keep your waving arm well lubricated.
  16. I can't agree that none are special, Surlingham, Rockland and St Olaves all have excellent boozers. Just at the moment I can only dream of walking through the door of a waterside pub, a cheery welcome from mine host, and ordering a well kept pint of Adnams or whatever. As for expensive, I would willingly pay a tenner a pint at the moment! Mind you, I wouldn't welcome the inevitable crowds!
  17. Living here my perspective is perhaps different to many of yours. My wife and I are shielding and, thank goodness, we are able to go walking together. On top of that I'm blessed with being able to go fishing or to pootle around on the water, am I spoilt or what? That aside I can only dream about hugging my grandchildren or being able to wander into a riverside pub, to be able to strike up a conversation with total strangers or to be able to sit at a table, surrounded by my family, to have someone to cook and wait on us. The downside is that the world and its dogs would wish to do the same, that the pubs will be crowded plus, life won't be back to normal anytime soon. I can quite understand the reluctance of our government to opening the floodgates, indeed I wouldn't welcome it.
  18. At Easter, tut tut, it's the close season! That aside, a good sentiment!
  19. A bird watcher? Like Marshman I am curious as to whom might wish to live there. A writer who wants solitude perhaps? Perhaps not, not if the moorings are going to be open for bistro customers. Could such a mix work? Personally I doubt it.
  20. There is some speculation that families might be able to come on holiday to the Broads at Easter this year. However, there also appears to be a realisation that pubs and the like won't be open until later in the year. Will you come if nowhere is open?
  21. Somewhere or another I seem to remember seeing it as being 50%.
  22. Apparently 14% of us will suffer some sort of reaction that lasts for a number of days.
  23. Gosh, how many hits will you get out of that lot?
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