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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Second time that I have watched this version, quite enjoyed it!
  2. New Zealand?!! How many tacks did that take?
  3. Sorry, but there weren't many putt-putts about when that picture was painted! Not an intentional oversight, honest injun!
  4. Almost certainly, we still have a dory in commission so a pootle up to the WRC, maybe even Geldeston, is highly likely.
  5. I've never ventured into the world of apps but if I did then this is one that I would probably subscribe to. If its as good as the blurb suggests then it will be very handy. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/norfolkbroads/id555935867 Any other handy Apps?
  6. All very true, Fred. The Broads Authority has its defined Executive Area which JP recently tried to extend, a move that failed to impress neighbouring authorities. In principle a good idea but maybe for the wrong reasons and support was not forthcoming. Not so long ago I e-mailed the 'real' national parks people and asked them to define the so called BNP boundaries which of course they couldn't, for obvious reasons that I shan't bore you with!!!
  7. Some years ago, when on the Broads Society committee, myself and several others pushed for long distance trekking, cycling and walking routes in and around the Broads. Linked to that would be an initiative to provide a network of B&Bs, hostels and campsites. A resounding lack of support from all and sundry! I'm afraid the vista of revealing black lycra clogging up our roads at weekends didn't generate general appeal! I still think it's a good idea but no one is going to get rich on it and perhaps there lies the problem.
  8. Like others, I'm sure, I receive daily notifications of Broads and Broads Authority related notices and articles. Don't think that I have ever seen a BA press release in the Sun or the Express, seen a few in the Guardian, Telegraph and various 'professional' journals and the like though.
  9. The relevant industry. Who advertisers cars for example? Not the local authority. Is the Authority advertising of the Broads in order to attract customers or in order to change policies and perceptions?
  10. One of my neighbours used to own a very tasty sports cruiser that he'd imported from America. He has also owned several other boats, all of which he has subsequently sold. He now hires, his reasoning being that is cheaper to hire than it is to own, and that is despite owning his mooring. Boats hemorrhage money! Talking to a broker recently I was told that boats are being given away just so the owner can stem the outward flow of dosh.
  11. Interesting thoughts, John. However I'm not actually convinced that JP is having either a negative or positive effect on tourism, hence my oft repeated comments that the BA should leave tourism to those who know what they are doing. Just to be clear, my grouse with JP is that he is seemingly intent on altering the ethos and character of Broads to suit HIS vision. It is not his place to label the Broads as a national park for example or his place to decide, lead and manipulate policy and direction as he has.
  12. Nothing quantifiable, Bill, probably just a coincidence, but then again maybe not, who knows? The Broads is branded 'for marketing purposes' as a national park, surely one might then reasonably expect the hire fleet to expand to meet the resultant increase in demand but it hasn't, it's actually contracting. Read into that what you will, I have!
  13. Alternatively is there any quantifiable evidence to suggest that the BNP tag is actually having a positive effect, apart from the reduction in the hire fleet? It's becoming a tired argument but perhaps the image of tree huggers, walking boots, cagoules and floppy hats is contrary to most people's expectations of the Broads? Pirates, booze cruises, captain's hats, having fun, lads weekends, dogs, fishing, hen and stag parties and boats, maybe all that being something of an oxymoron when paired with the BNP?
  14. I didn't want to mention Loynes just in case JayFire became hot under the collar!
  15. Inevitably I would say 'no' and 'no' but I have no access to the relevant information that would at least help with answering the first question. As for the second I can only remind folk that the hire fleet is continuing to contract & suggest that the BA leaves marketing to the marketing industry experts rather than dabbling in it for all the wrong reasons.
  16. Perhaps not impressed with the pseudo BNP tag? More likely that they were treated as welcome guests from Switzerland and now they are not? Back in time when I managed the moorings at the WRC and I saw a Swiss flag on a boat then I hoisted a Swiss national flag at one end of the shop, the other end already flying a Union flag. A simple courtesy but seemingly much appreciated, a custom that we still see at some coastal sailing clubs.
  17. As has been said Le Boat tried it and so did one of the Broads pioneers who's name I forget now. Apparently he used hand barrows and horses and carts to move both customers and their luggage back to either Norwich or Wroxham, whichever was their departure point. I believe that he also moved rowing skiffs from from one to the other so folk could choose their departure point. I would imagine the scheme died a death because of time constraints.
  18. In theory! You and I, plus a few others might go along with that but I suspect that time constraints and lack of inertia by the majority will kick in. A bold, imaginative campaign might kick start it but Le Boat tried and failed thus I do wonder if the effort required would significantly increase bookings. If anyone can pull it off then maybe Len is the lad to do it.
  19. Neither of us would possibly qualify!
  20. The only way to attract people into abandoning their cars would be to provide an efficient alternative. People arrive on holiday often having an unbelievable quantity of luggage and sometimes a mass of fishing tackle. Asking them to then resort to trains or buses is probably a no-no. Maybe if boatyards included coaches, with decent luggage capacity, into their offering then maybe people could be educated into the potential of one way trips. Experienced boaters know the advantages of minimisation but they don't tend to be holiday makers. Or do they? Compare the cost of ownership and the cost of hiring, you do the maths!
  21. I can think of a few more obvious candidates!
  22. There's one for North Norfolk, maybe there is one for the Broads? https://www.edp24.co.uk/features/norfolk-ale-trails-1-6417540 I agree about Ghost Ship, almost but not quite as good as Broadside. https://www.adnams.co.uk/beer/adnams-ghost-ship-bottles.htm
  23. Having had two Broadside shops over the years I can understand some of the problems, not least the financial ones. With a 'normal' shop which runs on a continual turnover basis a 'holiday' shop has to make its money and then survive the winter with all its stock paid for, dead money, until the following Easter. Okay if the staff/owner had a winter job, I worked for Hoseasons brochure dispatch and then as spring beckoned as a boat painter in a yard. Don't know if it would work now but it certainly did back in time, good lifestyle, good living but then the hire fleet was more than twice the size that it is now.
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