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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. That was probably all the profit gone! Why so many left over? I didn't buy one last year, to be honest I thought them over priced and there were one or two pictures that I did not like. So lets go about it another way, lets have a competition to find twelve new screen savers, one for each month?
  2. Go for black then, you can even have a grey funnel fitted!
  3. The white paint may well scrape off, with care. Rather than paint you can buy self adhesive tape marketed just for that purpose and very smart it looks too.
  4. Thank you for reigniting this topic for us, Burghman. The BNP tag line was created and promoted by one particular, delusional individual at the Broads Authority, it has never been formally adopted nor authorised by Parliament.
  5. The BBC, Country File, featured the Broads a while back. All mention of the BNP was edited out following clarification by members of the 'awquad squad' and other malcontents from along the rhond.
  6. The quality of Agfa CT21 film and the warmth of an autumn sunrise!
  7. France & Germany may have their advantages but neither have this!
  8. How standards have fallen!
  9. https://www.paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk/shop/cheese/hard-cheese/pitchfork.html
  10. Midlands ladies know how to look after their men!
  11. So often have I met Incomers who's only experience of the area has been in coming here for their summer holidays. They sell up, move to the Broads but with no experience of the winter with the Siberian winds that insist on taking short cuts it all comes as an unpleasant surprise. The second home butterflies have gone into hibernation, the village is half empty, winters are not what they expected. Oh dear, they want to go back to London but can't, the cost of London housing has gone up in leaps and bounds since they left thus they are trapped in Norfolk. They visit London only to find that their friends have also moved out, nothing to return to, even if they could afford it. Oh, and then there is the sugar-beet harvest with the acres of mud on the road, or on your car windscreen and their favorite pub is cut off by the floods. Roll on summer! As for the er-hem tractors . . . . . . . . . .
  12. Carole. no, I'm not flirting, honestly, but you are an exceedingly nice person. Who could not like you? As for North London, my Suffolk born & bred daughter moved there (Highgate) from here. Liked the place, enjoyed the cultural side of London, always somewhere to go, better money than Norfolk would pay her, had eight good years down there but is now just so glad to be back.
  13. We are, to people who are themselves friendly. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango.
  14. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/norwich-named-top-five-unhappiest-places-to-live-in-uk-1-6338968?fbclid=IwAR2Bbg8ARhuBzHjJvZT58SaZLdYUqdNh1KLTfGORQ4IB1rp4zvUAk6uCCQ8 Another good reason not to come to Norfolk!! Probably all those outsiders upset the inbreds!
  15. Should we invite him out for a session at the Surlingham Ferry then?
  16. https://www.metro.news/outsider-from-the-big-smoke-slams-racist-norfolk-town/1770284/
  17. Come on, be honest, folk do that and worse every day in Horning during the summer!
  18. These are a real bonus, especially at night: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1pc-Fladen-floatation-flotation-suit-immersion-fishing-sailing-boating/152806297699?hash=item2393f71063:m:mGmimRSToqKOYehEFy3KrOw
  19. If I were still involved with letting caravans or boats then I would continue to offer both dog free and dogs welcome accommodation.
  20. A dead bream, urghhhh! Pet owners have to be aware that some folk are allergic to pet hairs and others react quite violently to fleas and the hover flies that dogs on holiday pick up when playing in long grass.
  21. Marshman, the Charity Commission, as well as Companies House, are duty bound to publish details, past and present, of trustees, directors, members, secretaries and the like, interesting reading. The Authority were more than just managing an asset. I thoroughly recommend Google to you!!
  22. Very wise words, Fred. As far as Whitlingham is concerned hopefully my last words will be these! First of all, over the years, it has become increasingly thought that BA policy has been set and driven by Officers rather than by Authority members, this has lead to resentment & a loss of trust. Does that apply to Whitlingham, probably not but it might. If the Trust wanted to go one way & the BA another over the issue of agenda, personal or otherwise, then I do believe that the Authority members should, even just as a matter of common courtesy, have been kept informed of developments, that is presuming that they weren't. I have asked the question, I remain curious as to the the detail. However I am reliably informed that Authority Members were not generally aware of what was going on regarding the management agreement. I do question that. My view is that the Authority should set policy, the duty of the Officers is then to the members and thus to stakeholders. It does concern me that the Whitlingham Trust and the Authority have not been able to move forward together, for whatever reason. Granted that the final decision is that of the Trust but nevertheless I do question what finally triggered the parting of their ways. Mountain out of a molehill, maybe but I still have my concerns and suspicions.
  23. Consistency in the way that laws and policies are upheld would seem reasonable. Perhaps we should replace consistency with fairness. Would it be fair for a development at Acle but then refusing something similar at Whitlingham? Possibly, possibly not, the locations and surroundings are different. This is where both judgement and fairness come in, and perhaps mite of honesty. If the Authority professes to being 'green' then it should not pick and choose when it is convenient to ignore what it has signed up to. Perhaps at Whitlingham the BA has done just that, stood up for its general policies. If that is the case then they are to be commended. Just my muddled thoughts but can the Authority really be green? It is not a very fair world.
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