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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Whilst I understand the reasoning behind the No Holidays yet advice, indeed I support it, I do wonder at the potential of an absolute deluge/saturation of visitors when restrictions are relaxed, as they eventually will be. My gut feeling is that July, August and September will be hell on wheels as the usual six month holiday season is squeezed into three, on top of that there will be the extra demand from those who would have normally gone abroad and those who had no holiday last summer. The Coast buckled last summer, I can see demand being greater this year.
  2. Twenty or so boats would hardly be flooding the market! Re insurance, if Norfolk is an example, then it may only be third party. Vaughan, would the lost boats be fully insured, especially out of season?
  3. I well remember going aboard a Porter & Haylett boat, many years ago, and marveling at the finish, or lack of. It seemed that once the boat was put together everything inside was spray painted with a matching, flecked finish thus covering a multitude of sins, I was suitably unimpressed!
  4. Sad, yes, but maybe a few Norfolk yards will be called upon to build replacements. Also a few people might also now realise the power of tides when navigating our more tidal areas of the Broads.
  5. Resistance is not immediate and by my reckoning it could be well into July before the more general restrictions will start to be lifted. Fingers crossed that it goes ahead.
  6. The mouth of Oulton Broad by J.Stark, an artist who produced a series of etchings from across the Broads.
  7. So its definitely going ahead then?
  8. No, I'm definitely NOT going fishing today, and probably not tomorrow either!
  9. All four have had their first jabs, two of them only just though. Three of them had their first jabs at the hospital as left-overs so to speak so that there should be no waste. The forth, albeit my first, works for Asperger East Anglia and had her first jab via that organisation.
  10. Reedham Ferry has a first class site, well worth going out of your way for!
  11. No, but two of my daughters (frontline NHS) will have had by Tuesday I believe, but my first is booked in in about ten days. Mind you, a local chemist is offering 'no appointment needed' jabs for those over seventy so I could jump the queue I suppose.
  12. Be different if we were talking about the Canaries!
  13. For us folk having had two jabs it's been suggested that it will be twelve weeks before maximum resistance is achieved. Twelve weeks is three months, like May, and that is only for a few million of us! I'm sorry, I don't see normality returning just yet.
  14. It's a very optimistic person who books a holiday in March! Apart from the weather I don't see lockdown travel restrictions ending just yet. We shall see!
  15. Perhaps the locals are still suspicious of outsiders!!
  16. Can't possibly think who Andy might mean!!! Two small but I suspect an existing business in Brundall might be looking to expand. Whoever, on being bought two things are likely, especially as there is a waiting list, a new name over the gate and a price hike.
  17. He is, don't doubt that, but being at the beck and call of customers seven days a week can and does take it's toll. That aside, Andy at Freedom has stepped away from hiring, pointing out that not every customer is a paragon of virtue. It was that thought that triggered my comment. If I were in his position then I would retire and install a manager but I accept that some folk would rather walk away rather than step back. Covid, quite possibly, My thought is that it's full impact has yet to be realised.
  18. Perhaps he's fed up with people!
  19. At this time of the year herring milts are considered by many to be their number one choice, along with a decent white!
  20. Surely nothing that Elizabeth Arden, Yardley, Chanel et al can produce comes near to the smell of kippers on an early morning bankside barbecue?
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