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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. There is a huge, indeed massive customer base in Norwich itself. The river itself is full of interest. There are three excellent pubs within range of Thorpe. I really don't know why both Mark & City boats failed to create & sustain the interest that the Upper Yare & Wensum deserve.
  2. Gracie, are you talking a 'threesome'? Don't know that I could afford the demand for shoes and handbags let alone those on my libido! It's a thought though!!
  3. She does, doesn't she, bless her. Our Gracie is an absolute diamond!
  4. Winter can be a great time for photography, on the other hand we do get floods and who would want that on a calendar?
  5. Whilst I would like to see the twelve best pictures, irrespective of all other factors, I wonder if limiting the final selection to no more than two images by any one particular photographer might encourage more folk to submit? Bit of a contradiction but maybe worth considering.
  6. I have an old calendar where the location & photographer's name is within the image format. To my mind this has spoilt the calendar and also spoils the pictures for any subsequent framing. Yes, I do like to know the details but I really don't want to see them impinge on the images. Names and locations by all means but please, under the image or on a separate index page. Re 'seasonal', do we have to emulate the calendars from other forums? We are talking about the NBN calendar, our calendar, our way. A very real problem with seasonal is that we may not have the twelve best images, that in having a snow picture for December we omit a really good summer picture. My feeling is that we go for the twelve best images possible, pictures that show the Broads at their very best. Lets put the twelve best possible pictures into OUR calendar.
  7. Mark, it has the potential to work. The BA may not welcome the loss of visitor moorings but then they walked away from that option. As a far as accessibility is concerned it ticks all the right boxes so fingers crossed for you.
  8. Was a time when Oulton Broad was on a high, when it was run by the Oulton Broad Joint Committee. Unfortunately Oulton Broad was swallowed up and subsumed by the Waveney District Council, arghhh! Oulton Broad took a dip as WDC took over, pitiful. Suddenly we had a new, enlarged car-park, whoopee, only the 'village' didn't want it, it was several hundred yards further away from the village centre than the previous on-street parking that had served the village well for decades. The final nail went into Oulton Broad's coffin when WDC inflicted car parking charges. The biggest problem though, where the elderly and children are concerned, is that prospective dayboat hirers and shoppers don't like walking too far. I dare say that if there could be a continuous waterside walk then the distance might not be a problem. Why do people go to Potter Higham? Simple, the car parking is right in the middle of the village, it's free and near to the water.
  9. My one concern, unless someone knows better, is the lack of convenient car-parking anywhere near The Green. If that is a problem then I hope it can be overcome.because the run from Thorpe to Rockland is delightful and should attract plenty of punters.
  10. When I was young I went to social gatherings at our local church. The rector's wife had an African Grey, by the time us evil nine and ten year olds had finished retraining it the old bird could swear and talk dirty a real treat! Strong stuff back then, damn, blast, bum, widdle and poop, we were men of the world and really daring back then!
  11. I once won a sailing race due to the K9 crew member deserting ship within sight of the finishing line! Two of us had had a darn good race all the way from Oulton Broad to Beccles for the regatta there. I was ahead and then I wasn't as we jockeyed for first place. The finishing line was in sight and, tactically and fairly I could see no way of regaining first position by the time we reached the line. Ah ha, my opposite number had a soppy dog onboard, problem possibly solved, I started calling out 'here boy' and other such tempting phrases as one might use when getting desperate. Smacking on the side of the boat finally did and Romulus, as that was his name, lurched over the side and swam towards us, good dog! Did I rescue him, did I heck, the owner had to turn and retrieve his retriever, for that was what he was. Sporting behaviour, not in the least, but we won! The owner, rather older than I, laughed about that for the rest of his life and that was how long we remained friends, such was sailing in days gone by.
  12. Near to home is this one! Best wishes to Andy & Mark. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/electric_hire_boat_venture_could_be_coming_to_the_banks_of_river_yare_1_4834221
  13. Or as Pesky would have said.... He probably would have done too More like a shot across the bows. just in case!
  14. Us woodies might, if it could be shown to be an eroded bowsprit and not the one time pride and joy of a very small elephant!
  15. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/mammoth_s_penis_found_on_north_norfolk_coast_1_4833968
  16. What a pretty dog! 2016 has a lot to answer for!
  17. Seems a lot less crowded than the Broads, must be because half of Yorkshire deserts their home county and heads for the Broads, understandably of course.
  18. Thus he will be the ultimate 'pimp dog'! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=phydeaux
  19. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/top_pet_names_for_2016_revealed_along_with_trends_for_2017_1_4833177 I suppose that dog names like Fang, Fido and X-Creater are all old hat now!
  20. And likewise to Team Brilliant!
  21. Spot on Scrumpy, may I echo that! Join me in the next hour or so & raise a glass to all those that we have lost in 2016 and dear Pesky in particular
  22. That one didn't last long then! One of quite a few wrongly captioned postcards that have appeared over the years.
  23. Here she is on Craig's List. Only a little boat by modern standards and now she might be sold as a picnic boat but back in the 1960's she was a 'honey mooner' which is probably why, middle of the day (?), her curtains are all drawn in the post card picture! http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatHistory=11722&BoatId=7091
  24. This one is currently on E-Bay & described as being Beccles. Well, do you think that it is? If not where then? I recognise several of the boats, one of which is Fine Waters from Fowlers of Oulton Broad. I helped build her back in the 1960's. Her hull was bought from a company called Tremletts, she was hot moulded, laminated agba, very strong and very light which we thought ideal for a hireboat. She was very popular with a high rate of re-bookings. The only downside that we had with was that the end-grain of the planks against the decks tended to rot rather quickly and yours truly spent many an hour setting in new timber. I was sorry to see her go but she took up a lot of hard work, she was the last wooden boat that Fowlers was to build if I remember rightly. She's the white hulled, grey topped boat in the middle of the picture.
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