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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I'm not remotely interested in fitting a pedestal nor a table but nevertheless having read one or two postings I've now read the lot and what a pleasing read it's been. Friendly & helpful, what more can we ask of our forum?
  2. I've lifted this from elsewhere, it underlines my concerns and should clarify the situation for anyone who doubts that there is a problem. It was written by a previous chairman of the Nav Com. 4:21pm Jan 7 Nothing seems to change concerning the 'massaging' of the Navigation Committee minutes to suit the objectives of the Chief Executive. As Chairman, I used to reprise and recite the resolutions in the meeting before moving on, ( even trying to anticipate key outcomes and have drafts written in advance) or keep a note of them at he time and regularly had to insist on corrections either before publication of at the next meeting. I also used to insist my Vice Chair sat next to me with the minutes secretary within reach during the meeting as very necessary precautions.
  3. In my time on the Navigation Committee it was always made abundantly clear that the minutes were 'approved' by the CEO before publication. Indeed on one occasion the minutes of the previous meeting were held up and not available thus would not be available until the following meeting. The chance of members remembering what really was said after that extended interval between meetings simply became reduced. Calls to record meetings have always been resisted by the CEO. Members were forbidden from recording meetings.
  4. Agreed, along with longshore caught cod served with twice cooked chips at Southwold's Harbour Inn today, really very good. http://adnams.co.uk/spirits/our-spirits/distilled-gin/
  5. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/business/bullards_norwich_dry_gin_named_best_of_its_kind_in_the_uk_at_the_world_drinks_awards_1_4840155 To Brundall for the boats and Norwich for the gin London gin from a Norfolk company, err, is that really possible?
  6. I was rather hoping that Luke would know a man with a saw and a plane, he's a pretty helpful sort of bloke.
  7. Luke, the boss of this company, https://www.marineteak.co.uk/ is a decent bloke, lives on Oulton Broad, is a NBN face-book member, worth phoning and asking. Alternatively have a word with those nice folk at the boat-building training centre, also at Oulton Broad, they are not adverse to such jobs and generally at very fair prices http://www.ibtc.co.uk/ Alternatively a bit or decking or old pallets and call it shabby-chic.
  8. The comments that boats should keep between the posts regretfully don't provide a workable solution. How often do we see boats keeping between two red or two green posts and then promptly running aground? We are talking people here. As for the cost of providing more posts, oh dear, when the Authority installed that famous yellow post on Breydon it cost, I believe, in excess of £60,000.00 for just that one! We must be careful what we wish for.
  9. Baggywrinkle, you seem to have mastered the inner workings!
  10. http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2017/01/navigation-committee-report-from-15th.html
  11. 'I shouldn't have to consult a manual or a map to work out where the safe channel is.' Why not? Have you never consulted your High Way Code or a road map?
  12. Don't such boats have radar, GPS, depth sounders, shallow water alarms, chart plotters et al so what chance do mere novices in more basic boats have?
  13. To add to the confusion sailing boats on Hickling all seem to ignore the posts entirely! When the channel markers first went in it was not to show where folk can't go rather it was so they didn't get lost when heading towards the public staithe & the pub.
  14. I know that I am not alone in this thought but for those of us who wear light clothing during the summer and are active do find that crotch straps can be uncomfortable or at least annoying. I use a harness rather than a L/J to clip on at sea, that doesn't have crotch straps. However it does have to be snugly fitted to me, as does my lifejacket. I wonder if it's a case when L/Js ride up that they have not been fitted properly. I don't have a kill cord on my inboard . . . . . . . . . . . does yours?
  15. How accurate is the 'result' though?
  16. Vaughan, neither you nor Pat tempted to call a dog Dogger then? Gerald Durrell, the author, had two dogs, Widdle & Puke, that always amused me. Port & Starboard is an obvious name for a pair of boat dogs. For a single boat dog I suppose Watch is an option! Dog watch, geddit?!
  17. I would like to endorse what Vaughan has just posted. During the winter, for my wife's sake, I wear a lifejacket when I go out fishing. There will probably be no one to hand if I should go in and doubtless the cold will get me first. As my wife has said she would like a body in order to bring closure. When the water is cold it can take several months for a body to surface and be found. Crotch straps, uncomfortable at best and how often do I see the staff on the Lock at Oulton Broad not wearing theirs? Probably fine for you ladies but a potential pain in the . . . . . . for us blokes when worn for long shifts.
  18. Those deaf old residents of Romany Road are far too busy complaining about the B.N.P. to be bothered about mere issues like light pollution!
  19. Problem with some of them is that they carry malware & viruses so be careful, they aren't always funny. I hit one this morning and all the alarms went off so be warned.
  20. It's serious, deathly serious. The planning implications for The Broads could be far reaching. Imagine a Lowestoft International Third Airport on Ranworth Inner Broad for example or a Broads National Air Port on Wroxham! The only positive being the dredging to allow access for Ark Royal to it's proposed new home on Hickling,
  21. http://www.suffolkgazette.com/business/aircraft-carrier/
  22. Pauline versus Grace for front cover. . . . . . . . . . .
  23. Gracie, perhaps a picture or two mightn't go amiss at this time. You know the sort of thing, high heels, wet T-Shirt . . . . . . . . . . .
  24. Speed, a p.m. to Janet Anne might be worthwhile.
  25. What was incredibly unfair on both City Boats and Mark was that whilst their ferries, by their very nature, only used a fraction of the Broads yet they were both expected to pay a toll to use the whole Broads system. I know that City Boats argued this issue at a Broads Authority Public Meeting yet it all fell on deaf ears. A hire cruiser works for a full day, a day-boat works by the hour. If Marks argument is sound then perhaps the recent toll review overlooked this issue.
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