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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Very true, Vanessan, at no time has the average toll-payer been given a chance to comment, poor show but what we have grown to expect of the Authority. Consult when it helps the cause, ignore when it doesn't.
  2. Grrrrrr, visions, I'm growing to absolutely hate that term! Just how much waste and waffle does into developing these often airy-fairy visions? As for the increase in boat traffic, umm, where are they going to moor? Brilliant, cut down six trees so five more can be planted, I wonder just how much committee & officer time, plus subsequent costs this lot has clocked up? Those lost 24 hr mooring? Do i smell a rat? However, I am pleased to see that the Council is, unlike the one at Norwich, embracing its river front.
  3. In that case, JA, I rather suspect that Packman would ensure that us private boaters would pick up the tab. The hire yards rely on their boats being sold off at the end of their hire life and becoming private. Quite simply that is the system, upset that by hammering the private boats then the system will suffer, then so shall we.
  4. Being able to see where you are going, long, long overdue!
  5. I suppose they are now relatively cheap and cheerful and us fishermen are nearly all poor!. My experience is back to the 1970s when Hoseasons & Wilds were selling them via a lease/purchase agreement with so many guaranteed lets, perhaps the price was high back then to accommodate for that. We sold ours pretty much as soon as the purchase period was up. I missed her, our accountants and engineer didn't. The hydraulic drives back then weren't anything to write home about. All our other boats were shaft driven.
  6. Was the Caribbean really the saviour of the hire fleet? I'm not convinced. They were all one level, great for our young family, but that was the problem, folk onboard couldn't see over the reeds. I well remember a 70's post card, the caption of which was 'I've seen the Broads, the picture was reeds, just reeds. We only had one Caribbean in our fleet, she had the shortest season of our eighteen boats, she attracted less repeat business than any of our fleet. Again and again the comment was the same, 'all we saw was reeds'. Coincidently the Broads hire industry went into a steep decline during the mid seventies.
  7. I bought my boat, Jenny Morgan, way back in 1978, at a time when tupperware sailing boats were still a rarity. Gosh, did I get my leg pulled! Not only is she plastic but also has two masts, still rare on the Broads, we were referred to as the Pilgrim Fathers, the Tupperware Navy, Plastic Fantastic, those being some of the names that came our way. Never any malice, just good natured leg pulling. I've often regretted not keeping a Caribbean hire boat that I once owned. I think if I had kept her then I'd have replaced the forward cleats with taps, one hot and one cold. There was already a plug in the forward well. As for the name, obvious really, Armitage Shanks! Sometimes we need to be able to laugh at ourselves.
  8. If this little boat can't make it then how can BA?
  9. Let us know when you are going under, maybe I'll be there with my camera, you never know !
  10. Probably! Don't let on, my feelings exactly. Come May I may even start to look forward to the annual Izzert influx.
  11. A rational response in the EDP today: This is posted elsewhere but I think it a well worded comment that many of us on NBN can relate to. I wonder if hire rates will be reduced accordingly for the coming season? My gut feeling is that the Nav Com has discredited itself once again. It has proven, yet again, that it doesn't honestly represent the general toll payer, rather it represents commercial interest.
  12. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2016/10/muddle-muddle-tolls-will-double.html
  13. So would I, reckon they'd be hard pushed though.
  14. Come to The Broads, Marina, swans do it, otters do it, grebes and moorhens do it too. Perhaps other animals also do it but I have only ever seen the above carrying their young on either their backs or fronts.
  15. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/norwich_beauty_spot_is_now_an_ugly_eyesore_1_4752270
  16. Navigation Committee members should question both their motives and who they actually represent.
  17. Plus Old Shuck! The Locks being up, or is it down the left hand fork UNDER Geldeston, not sure that I might not be right, by a whole inch! But to be really pedantic it looks like Barsham or Shipmeadow just takes the award for being the furthest South so reckon that we are both wrong. This could become even more pedantic than a discussion with the departed and lamented Strowie! Who's going to have the last word on this one, thee or me?!
  18. For me one of my funniest 'fancy meeting you here' moments was down in London, a friend & i were sat outside the Design Centre, me holding her baby, for a matter of minutes. We were both at Lincoln College of Art, she was the life model, me a student. We got back to Lincoln to find my rather anxious father sat in his car outside my digs. Someone, I never did find out who, had phoned him up saying they had seen us with a baby and he'd immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion. We were house mates, along with six others, but not bed mates!
  19. Years ago I was out sailing a Wayfarer well out in the English Channel when we went past a rather tasty motor sailer. A very Norfolk voice calls out, 'wot yew doin hair, bor?' It was my dear friend Harry Last, the legendary landlord of Coldham Hall at the time.
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