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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Think I might have a new job,teaching you lot.
  2. The way it comes across on the news.You would think we are voting.
  3. Yes Gracie tip on cooking with wine and chocolate. baked beans,even Homemade ones.
  4. I will also give tips on cooking,take questions. And share the highs,loss and some fun over the years.
  5. Mainly thanks to Covad I,took Voluntary redundancy from my job with Baxter Storey.Now with my health sadly think I will no longer work in kitchens.I have been a Chef for nearly 50 years.Working in most sections of the trade.Hotels,private houses,Event catering,in house catering and business. In that time I have cooked for many members of the Royal family, heads of states,pop stars etc.Worked with the good the bad and the ugly. If members would like me to give an insight into the cookery world,I would be pleased to share some of my life in the Kitchen(s).I leave it to you to say yes or no. Ian.
  6. Dont think it helps showing groups of people, sometimes hundreds having some sort of party before going into a higher tier and or lockdown.
  7. Yes JoJo,this morning. Big nose on the tank don't think the fish were very impressed.
  8. Very true.Too many people, asking what they can do.When simple, what should I do.
  9. Just now.Both cats eating.Macey on the left and JoJo on the right.Both still a little nervous. More so Macey.Considering they came from a hoarders household it's understandable. Good that each day they are starting to trust us.
  10. One thing for sure,my care and treatment in all seven hospitals has been outstanding. Thanks also to the Ambulance crews taking me to hospital.
  11. I could go to great lengths regarding our GP surgery. Which is five minute walk from the house. But will leave it there.
  12. Common sense and discretion have not worked during this pandemic. Our hospitals need protection from being overwhelmed by Covad.I may sound like a broken record,but recovering from lung surgery,I'm so grateful that my operation went ahead.I spoke with a few people in hospital, who had there operation delayed due to Covad.So important that hospitals can continue as normal as possible and not just dealing with Covad.
  13. Jo Jo and Macey still settling in.I also enjoyed watching strictly and great that,England won the six nations in Rugby. Considering Saturday last week I was seriously I'll.Yesterday was great.
  14. As I said some people think the rules dont apply to them.Think if we are to get out of this mess,we need to put up with more restrictions. If not,we could be in the same position this time next year.
  15. Think this was sure to happen. The problem is,as far as I can see.Is many people have thought the rules dont apply to them.Perhaps this will help.Certainly hope so.So its important to keep the NHS going Specking for myself I want access to health care,so do many thousands receiving treatment and health care.
  16. At last Macey come out,still a bit unsure. They both have had some food,which is good.
  17. JoJo(girl).Has come out to have a look and let's us stroke her.Macey(boy).Still not come out from the sofa.Hopefully he will come out later.Yes long time without cats.So good to have them with us.
  18. This morning we visited Celia Hammond Animal Trust.And we brought home two cats.A boy and a girl.They came from a house that were hoarders.One black other Black and white.Jo Jo and Macey.Aka JP and Zola.Yesterday it was confirmed that I can have a blue badge.Tonight strictly and watch England play Italy in the Rugby.At present,cant get there photos, both behind the chair.Will post photos when I can.
  19. Very sad to hear of the passing of Nobby today.Now sadly seven members of the 1966 world cup England winning team.A great team and England footballer. Like many in the sixties and seventies. He was a hard man.None the less a great player. RIP Nobby, sure he and he's teammates are getting a team together up in heaven.
  20. Thanks Paul.I'm going to have a Scotch tomorrow.And I am doing my exercises.Saturday we hope to get one or two cats from a re homing centre.
  21. Thanks ,back not to bad.some pain on side from armpit to below ribs.Pain getting better. Only one lot of pain relief today.
  22. Thanks Gracie. We all in that ward felt the same.We all took what happened to us with the same attitude.It won't get the better of us.If for one minute I can help anyone who may think there health is not right and encourage them to seek help.That will make my day.
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