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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Believe me you don't see many poor bankers!
  2. I use Nat west.I worked for them for nearly 18 years,also Barclays. Both are very helpful if you are unsure what to do.
  3. The following appeared on Facebook. Not word for word,but one of the funniest and best things I've heard for a long time. A old lady goes to the bank.Goes up to the cashier and presents her bank card "can I draw out £10 please" He replied you need to use the ATM,for sums less then £100.She asks again, same answer.Okay I will take all the money out of my account then.He checks her account. You have three hundred thousand pounds in your account and that's more money we have here now.Okay how much can I take out £300 .Okay that will do.He hands over £300.She puts £10 in handbag. Hands back £290 put that into my account please. More customer service required perhaps!
  4. Glad its seemed have been sorted.
  5. For us at present not a dog.We are thinking of getting a cat.We lost our cats last December and January. Since then life without cats has been hard.We were going to wait until our move,but are now thinking of getting one.May get a dog when we move. Sure your dog will bring lots of joy.
  6. I would phone Richardsons,and discuss the options available. Who knows what is going to happen in the following months.If it was me,I would perhaps re book next year or take a refund.
  7. Also The RAF and the American airforce fly over most parts of Norfolk Suffolk.
  8. It looks like the Post Office was at the station.
  9. And as aside the idiots on the other side of the pond!
  10. Theres no doubt this virus has cost us all dearly one way or another. Travel company's are suffering too.Where theres a lockdown and you are unable to take your booking. There should be a 100% refund.
  11. Sorry to hear your news.This year we were due to go to Cornwall in June,also concerts at the 02 and Wembley. All of which cancelled.Sadly nothing is certain for perhaps many months to come.
  12. My scan was marked as urgent ,was going to be a cat scan.Perhaps because I had a scan at Norwich,it was changed to a PET scan.I cant help worrying until I know exactly what's wrong with me.I agree it's good something is happening.With my teeth just makes everything worse.
  13. Sorry joke wearing bit thin now.I have also problems with my lungs.Thats what the PET scan is for.Also I have severe emphysema.None of which had anything to do with the bridge.
  14. Not NBN but the Broads society and Norfolk wildlife trust do cards and calendars. Also RNLI so to I think Hemsby inshore Rescue.
  15. Last Friday I had my breathing test at Hospital. I also had a call regarding my PET scan.They phoned to check that I was going to attend on Monday just gone.All well I thought, by the afternoon they phoned me to say there was a problem with the scanner, and would need to rearrange.I've had treatment on a tooth,which at first was going to be root treatment. Then between the Dentist and myself decided to have it removed. Went this morning. The tooth just wouldn't come out.Now will be referred to a specialist (cant wait).Following a phone call my scan will now be on the 12 October. It would be good if soon I have some better news.We may however go up to the boat next week for a few days.
  16. There was always calendars but stopped about two years ago.
  17. That's the name of the program. Today it was villages close to Norwich.
  18. If I was you I would ask for witness protection on this one .
  19. How long is a piece of string! I first visited the broads in the sixties.Back then it was very busy.Over the years the number of hire boats have decreased, however a increase in private boats.This year due to Covad and the season squashed, Cant really tell.There are many member here that know better then me.In my opinion,think numbers are steady.
  20. Onions basic ingredient in cooking. With my method for pasta.Cooking slowly without colour, will not darken the sauce but still be soft and cooked.When you make a curry for example. I will use a large amount of onions.So for 1 kg of meat 500 g onions.Cook the onions steady without burning but cook until nice and brown.In doing so will help to thicken sauce,adding lots of flavour too.In fact any brown dish such as casserole, spaghetti bolognese cook your onions till nice and brown. Hope that help Ray.Give it a go
  21. Almost finished now on BBC1 A place in the country,Norfolk with a budget of 700k. they went to St Georges Whisky distillery.Have been there a number of times.Houses in and around Norwich.
  22. Have wine two ways, Fine dice one banana shallot, sweat in a little oil,without colour add about six sliced chestnut mushrooms cook with colour with black pepper and sea salt add half bottle dry white wine,reduce with by half.Add about same amount of double cream reduce slightly. Thicken with a little cornflour. Saute some king prawns of strips of chicken. Add to sauce.Cook pasta of your choice. Combine sauce,fish or chicken together, adding a little pasta water.Add a little butter and some chopped dill or parsley. Serve with salad and or crusty bread and of course the remaining white wine! Ian
  23. I have a few train sets from some years back.Hopefully when we move houses,I can set it up and running.
  24. Didn't your mum tell you not to say fibs?
  25. There are surprisingly lots of take always in Staham.Sadly I've never tried any,a few pubs also.Have fun.
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