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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I believe the "Ducks Feet" signify the winter pelt of the stoat that is to say Ermine.
  2. The simplicity of the Origo range always appeals to me with no gas to worry about. The downside is about twice as long to make a cup of tea and about £1000 for the 6000 model with two rings and an oven. Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk
  3. When you drive over the bridge there is quite a camber to the road, I think it is this that causes the difference in air draught and the wood hanging down is there to even things up.
  4. I am reading The Dinghy Cruising Companion at present. If you get it on Kindle it is about half price. Roger Barnes really creates an enthusiasm in the reader that I have not felt since reading Jack de Crow. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in this pure form of cruising. Chris
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