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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I had noticed it was quiet, 2 days running passing beccles ys, and seeing only half a dozen visitors moored up, spaces at the moorings on the waveney, Oulton Broad was busy when I called in Thursday, but that was just the people wanting to watch the powerboat racing.
  2. Despite the fact the weed has obviously been cut, I did have issues coming back along the dyke, what with the weed seriously hampering progress and a flotilla of young canoeists setting off, I was still having times when a burst of reverse to clear the props was called for. Then in beccles itself I had an encounter with one of the rowing club, I saw him coming, steered to the bank, slowed down and stopped, but he didn't give himself room to turn, so clattered an oar against me as he past, he did apologise, I couldn't cross to the other side as more rowing boats were over there. Anyway I carried on past beccles, and moored up at Worlingham.
  3. Yesterday as I approached beccles and the little sailing dinghy racing, I was up and down on the throttle letting them complete tacks etc, and trying to predict where they were heading so I didn't occupy that space, and I witnessed headed the other way (in the 4mph zone) was a small cruiser with quite a bow wave, and a whole load of people on the bank yelling and waving for them to slow down, or kill their wash. At 4mph or less, I was barely making a ripple.
  4. Well as soon as the floaty bits in the water stopped flowing out, I knew the tide was turning, so at a gentle 1800 rpm, I headed up river, all the way to geldeston, where I have currently moored up (just past the boatyard entrance, some white posts have been set into the bank) there are lots of paddleboards ang canoes up this way.
  5. No Mouldy, I noticed the consideration and lack of wash as you passed, thanks
  6. This was something mentioned recently in another thread, The courtesy of slowing down (even when you are not doing the speed limit) when passing moored boats. Moored up here at herringfleet, I have noticed that this courtesy is becoming less and less shown, many large cruisers and privateers alike, are just not bothering anymore, I hear them coming and the engine note does not waver as they pass by, then I am bouncing against the Quay heading. While I may not slow down, I always check to see how much wash I am creating, slowing down if necessary ( generally I am below the speed limits anyway) Also for canoeists and paddleboarders, I will drop to tickover to create minimal wash as I pass them. Has anyone else come across this, I think only maybe 2 of all the boats that passed me yesterday actually slowed in any degree.
  7. I look out of the window and see which way the water is flowing, setting off mostly when it's flowing in the direction I want to go.
  8. .Not long after I had moored up, the rain started, so I was glad I had done so, so it was to be a rainy afternoon project, My daughter had bought me some of these for my birthday, so this afternoon I picked the seige ballista wooden kit, and while away several hours putting it together. I managed to join the quiz later and score a few points, then an early ish night being mindful to pay attention as the tide rose, as with the deep piling, if my fenders weren't just right, there was a chance of the side rail catching under the Quay heading ( I had set a rope to hold me correctly, but this needed casting off after the sides had cleared the Quay heading, as it was quite tight to hold position for the fenders.
  9. I have my WiFi unit with external antenna, in the hope I will be able to attend, we will see how it goes, expect lots of autocorrect gaffs tonight from me
  10. John , it is, that wiring was already there, fed from the single output unit, we have swapped in a 3 output unit. I had already connected the existing wiring, just needed an extra positive to the start battery. I left Chedgrave and slowly wended my way ( against the tide, down to Reedham, no spaces there, so I made my way across the new cut, ending up at herringfleet where I have now moored up. Time for some lunch
  11. Well that's it done, charger is now wired to the start battery
  12. This is another area where change might happen, so plenty of slack has been allowed in the cables, just the wires for attaching the starter battery to the charger left to do.
  13. Solar charger now hooked up to the battery and panels, charging immediately, and by the way the volts rose, it will be switching to float charge soon, looks like its fully charged from my run yesterday.
  14. As replacing the roof is on the books to be done the roof installation is more just a case of holding it down, we can review the installation when we do the roof. Though I will make some brass clips to replace the cable ties.
  15. Anyway, I have been busy this morning, solar panel wiring is in up to the charging area, I have hidden some of the external wiring along the side, now I know the clips I will need I can make up some in brass to replace the plastic ones I printed ( and then modified once I started installation)
  16. That's because their car had broken down.
  17. Single output charger replaced with the same but 3 output. Solar panel fitted to front roof, this is a 50W monochrystaline flexible panel, it's job is just to keep the start battery topped up, it came in a set with cables and charge controller, for just £70. I have another at home, and have seen it putting charge into a battery as early as 5am, when it's not even in the sun. I have some more wiring to do to get this connected up, the mounting brackets for the panel and the box for the joints, we're all drawn up and 3d printed.
  18. Of course I failed miserably at the tides, which I was fighting into all the way, it turned just as I exited the new cut., still I was in no great rush, making rpm for 5mph (achieving between 4 and 4 1/2)
  19. It's been a busy day, 7.30 buy some bits in Travis perking, 8 am, lidls to stock up the food, 9 am departed beccles headed for Oulton Broad, 11 am arrive Oulton Broad and spend some time chatting to forum members, dave was busy rescuing someone who had broken down in Bungay, so took a bit of time to drop off a new gas bottle, a new battery charger and a new gas regulator. With instructions to fit as needed. After this I departed for the river chef, arriving at 4pm tired but content, I moored up at the louden end of Chedgrave moorings, then moved the boat to the far end when I spotted the ants nest that occupied about a boats length of the moorings, the fact they had swarmed onto the ropes aided this decision, this end seems a lot clearer. So, do I start trying to fit the solar panel this evening, well, let's see.
  20. Early start this morning, I have replaced the handle on the charging cupboard catch, (the handle gets broken off when it self opens and crashes to the floor, luckily I keep a supply of new ones I have made onboard.)
  21. Well, I am back, after a hard day's work of jobs returning for minor amendments up to 1 hour before I finished, and literally as I was logging off a phone call over teams requiring Cad assistance, finally all was dealt with, and the car was loaded . I managed to leave canterbury before 4pmtraffic wasn't the best, a 30 minute queue at the Dartford crossing, and roadworks up the a12. Arrived around 8pm and un,ozded the car, then drove it to fen lane carpark, paying for 5 days via the website. After this came general sorting and tidying and checking the boat systems, this was when I spotted the charger that was on shore power was off, I phoned Dave to appraise him of this fact, and further investigation revealed the post had tripped. It seems there are some new parts waiting for me to fit while I am doing the solar panel, so tomorrow's destination is set to go pick those up. First a trip to lidls in the morning to provision ship, I deliberately travelled light this trip.
  22. Just thought I would update this topic, just arrived at Beccles, and parked in the Quay car park (fen lane) signs say pay at machine or by app, £3.50 a day, if you go to the pay4bay website to pay, you can book long term boaters parking, 5 days cost me £17.50. The car park number is 0007. Its also detailed on the Beccles council page about the Quay, you just need to put your reg number and card details in.
  23. my parents have a box that plugs into the phone line and also has a power supply that runs their phone now, but I believe it transfers to mobile if the power goes out.
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