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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Just don't rest the board to be cut in the bilge when cutting
  2. Internet connection here not great, o2 not having it, so on backup 3 dongle, this morning in Wroxham, I purchased some varnish and brushes etc, I have now done a first coat ( except the toe rails as I have fenders out) roughly 1/2 tin of yacht varnish used, lots more coats needed.
  3. Early awake as is usual for me, I pottered around for a while, breakfast took forever to cook in the oven, in the end I forgot about it and set off. Remembering a couple of miles downriver, got it out, 2 perfectly cooked cheese and bacon wraps, took over an hour to cook, they are usually done in 25 minutes. Down river to Wroxham, visited Roy's DIY and got a tin of varnish (typically it's now spitting in the wind despite no rain in the forecast). Called in to Kensington just as they opened and had freshly cooked sausage and chips. Turned back upriver and made my way to Castle Staithes. Where I have moored up.
  4. I must confess that while I did remember to pack my pmr radio, I both forgot to charge it, and forgot to unpack it for the c in c, did it make any difference, not that I noticed.
  5. Sorry, not many photos yet as they are still on the camera, but I did take this one just for you.
  6. So after packing up everything at the meet, it was time to decide where to head, Coltishall I thought, so I prepared for Wroxham bridge by dropping the mast, and redeployment the paddleboard on the starboard Deck. Had a good trip upriver Wroxham bridge, and after avoiding a boat that dropped the pilot off, went through the bridge where I spotted Broad ambition moored up near the pub. Waved at griff, and got purdy loo,ing when I called her name. Then it was off on a peaceful meander up to Coltishall, the common was rammed, so I carried on to the locks, which was empty apart from a sailing boat, currently moored up, going to have a spot of lunch h, then a chilled out afternoon, that may include some paddle boarding.
  7. If you let the rangers tie the ropes, are they then the ones that moored it? Would that make them responsible for the charge?
  8. So woke up at the usual time (5am), slowly got up and pottered around for a bit, brewed up a coffee, and then caught up on the forum posts. After that I cooked a couple of cheese and bacon turnovers, for my breakfast. While all this was going on I spotted the bilge pump stream was divided, so a partially blocked skin fitting. This was a perfect opportunity to test the paddle board and clear the problem. As is to be e pected, no sooner had I got myself in position, the bilge pump promptly started up, this helped me clear the debris, and pretty soon the flow was looking great. That do e I took a turn down the line of boats and back on the paddle board just to give those attendees awake already a chance to photograph me. At 10 we headed to Ranworth for the c in c back to salhouse. The rest of the day, chatting and relaxing. I have bread dough rising and have just been called for the quiz.
  9. Well spotted a blockage at the bilge pump skin fitting, water stream was split, so ideal time to test the sit up paddle board. Board in water, paddle on the side deck, and I lowered myself to standing, then down to kneeling, finally sitting, got to the skin fitting just as the pump started, cleared the blockage and saw all was good. Then it was time to give those present a chance of a photo- well those that we awake anyway so cruised down the line of boats and back to water rail, so far, all good. Now how the heck do I get off, solved that by wedging the nose between boat and Quay heading, then walking toe to front and turning round and sitting on the quay heatown heading, so first paddle achievement d without creating a tsunami.
  10. If it were taken to court, I am sure that the judicial service would make the comparison between mooring and car parking, especially on the first trial case, as it will be the nearest comparison that could be made.
  11. Since their own paperwork states for you to pay at the visitor centre, surely approaching you and demanding payment is against their procedures, and worthy of a challenge ( might even be against the bullying policy evidence was requested for earlier)
  12. Rising early as I wanted to catch the flood up the bureau, I noticed the flow changed and cast off at 6.30am, destination north, thus followed a 4 1/2 hour cruise up to Wroxham, under the bridge (6'9") and mired up. Some shopping was called for, and Roy's provided - food hall toyshop and DIY store. Then called into the chippy on the way back for battered sausage and chips. After eating, I had a coffee, a quick catchup on the forum, and soon it was time to leave again. This time I headed back downriver, destination Salhouse, on arrival there I moved on the end of the line in a spot of shade, as even factor 50 sunscreen has its limits. Then it was time to catch up with those already there and new arrivals, all too soon it was time to eat and catch up with the forum.
  13. As I was crossing breydon I had noticed that the bilge pump wasn't providing a good flow, and when I lifted an engine hatch I noticed the water was a bit high in the bilge, this was rather worrying, so I carried on to get tied up at great Yarmouth, as soon as I had moored it was down in the bilge to clear the pump. This turned out not to be as easy as first thought as the normal procedure is to remove the steps and kneel in the front cabin, uh oh, 2" of water there, a quick trip round the boat picking up stuff on the floor and putting it up, then laying on the floor to reach the bilge pump, this was a good 8" under water, but I got the housing cleared, immediately the pump worked better. Now to phone Dave and appraise him to the situation. Unfortunately he was on his houseboat on Oulton Broad, and the power boat racing was on. So he couldn't leave straight away. He did get to me later bringing the bilge pump that would have been fitted (if the rudder hadn't used up all the time. We got the bilge pumped dry, the failure of the automatic switch was due to it being wedged under a bulkhead, with this sorted we watched and waited while the bilge pump cycled, satisfied that the pump could handle the water coming in as a result of drying out, we all went our respective ways. Me to bed
  14. Well it's that time again, the next trip on water rail. Thursday, departed Canterbury early, 6.30 am and after a slow meander up to lowestoft, was not surprised when water rail wasn't at the yacht station, I used the opportunity to purchase a temporary toll from the yacht station. Then it was round to Robins, where I found a hive of activity around water rail. Only essential fittings were being fitted, the remainder will be fitted after the varnish has been done.about 2pm we got her in the cradle and lifted her the few extra inches to be able to get the rudder shaft in place, the old rudder and shift weren't pretty to look at, at least 2^ were missing off the end of the tube. Rudder fitted we took her round to the slip and launched checked the bilges for leaks (minimal) and checked the bilge pump was operating, after a few minutes it stopped, oh good we thought. Then I took her round and locked in. Off to the yacht station Quay, and loaded up. Then it was time to set off (About 4.30pm ) headed downstream at a steady pace, all too soon ran into the incoming tide. I had decided to stop at bug caste if I arrived with less than an hour to sunset, in the end it was exactly 1 hour before sunset, so I pressed on, only passing a patrol boat on breydon as I sailed in a beautiful sunset. It was just turning 8pm when I moored up at great Yarmouth.
  15. .I came through the bridges at GY at nearly 8pm last night, 3 hours after slack, and the flow wasn't too bad to solo Moor, however by then there was just 7'6" at the bridge
  16. Ah that's where I went wrong, I didn't have a handbag
  17. Was long enough to go below, grab the makings of a marmalade sandwich, and then make one
  18. Currently in Wroxham, did some shopping and got chips for lunch, next will be head ba k to Salhouse for the night
  19. Planks seem to have stopped weeping after 3 weeks out of the water Steering can now be set and stays where you left it
  20. 6.30 departure from gym, bilge pump, once the impellor was unclothed, behaving itself, float switch was caught under a beam preventing operation, now fixed,. Proceeding upriver at a moderate 1700 rpm, with the tide
  21. well finally time to update, I am on my way, boat went in the water 3.30pm it had to be on the lift to fit the new rudder, 4.45 departed Oulton Broad, 8pm arrived great Yarmouth yacht station., went in the front cabin, splosh 2" water. Cleared the blocked bilge pump, now awaiting dave with spare pump to dry her out, the joys of a wooden boat. A more detailed report to follow.
  22. I havent seen her yet, she only came out for a hull survey and thats when the rudder damage was found, a new rudder is being made and fitted, as that was more urgent than any other work. other than that some woodwork has been sanded down, but due to the weather the varnish has had to wait.
  23. provide the underwater paint and I will give it a shot.
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