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Everything posted by grendel

  1. ah that reminds me I need to get up for one.
  2. yes all of those, and the paraffin man, and the coal man bringing the sacks round and shooting the coal into the coal bunker. Grendel
  3. Yesterday was the trip to the farm shop, 4 stalks of sprouts £2, 3 cabbages (assorted) £1, and 5 cauliflowers £4.50, thats roast for today, and christmas dinner sorted (with maybe a cauli cheese between). Sprouts, traditional, cut the cross and boil until slightly less than bullet hard. Grendel
  4. Robin - great video as always (closing credits - the M of christmas seemed a bit odd) Grendel
  5. The No 8 from Piccadilly Circus goes to Bolton. Grendel
  6. press your home button, it will take you straight to the top of the page. Grendel
  7. That's just one of my problems, give me a box and I automatically think outside of it. Grendel
  8. as a long term beardie (and not because I am Lazy either - but you really don't need to see my chin, and I prefer insulation). I cant see the attraction of baubles (Bah Humbug I hear the cry) my beard first started at school, when in the 5th form I calmly pointed out the rule that sixth formers must shave, and grew my beard, it did disappear for 2 years in the 6th form (as per the school rules) and reappeared when I left school and has stayed ever since. It has varied from shortish to ZZ top, even long enough to put in two short plaits at one point - But baubles? (glitter is bad enough, one year my beard got infested with glitter at an enthusiastic party- it was still surfacing 9 months and repeated washings later). Grendel
  9. 11 inch - https://www.canine-kit.com/rosewood-deluxe-stainless-steel-dog-bowl.html?sim=19345&gclid=CjwKEAiAh7WkBRCQj-_zwZvk52ISJADj7z8CVGy43ZXu9VC39kIiTftYJWyfXD0c6OioDIe02QWq0RoC7UXw_wcB Grendel
  10. or even a very large dog food bowl? Grendel
  11. how about an industrial stainless steel mixing bowl (available from kitchen suppliers or catering supplier), cut a hole in the bottom for the drain and fit a standard sink waste fitting, neat re-purposing and a nice bowl shaped sink. Alternatively a caravan sink unit? Grendel
  12. Traffic is usually good southbound as there are no obstructions that way, northbound you still go through the toll booths (at least until Christmas, though the barriers automatically open as you get to them, so its still a bun fight to get back into a lane, thus still a little slow.(but generally a lot better than it was) Grendel
  13. Merry Christmas One and all. Grendel
  14. lovely and sunny here at work, a tad chilly - especially with having the heating off all morning due to a leak being fixed, but sunny with blue skies here just off junction 29 of the M25. Grendel
  15. log on and pay as above, you can pay by phone on 0300 300 0120, or at a payzone outlet. as long as it is paid by midnight on the day of crossing. remember it is free between 10pm and 6am Grendel
  16. the tunnel has 6 cameras covering a pair of lanes, 3 facing each way. plus if you keep your dart tag in the usual place it will detect your passage (I think it needs to be linked to a dart charge account though) Grendel
  17. perhaps its a file name issue if you are putting the picture in with a standard name, and then someone else loads a different image with the same name? I know it has been a problem with other forums in the past. Grendel
  18. https://www.dartford-crossing-charge.service.gov.uk/Security/SignIn?target=_parent Try this link to the sign in page
  19. police in car speed radar automatically deducts their cars road speed from the reading. Grendel
  20. grendel

    Pump Out

    thinking further on the line I was earlier re the boat name, the Captain could be Dr Phew. Grendel
  21. grendel

    Pump Out

    the boat could be called the Turdis. Grendel
  22. I have just been informed that the Daughters parcel was Hermes. Grendel
  23. I believe you can do the speed awareness course wherever is convenient for you, I had to do one a year or so back when I was being talked to by the wife and forgot about the speed camera at the bottom of the steep hill and didn't actively brake all the way down. went through the 50mph at 56mph, this time of year is not good as they have their eyes open for anything. when I was on the course the others ranged from just passed test to OAP's, and it does make you think twice about your speed after when they show you the difference 2mph can make to stopping distances. Grendel
  24. travelling north they still have the barriers at the moment, you have to come to an almost stop before they rise, so there are still queues, but not as bad as they usually are, southbound, they route everyone round the barriers, so its 4 lanes with a wiggle in, maybe 40mph max, but moving, tonight there was a broken down lorry, right opposite where the barriers were, and we still sailed through at 40mph. its a shame I then got stuck for an hour at Brenley corner just outside faversham due to barrier repairs. hit the back of that queue at just after 6pm, got home 5 miles further 7.20pm. more details here - http://www.highways.gov.uk/roads/road-projects/dartford-crossing-remote-payment-scheme/ look at the journey impact pages to see the phased traffic plans and final road layout. Grendel
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