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Everything posted by grendel

  1. MM one of my Bosses (an electrical engineer and senior authorised person for HV cable installations), managed to nearly lose his finger when working on his car, the screwdriver he was working on one battery terminal with, shorted to the other via his wedding ring, very rapidly the ring got very hot. it had to be cut off (the ring) and he was lucky that he hadn't cauterised every blood vessel to the end of his finger or he would have lost it. That said - one I learnt last night - don't trust anyone who tells you that a battery terminal is either positive or negative - always check, I went out late last night to help a mate who had broken down, when connecting the jump leads I connected negative to the one he told me was negative, and positive to my car battery, then to the other terminal, cue big fat yellow sparks, no I wont connect there - checked terminals, and yes he had told me the wrong way round, reconnected correctly, ah yes little blue sparks as I connect - that's better, much more what I expected.- yes He got home safely. Grendel
  2. for the utilities, you could have pump outs, water points, electrickery posts (cant remember how many utilities we need). how about including some of the pubs and watering holes.
  3. if you think thats bad, I have to go through / over twice a day to get to and from work, yes I have a dart tag, which will automatically carry over to an account. the way I see it is that it will work the same as the congestion zone in london, you go through, you pay. companies will be easier as they can just list all of the company vehicles on their account. Grendel
  4. you get told to "Get Orf My Land" move back 2 places or pay a £50 fine
  5. You ram post on Breydon, miss a turn and pay £200 repairs.
  6. Community chest = pirates chest
  7. Littlesprite, go under potter bridge and get stuck, go directly under potter bridge and miss several turns waiting for a low tide to get out again. Grendel
  8. I believe they may be osram bulbs, when I got the light was probably 25 years back, and it certainly wasn't new, nor were the bulbs, it had been sitting in an abandoned hut in a substation for about 10 years before that. Grendel
  9. As I said with builders on building sites, the videos are made humerous, this is because the 'guys' on the site remember them, they will have a laugh, and if they see anyone doing something wrong, will correct them using humour recalled from the video. when you bear in mind that some construction workers can have volatile tempers, humour is probably the best way of handling this. Grendel
  10. the reason for that is flourescents flicker at 50Hz, if you are running a motorised item and it is rotating at 50hz or a multiple of 50hz, it can appear stationary, thus you can reach out to the stationary object and get mauled because it is really turning. incandescents take time to warm and cool so dont flicker as such, so rotating machinery still can be seen to rotate. you should still be able to get 100 and 150W bulbs for this too. I still have my floodlight and some spare edison screw 400W bulbs for it too (the bulbs are about 5" diameter too. Grendel
  11. to this day my metric ruler is still called my stick of inches. compact flourescents are as bright as the old bulbs - eventually, after they have warmed up. it was the delay between switching them on that always got me. flick the light switch, stride into the room, trip over the cat just as the dim light appeared. we now use LED bulbs at a lot less wattage for the light output, but these bulbs have a narrower cone of light than incandescents did. for some applications this is ok, all the 40w spotlights in the kitchen are now LED, are brighter than before and what used to be 8x 40W is now LED at a total 40W for the lot. if your choice is 15mm ply or 12.7mm then 12.7mm is the old fashioned 1/2 inch - that said I remember when you used to by plywood, by the number of ply's 3 ply (or about 1/8") 5 ply (about 1/4") 9 ply (about 1/2") nowadays that's all gone by the wayside, as plywood is two thin layers of ply with one or a few layers of 'wood' between, the stuff between is not even decent wood, it has gaps and such. 18mm is the old 3/4" ply (13 ply) equivalent. Grendel
  12. could all of the hirers club together to have a video made then all use it - or ask the BA for a video (in the name of elf and safety). Grendel
  13. grendel


    I was taught if it goes Flash-Bang its too bloomin close..... actually I think we used to do a slow count and divide by 3 for the miles. Grendel
  14. nowadays most building sites have an induction before the person is allowed on the site (all elf and safety related) part of this can be a safety video, everyone who goes onto the building site has to sit through this and then sign off to say they have done this, how about as part of the initial handover (perhaps in the waiting area, you could have a safety video on a continuous loop, if this was also humorous in nature, the message would probably sink in a little better, then as part of the handover the odd question about something in the video could be asked. it could be relatively simple, covering which side of the river to drive, what to do at bridges, oh my god that sailing ship is using all the river, what do I do, how to go round that yellow post, and even the chain ferry. maybe a 5 or 10 minute video on a continual loop. maybe even a couple of videos, either using actors, or a cartoon. just a thought really. Grendel
  15. when we were up and around we were doing that a little for the first day, mind you so was the boat behind, until they got side on and hit the reed beds at ramming speed, they got a good way off the main river (just upstream from acle), but did manage to reverse off again. Grendel
  16. just taken some photos of the map Grendel
  17. looking at the second picture he seems to have lost his head too. (I cant see any safety specs either) Grendel
  18. This morning I went to the local boot fair, whilst wandering around I spotted a copy of 'The Jarrold map of the Broads' original price 2/6 bootfair price 'a quid mate'. When I got it home and had a look at it, it is in pristine condition, maybe used once? the only date I can find on it is 1946, the only sign of wear is on the corners of the cover which have been very slightly bent round. I am now officially a happy bunny. Grendel
  19. I have mine set to 'past 24 hours and that seems to find everything. once you get to the new content page have a look to the left and it gives you various options. Grendel
  20. did you tell him you only ever caught the good pike when your Tee shirt was on inside out? Grendel
  21. I figure it must be Alice, her first known victim was the mad hatter. Grendel
  22. I can just see you out there on your porch, in a rocking chair with your shotgun across your lap... Grendel
  23. LOL - ots even better if you are not paying attention to the video part, it lets the imagination have free rein. Grendel
  24. having had to wear a tie at school, I now only own 2 (one of which has father Christmas on and plays tunes) I was a stickler for school rules (so much that they changed them) until the 6th form I had the beginnings of a straggley beard (the school rules stated that in the 6th form you must shave), I pointed out to the many teachers who would give me gifts at Christmas and birthday like packs of Bic razors, that since I had not yet reached the 6th form, I was not obliged to abide by that rule. my first day back for the 6th form I appeared neatly shaven, the two following years are the only time in my life I have shaven, the rest of my life I have sported a beard (of various lengths)-once I was able to grow one that is - at one point I would plait it into two plaits on the corners of the chin) recently it has been more under control with regular trimming. Grendel
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