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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I spotted LR's spelling mistake in the MTB102's email address, I only have one complaint about the filming, Griff remember to pan the camera round slowly, I have problems with the fast pans, by the end of the film I was feeling seasick, but still the content was so good I stuck it out to the end. (Griff don't take that as criticism by the way, it was meant to be constructive and let you take even better videos, even I have made that mistake in the past, ending up with video's I cant stand to watch - but then I seem to be sensitive to the effect.) Grendel
  2. I still have at least another 11 or 12 years to go (presuming they don't change the rules on retirement dates again), I would love to be able to live on a boat full time though, and have a little workshop space to build model boats -(maybe one day). Grendel
  3. welcome Rincewind, I know all about where your nickname came from, I believe I have read all of the Authors books - even Strata and the Dark side of the sun, not to mention the Bromeliad trilogy and carpet people, with the possible exception of the latest book out (unless that was Raising steam). Terry is one of my favourite authors. Grendel
  4. I will watch it tonight when I am on my home pc with no restrictions on watching youtube videos (I am lucky to be able to get on forums at work to be honest) Grendel
  5. with cars I can say that larger lower horsepower engines give better economy than smaller higher horsepower, take the example of 2 Volvos I have owned, one was a 2.0 litre turbo, on a smaller car, this averaged at 32mpg (if I was careful), my current, bigger- heavier Volvo with a 2.5 litre engine (no turbo) gives me an average of 36mpg on the same run (as most of the time it is doing less work to keep me moving) The actual BHP for the two vehicles is practically identical (that is pulling power vs weight, or towing power) as both are capable of towing my caravan easily. Neither has as good economy as the Volvo before those with a small 1.4 litre lean burn Mitsubishi engine which could average over 45 mpg on the same run, but then that couldn't tow my caravan (to be honest it sometimes struggled to pull itself). sometimes that bigger engine can deliver the same power with less effort and thus gets the better economy. (well that's how I see it anyway) Grendel
  6. Just spotted their track entering the inner Harbour at Lowestoft, welcome home. Grendel
  7. Just been Told they are Passing Orford Ness, 14 knots, visibility good, 1m swell on the bow, sunny and warm, ETA Lowestoft 16.00, JS and ploughmans for lunch. Apparently he is having an awesome day.(that would be a top day on my list too) Grendel
  8. I too had the update when they locked out this morning and have been following their track homeward bound (just off Walton on the Naze as I type). it does sound as if Griff has had a great weekend, I look forward to seeing the video when it comes out. Grendel
  9. according to Griffs latest text he has been onboard and has the pics (and video) to prove it. Grendel
  10. wasnt visible down here in the south east (or so the more dedicated members of our astronomy club tell me). Grendel
  11. I have had a quick look through now and have a few more that I have tidied up a bit.
  12. its a very old canon camera, some of those marks have resisted all attempts at cleaning over the years, even resisted sensor cleaning pens. (though there do seem a few new ones) Grendel
  13. lens was changed to a standard 200mm lens, not such good results (the first pic was before changing lens). then back to the telescope shooting into the sun as MTB 102 headed away. This is just a random selection as even I have not been through the whole set yet.
  14. this was all shot through a 70mm x 700mm f/l telescope on the front of the camera,
  15. then after I had been there a while - round the bend of the river something appeared.
  16. then after I had been there a while - round the bend of the river something appeared.
  17. Are we ready... first a lovely barge while I was waiting
  18. pictures are now downloading off the camera and will be uploaded soon. Grendel
  19. he should do- it was at the same time as MTB102 went by (Hmm suspicious, were they carrying a spare fake id?) Grendel
  20. amazing Broad Ambition briefly appeared on the Thames, just by the QE Bridge (according to the ship tracker)
  21. Back from taking pictures now, not sure I can download them at work - ooh yes the secondary camera can -
  22. as soon as they get to shoeburyness I have to leave work to get to Tilbury Fort for my extended lunch hour. (scoffing my sandwiches as I work at the moment) Grendel
  23. AIS is back online and on marine traffic site again
  24. latest position report - just off Walton on the Naze Grendel
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