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Everything posted by grendel

  1. theres this thing about having kids, somehow, having just done a 3 hour drive back from Norfolk, my daughter has persuaded me to drive her to brighton tomorrow. (2 hours each way.)
  2. when I say the dredging, I now believe that the works on short dyke were the emptying of the barges and using the spoil for landfill at the back of the footpath.
  3. the rot hole I found was treated with wet rot hardened before I left, and as far as I could see that had stoped the big leak, so the hole was filled with wood filler, and then a coat of paint applied, In addition the outside where the leak originated had been caulked, and now has 6 good coats of varnish to preent any more water ingress.
  4. well it appears that the scallywags who murdered my hedge and left me to clear up have struck again, during my absence they have removed the pile of scrap that used to be a seagull engine- it was immersed completely in water several years ago, while running so my estimation is that by now will have corroded into an immova=ble lump, not even worth its weight in scrap, anyway they have kindly removed it now. and its now their problem.
  5. woke up early as usual, had a lazy start, pretty much emptied the fridge with my breakfast cheese and onion turnovers, just a small amount of milk remaining that will do for a coffee at home as the fridge there is bare too. at about 9am, I fired up the engine and set off for beccles slowly at about 4 1/2 mph, I have noticed at this rpm i use even less fuel, so the trip back from horning church via great yarmouth, then up to rockland, then back and round to oulton broad, followed by the trip up to beccles used about 2 1/2 gallons (i had topped up the tank at horning church moorings from the 20 litre jerry can and that had filled it to the full mark.) i arrived at beccles at the same time as a rain shower, so waited a bit packing before going to get the car, load up, and by 12 o clock I was just setting out, a lovely 3 hour run home despite the warnings that the A12 was closed at junction 25 (southbound), (if you stick to the outside lane and contraflow that goes to the other carriageway, you sail right past the closed section, so technically there is 1 lane open, the signs are very confusing over this point though. now I have unloaded the car I need to pop down the shops to get something for tea.
  6. So coat 6 of varnish went on, after that I showered using the yacht station facilities, then about 4.30 I ordered a meal box from magic wok, these are great as they are just enough (I usually find even the set meals are too much. Anyhow, I had the sweet and sour chicken (hk style) with noodles for £10 wandered down to collect then back to the boat to eat it. Very nice. Catching up on a couple of YouTube videos.
  7. I have seen tighter, when on a marthams boat with 5'10" on the board, a good job there wasn't another coat of paint on the handrails tight.
  8. Andrew, I totally misread your comment, and thought you had had an emergency operation to install a fur hat with a coon tail.
  9. Back in the world of phone signal, after Rockland short dyke. , headed for the new cut then up the waveney, I was hoping for a mooring at petos Marsh, but that was full, that made my mind up, I had miscalculated meals, so tea tonight would have been a breakfast, now I can get a Chinese or something, I proceeded to the yacht station and moored up stern on to the inside of the pontoon, next job a coffee, after that - more varnish.
  10. I once had a parcel marked customer didn't answer, while I was at home using their tracking app, about 2 hours after he left my area, and when he was 15 miles away.
  11. Signal here is atrocious, the phone can only get 2g, WiFi dongle has 2 antenna and is getting 4g
  12. Moored up in Rockland short dyke, the dredging runs from the end of the moorings, all the way to the entrance. It's narrow but passable, I have cleared a paçth fom the footpath, next job varnish
  13. I had an evening out in great Yarmouth, in the end after my Chinese arrived. This morning I woke just after 5am, looked out and it was a beautiful day out. So preparations were made, and about 1 1/2 hours after low water, I went through the bridges at 8'3", no need to drop the mast. Crossed breydon with a 1 1/2 mph gain from the revs I had applied (revs for 4 1/2 mph) Breydon was millpond flat, as we're the rivers and soon I was through Reedham (moorings all full), past hardly cross (also full) and then past cantly mill (2 boats) finally spotted some places at the cantly reedcutters so pulled in there for a coffee and cheese and bacon turnovers for breakfast.
  14. I have been here a couple of hours, so naturally I have taken the opportunity to get another coat of varnish on, the old tin has now run out. So that's 4 coats of varnish so far this week, which should help to deal any remaining leaks, and provide some protection.
  15. Departed Acle just after 8, in no rush headed for great Yarmouth, revs for 4.5 mph, low tides not until 3pm, but I am staying overnight., a good chance for a decent shower and a Chinese takeaway. Arrived great Yarmouth sometime around 11am, with about 1mph current, making it an easy mooring, staff arrived just as I stepped off with both ropes., did a quick tie up, then got my long ropes and laid out springs. Kettle on for coffee. En route I had to make an emergency pit stop at Runham gap to use the wc.( the hazard of solo boating). I might have a wander into town later.
  16. Time to go to the cafe and treat myself to an ice cream.
  17. No, but I was paddling my feet in the water as I varnished the side facing the Quay heading, sitting on the Quay heading was the perfect height, and cooled my tootsies at the same time. 3rd coat is done both sides don't think I will get another coat done today, but let's see what tomorrow brings.
  18. Made a snap decision, potter Heigham ho... Departed 8.30 am, the intention was to see if lathams had some varnish. A slow 4.5 mph tootle doe Wn the river against zà rising tide, arrived at Potter, there was a space, but one of the boats moved up so I let the boat behind have it, there were 2 20 foot spaces in front of and behind one cruiser, never mind. Back downriver, got several hundred yards and then turned for a second run, the blocking cruiser was moving down, excellent, room for me then. Off to lathes, and not only did they have the varnish, it was also the same brand, excellent. Then put the kettle on while I waited on a marthàms boat to clear the water point (£2 for water) they cleared before the kettle boiled, so I waited, made my coffee then went and got water- it's a nice fast tap too) Water obtained I set off back down the thurne, hung a left onto the bure and headed down to Acle bridge, managed to bag a space right next to an electric post that had one meter that had £1,41 credit on it plugged in and settled down for a quiet afternoon, varnishing. Canopy is up for some shade, and so I can varnish behind the support location from when it's duwn.
  19. For something to do after having a look round the boat yesterday evening, I changed out some crocodile clips between the shore power battery charger and the house bank, replacing them with crimped and heatshrunk lugs ( part of the standard boat equipment that stays ready packed for every trip) then noticing a water level difference in the bilge, cleared out some drainage holes through a beam under the engine, and all was good again. Early start again this morning, by 5.30 I was using the glass vac to suck up the dew on the top of the boat, it does a great job at this, I usually charge it up when on shore power, but my solar generator would also accomplish this, one charge usually let's me do the whole boat for 3 or 4 days. I have had a coffee, just contemplating cooking some cheese and bacon turnovers for breakfast.
  20. Well that's a good question, if you can get ,5 or 6 coats on, it may still look reasonable a year later in then you just add a coat, yes it's an oil based varnish so waterproof once dry.
  21. The lady came down carrying a pair of secateurs.
  22. It's changed again, I have now got a second full varnish coat on both sides, about 1/3 of a tin left, I also strummed the weeds that were growing over the wooden path, after a lady walking her dogs was saying there is a group of villagers who trim the churchyard.
  23. And just to make the day, the ice cream boat with the lady turned up, one tub of rhubarb and ginger ice cream, perfect timing.
  24. So that is both sides with a first coat of thinned varnish, weather dependant I may get a second coat on tomorrow, then it's down to how much varnish I have left.
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