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Everything posted by grendel

  1. pictures are now downloading off the camera and will be uploaded soon. Grendel
  2. he should do- it was at the same time as MTB102 went by (Hmm suspicious, were they carrying a spare fake id?) Grendel
  3. amazing Broad Ambition briefly appeared on the Thames, just by the QE Bridge (according to the ship tracker)
  4. Back from taking pictures now, not sure I can download them at work - ooh yes the secondary camera can -
  5. as soon as they get to shoeburyness I have to leave work to get to Tilbury Fort for my extended lunch hour. (scoffing my sandwiches as I work at the moment) Grendel
  6. AIS is back online and on marine traffic site again
  7. latest position report - just off Walton on the Naze Grendel
  8. ah the lovely jobs that the crew get given. Robin, I had AIS until they were about a mile off Lowestoft this morning, but now they have vanished (stealth mode). Grendel
  9. just received a text from Griff, Just passing Sizewell B, speed 13 Knots Grendel
  10. had a look on marine traffic, and got their track leaving Lowestoft, they departed about 6.40 this morning and have gone out of range of their local tracking station, but last seen on a heading of 154 deg at 11.3 knots 56 minutes ago (Obviously travelling in stealth mode). Grendel
  11. I found that a forward steer bathtub is easier to keep in a straight line if you look out of the back, as you can catch it wandering off course quicker, we used to travel with the back door open when we were on pearl horizon. Grendel
  12. the biggest lens I will have will be the 700mm f/l telescope I normally use for photographing the moon (I do have a longer one at 1250mm but it gets a bit unwieldy) (so no mooning Griff ) just watching the live shipping map and planning when I will need to depart to catch them passing- I think maybe as they pass the mouth of the Medway, or shoeburyness at the moment, that will give me time to get to Tilbury Fort area and set up the cameras. Grendel
  13. well I spent some time last night checking the camera gear and should be all ready and waiting at Tilbury Fort, I will be watching the live shipping map to see when they get close - and texting Griff en route. I have about a 20 min trip from the office to get down to the Fort, so my lunch time may well be slightly extended (I do get in half an hour early every day anyway so work have no problems with this). Good Luck with the Trip and I will try and wave as you pass. Grendel
  14. Alan -That must be a RECORD... Grendel
  15. actually, that reply was before I went looking, and yes you can get steam engines and boilers in that size Grendel
  16. maybe a nice small oil fired steam turbine, no stoking, nice and controllable, ready made heating, yep, sounds good for me. Grendel
  17. I will be watching here - https://www.marinetraffic.com/ as MTB 102 is on there (I even managed to follow her recent movements from yarmouth to lowestoft over the weekend). Having had a good look at the maps of the banks of the Thames I think I may well be stationed at Tilbury Fort to watch them pass by (I have already arranged to have my lunch 'hour' whenever is most convenient that day). tilbury is a good few minutes closer than purfleet from work Grendel
  18. from a model makers perspective it does show some nice detail about the ropes and tackle arrangement to lift the sail. Grendel
  19. could you advise when (ish) you will be passing under the bridge at dartford, as I cross under in the mornings and over the top evenings on the way home (between about 5.15 and 6.00pm most days depending upon traffic, so would possibly stand a chance of spotting you (I now work just 6 miles from said bridge on the north side) or possibly stand a chance of nipping out for a short break (lunch time) to get some pictures. Grendel
  20. I posted the above while reading the thread - not realising that the same conclusion had been arrived at, but with the gun at the right shoulder with left hand steadying would be preferred, depending upon the gun, some could not be used left handed unless a left hand gun was specially built - due to cartridge ejection, or the matchlock / flintlock mechanism on earlier guns. Grendel
  21. looking at the chap with the gun, the bottom (reversed image) makes more sense as then the rifle is being used right handed. just my 1/2d worth. Grendel
  22. a couple of sticks of dynamite to remove the tower might be easier.
  23. no there are hills and a big church between me and Chartham, I'm just off the ring road directly opposite the transmitter from that church looking at the map, probably straight through the tall bit. Grendel
  24. no closer to the city centre (about half a mile from that big church) Grendel
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