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Everything posted by grendel

  1. This is what I use (couldn't bother waiting for the gps fix)
  2. but its the speed through the water and wash created that are critical, make too much wash, and even if you are below the speed limit, the rangers will let you know. Water Rail is at about 5mph at 2000 rpm (thats the only marking on the rev counter). Martham boats dont even have rev counters.
  3. grendel


    as I work in a utility company (electric) you would be surprised at just how poor utility records are, some barely give more information that which side of a street the utility is, by the regulations we are supposed to record the utility location to within 0.1m (4" in old money) and as someone who has to put this record on the map, from sketches that are as dubious to their accuracy as it can possibly get (try showing a cable 1m from the kerb and 2m from the fence line behind the footpath to an accuracy of 0.1m when the footpath is only 2.2m wide- thats a regular occurrence, when I first started work in the industry, my task was drawing up the maps (by hand) and we used to go out with a senior draughtsman and use a cable locator to find the cable where we could. one of the older senior draughtsmen was a mine of information, he would tell you that in that region, all cables were originally laid 3 foot from the back of the footpath and 90% of the time he was correct. the main issue is that if you dont know where your assets are, then when a contractor is digging, and requests 'stats' plans from all the utilities, you cant provide an accurate result, and then its down to you to fix your asset when they hit it, this is not so bad with water, as you just get wet, but with gas or electricity, people can be killed if they hit the asset. naturally everything is supposed to be set at a regulated depth (or protected if that cannot be managed- we lay steel plate over cables laid shallow.) but some of the newer assets (fibre in particular) dont have a regulated depth, and our sub contractors have dug through fibre cables that were literally laid in a shaallow groove directly under a paving slab (2" deep), thats tricky as you put a spade in the gap to lift the slab, and then find you have already cut the cable. I now have a smart water meter, it was fitted without even bothering to inform me as my service was in the footpath, so they just went round and inserted meters on all the water pipes. My sister had a big fight with the water company, as her neighbour is fed from the same pipe as her and tees off somewhere under her kitchen, the water company sent a notice that they would be fitting a meter, and my sister called them and explained it was a shared supply, so they assured her that a meter would not be fitted, 3 days later they came out and dug up her pipe and fitted a meter. more phone calls and red faces at the water board, and a week later they came out again and removed it (it is actually illegal for them to fit a smart meter on a shared service and they can be fined by the water regulator if they do so.)
  4. I use an app called GPS Test, does what I want and can display the speed at full screen size in 1/10ths of a mph
  5. finally decoded the battery date as july 2014, so 9 years old, wont complain.
  6. battery didn t hold charge overnight, so it has been replaced, the old battery will be added to one of my solar setups to see if a good long trickle charge can do anything for it.
  7. sorry didnt make it tonight, I was busy driving back from london.
  8. if you have a fan on, fill a spray bottle with water and when you want to cool off spray it into the fan, the water will be sprayed out and cool you down.
  9. today was the cars turn to throw a hissy fit, I had team building in London, so went out to the car, wheezed over a couple of tuns then nothing, flat battery? I hadnt used it for a week, so I got my lithium jump pack out and she started fine, off to london, parked at hornchurch, went to the team Building virtual F1 racing- great fun, after 2 races I was getting the hang of it and won my next 2 (first place) then down to pizza express, for a pizza, and time to head home, got to hornchurch without difficulty, the car didnt even turn over, out with the jump pack, vroom, fine, volvo turned to side lights and head home - arriving just before I needed to use the main lights. tested the lights - they seemed bright enough, shut the car down and then tried restarting, a half hearted attempt to turn over, not good, volt meter out, battery showing 10.9 volts, restarted on jump pack, 14.3V- alternators good then, ok got my 10mm spanner and untightened the terminal, and wiggled it, it looked a bit crusty. as did the other terminal, repeated the performance on the other terminal, turned key and started the car, battery now showing 12.9V - fully charged, weird, will test some more in the morning when I need to go shopping. maybe it was just a corroded battery terminal (will give them a good wire brushing tomorrow)
  10. because cuckoo chicks cant swim
  11. having looked up a bowrider, its not generally the boat most suited to the broads, as you will never get to an economical cruising speed, my advice would be to look for a standard broads dayboat, whose engine will be better suited for slow cruising, and will be more likely to pass under all of the bridges that many boats cant these days, then you could explore the wonders of hickling coltishall and geldeston
  12. 2. the speed limit is 6 mph in places, 5mph in others, and some narrow places can be 4mph or 3mph 3. you will need the broads toll, insurance and a BSS test every (i think) 3 years 4. you could try ringing around the yards and asking, there will be certain days (changeover days) when they like people to be gone early as they need all the space to service their boats at changeover.
  13. there is no such thing as a stupid question, except the one you dont ask, you may get some stupid answers but hey thats life.
  14. this was my question, while they may have ready access to the information , under GDPR are they legally allowed to use it for that purpose?
  15. a thought occurs to me, and I dont know the answer to this, but under GDPR where records can be kept for certain purposes, are they allowed to consult those records for say the purpose of ascertaining ownership- for a civil case, or is their access limited to use for the purposes of a criminal case- ie if you break a bylaw? so a quick google shows so if the explicit legitimate purposes were to ensure tolls were paid and identification should bylaws be broken, can they then use the data for the new purpose of civil prosecutions without first specifying that the data will be used in the new manner? if anyone knows the answer to this, please enlighten us.
  16. what I want to know is how I managed to pick up a drawing pin, on a gravel path in the middle of the woods, anyway, tube is back in, tyre is on and wheel back on the bike, I do need to get a motorcycle tube repair kit, as the patches in the kit i have (although it even had tyre levers) were tiny compared to my tube, the biggest was 3/4" wide and 1" long and I want some about 1 1/2" or 2". (the kent flint is probably even worse than Norfolk flint, as we have chalk downs full of it. so get off the roads and you will encounter flints of all sizes. the tyres I have say puncture resistant on the sidewalls, but to be honest if a drawing pin can get through, most sharp things will, but there are not many cycle shops selling 4" x 20 tyres - I might even need to get motorbike tyres when replacement time comes around.
  17. grendel


    would have thought you would moor up at bargate more often, after all it has the word Bar in it
  18. i have one, it was just in the wrong place- ie at home, anyway puncture now fixed, eating my tea, and will stuff the tube back in the wheel after that.
  19. spare tubes ordered, puncture kit found, time to go get dinner on and tackle a flat tyre
  20. not a great cycle ride today, 5 miles out then I picked up a drawing pin through the tyre, 5 miles pushing 70lb of bike home even though it was mostly downhill and that was way more exercise than i needed. add to that it would only roll a few hundred yards then needed the tyre pumping so it would roll again for the next few hundred yards, luckily I had a pump with me, unluckily I didnt have a spare tube or puncture repair kit.
  21. I run a pair of huawei dongles, (one with antenna,) one is on o2 and the other on 3 with this combination I have pretty much full coverage, however I dont believe I have ever moored in the brundall bay area so cant guarantee coverage there.
  22. when I am out cycling there is always a bottle of sunblock with me, I take 2 bottles on the boat, SF50 where I can get it, but 30 and more regular application if I cant. as a blonde I am very susceptible to the sun and always have been, so have it ingrained to be careful. I did once get sunburnt when working on the car (in January) I was out there most of the day, my arms tan gradually as I mostly wear short sleeves year round, and this weather they are getting the factor 50 treatment.
  23. I have an austrailian made leather hat I bought for the cowboys fancy dress on the lads week, ever since i bought it I have worn it out when boating, and have now taken to wearing it when out in the sun otherwise (and it was cheaper than a tilley)
  24. I believe thats a vineyard
  25. today i got out earlyish (8.30am ) for my ride, up through the university, then out to blean forest, where I spent a while exploring some of the tracks, 12.7 miles total, i only got the single picture today, but downloaded yesterdays pictures from along the river too.
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