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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Here’s your expanded view!
  2. It can be expanded but I think you will know it!
  3. Sorry, not that one Grendel. We haven’t made any stops at Acle this trip.
  4. Day 4 ... will follow shortly ... but I thought that I would indulge some of you in a “guess the pub” picture. Probably too easy for our fine connoisseurs of Broads hostelries but here goes!
  5. It does. I think that the domestic battery dropped below 12 volts the first couple of nights but it didn’t feel quite as cold last night and we had more voltage this morning. Not that it’s been as cold as the only other year we were out in March. Not to worry, this is our last day.
  6. Love this. How funny! Were you by any chance walking along the bank? I am notorious for ending up moored across a bend so was taking my time!!
  7. As a hirer I can also say that I wouldn’t want to take out someone’s own boat. We class ourselves as relatively experienced hirers but that’s a world away from knowing how to look after the boat. Plus we enjoy the security of knowing that there are backup services should we need them.
  8. Love the Chet. Haven’t been there for years. Maybe we will have to look at the boats hiring on the south side next year. We’re making our way up the Ant this morning and it’s a bit chilly and breezy. Three weeks until you’re back? Must be a lovely feeling. We should get the caravan open next week. :)
  9. Morning All! A quick post to say that the heating started up with no problem this morning. My theory is that on takeover day there is no guarantee of a fully charged battery. A couple of hours cruise was all we did. The next day we were mostly diddling along at 3 to 4 mph. Plenty of hours done but at lower revs. Yesterday’s run down the Bure gave us a couple of hours at higher revs on the 5 & 6 mph stretches and presumably gave the batteries a better charge. That’s my guess but boaty folk may know whether I’m likely to be right.
  10. I’m sure I recognise those cushions. They look very much like the ones we bought from Wilko’s for the caravan. But they’re such a good match for our living room that we took them home! Nice colour on the upholstery.
  11. Evening all! Day 3 ... mostly a grey day with some brightness at lunchtime but it didn’t last long. This morning we left Cockshoot Broad and headed for Ranworth to fill up the water. Three boats departed leaving just ourselves and two private boats at the staithe. Headed back to Horning where we moored on the public staithe for the first time ever! So lunch today was at the Swan Inn. Food was ok and the service very good. Having therefore spent the morning sorting out bits and pieces as one sometimes does, we departed for our overnight spot. A lovely cruise with the outgoing tide all the way to Acle where we then turned round and headed back to the Thurne. Lovely to pass our new friends on San Domingo 3 with a cheery wave and hellos exchanged along the Bure. Now which mooring to choose? Opted for Womack Water. Passed several boats coming out of the Dyke but found these moorings empty! So it’s another quiet evening as no-one else arrived. Yesterday we saw lots of kingfishers. Today we saw an otter. And this evening I am sat here listening to owls calling in the trees nearby. Wonderful!
  12. Loving your photos Jay and agree that you should enter some for the calendar. Yesterday did turn into a beautiful day, must have been great to cruise in the open air back to the southern side. I’m one of those who hasn’t done Breydon yet so if you need a camera person to film it for you I’m front of the queue! No charge! And I can even offer to sing a duet with you for the soundtrack.
  13. No cooking going on this week if I can help it! Lunch will be in the Swan at Horning today. :)
  14. Thanks Howard. Moored at Ranworth almost on our own, just two other boats here. Filled up with water and now having a lovely quiet cup of coffee. As for the batteries, we are of course using more power than we would at other times of year but did cruise for around 4 hours yesterday. Still loving the boat. :)
  15. Morning Jay! Enjoy your day wherever it takes you. We’re about done with breakfast and about to head for Ranworth to see if we can squeeze in and get any water. If not then it may have to be Acle.
  16. A cloudy start but not too cold although the heating on the boat won’t start in the mornings within running the engine. So it’s thermals on and coffee and toast to warm up until 8am. We take the boat back on Saturday so we’re at the halfway point.
  17. I used to get really confused on Barton Broad but now I love going across. So it took me a while to find the exit in that direction! Last time we went no further than Gay’s Staithe but I figured there would be no better time to try taking a look at Neatishead. Still met one boat coming out! Saw someone fishing down there as well so hubby reported it.
  18. Lovely photos Jay. We are noticing that the wildlife seems very active! Enjoy your evening wherever you end up. Beautiful moon this evening. :)
  19. Day 2 then. And it turned into an absolutely beautiful sunny afternoon. So the day started at Irstead. Cruised up to Neatishead, my first time ever down Lime Kiln Dyke. Then back to Ludham Bridge where we stopped for coffee. On from there to the New Inn in Horning for lunch. Had a lovely chat with Seagypsy and his good lady - lovely to meet you both - before cruising on towards Salhouse. Turned around and came back to Cockshoot Dyke where we are now moored. Barring any late arrivals we have the place to ourselves! Took a walk down to the Broad and are now sat in for the evening about to get some tea. A few photos - not sure how the quality is coming out as they are from my phone. Edited to say that I spoke too soon! Another boat has just moored up as the sun is setting!
  20. It would be lovely to get the chance to say hello to you Jay. Will have to message you my itinerary once I have an idea where we are going tomorrow. May well end up at Womack Dyke or Womack Water. Hope to at least get the chance to wave before you head back south.
  21. Probably avoiding me! We met Mr and Mrs Seagypsy on San Domingo 3 at lunchtime. Had a lovely chat with them in the sunshine.
  22. Weather forecast is looking ok. Possibly rather grey and cloudy but not too cold at night and reasonable during the day. I’ll take that any time over wet and windy!
  23. So here we are again. Back aboard Swan Reflection 1. I’m posting from my phone courtesy of Richardson’s on board wi-fi so these posts may be brief! Good journey up from Essex. Nice lunch in Bridgestone’s Tea Rooms in Potter Heigham. Very good handover from a nice polite young man and out of the yard by 2. Very quiet cruise down to How Hill. Turned around and went back to moor at Irstead. Hurray! Finally I have managed to get on the staithe here! Took a walk to look round the church then on to the Boardwalk for a lovely peaceful look at Barton Broad. Beautiful even on a grey day. Now back on board with the heating on having a very quiet evening.
  24. Just read your post a bit further. You’ve crossed Breydon today?
  25. We are indeed safely arrived. Will start a new tale myself in a minute. Guessing you might be staying south as the low tide times are early morning and evening although of course you have nav lights.
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