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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I’ll have to check that one out tonight when I’m home. :) Have a great day! Five little ducks went swimming one day ... la la la la la la la ... #SingForJay #CountingDucks
  2. This would certainly be of great interest to us and I'm keeping an eye on their Facebook page from hereon. Mind you, we hired a day boat from there summer before last, and that road down to the site is a nightmare for anyone who gets nervous around single track lanes with passing places ... it seemed to go on forever!
  3. That's you and me sorted for the winter shares then Howard. Now we just need to persuade Clive Richardson to sell us Swan Reflection.
  4. Aha ... the challenge has been set! I'm keeping it simple today. Here's one you can sing with your children ... #SingForJay #CountingDucks #HappyBoating
  5. It is indeed rewarding when other people take the time to read and comment. We're out in March so ... we shall see whether we get the end of winter or the start of spring.
  6. Thanks for sharing your tale David. When is your return trip may I ask? Always nice to have something to look forward to.
  7. We stopped in Potter Heigham on a crowded bank holiday Monday once and I couldn't see its charms. Having returned several times it has become one of my favourite places ... but that's when on a road trip from the caravan. Much as I love Bridgestone's for something to eat way more than the King's Something-or-other in Ludham, I do love Womack Dyke or Womack Water for a mooring spot. Less challenging than the wind by the old bridge or a tight turn in Herbie Wood's yard. Looking forward to finding out where you went next Jay ... but please never apologise for not having posted. Updating social media is in my view most definitely not the point of being out on the Broads. #SingForJay
  8. I was here ... where were you?! Have a lovely day afloat wherever it takes you.
  9. Another interesting day and Gooseander is a fine looking boat. :)
  10. Might be. Might not be. Just wave to the camera as you go even if it’s still dark. I’ll let you off from singing at that time of day just so as not to wake everyone up!
  11. Enjoy your evening with your family Jay. I should be back at work tomorrow so unless you leave around 7am you will be safe!
  12. Ha ha ha ... the one where you make your departure ... I'm watching now ... are you still there? Are you just leaving? Or did you sneak out while I was watching Portsmouth Harbour instead?
  13. Another set of lovely photos David. Bridgestones is a regular stop for us now when we visit Potter Heigham by boat or by car, as we do on occasion. It's quite a nice drive over from Lowestoft. I can recommend the cheese scones if you need something in between breakfast and lunch!! It's so interesting to see the view of Ranworth Staithe from the air. It's incredible really how that small square of land becomes so congested and so popular for so much of the year.
  14. Looks very peaceful Jay ... now if only I was watching the BB webcam at just the right moment ...
  15. I have a few groups and singers I would like to see and tick off my list. But I draw the line at booking more than a year in advance. Did you see recently that Elton John had tickets on sale for 2020?!
  16. Lovely photos once again. Happy New Year to you Jay.
  17. SwanR


    Welcome to the forum Violeta. I don't have any answers to your questions but I'm sure that other good folk will be along presently.
  18. Lol ... and I'm guessing you've now got the air guitar going as well!!
  19. Very good Jay ... and quite acceptable ... a good beat for singing along to and some parts that are "spoken" so it doesn't matter whether you can hold a tune or not. Edited to say that your choice of music seems to have disappeared so if no-one else knows what I'm talking about then welcome to the world of Jay's madness!!
  20. Lovely photos from Saturday afternoon's cruise. Some contenders already for next year's calendar ... I know, let's not wish the time away. Being sat watching the world go by over a cup of coffee is always a great thing to do ... so for your musical challenge today, how about Wonderful World. I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself what a wonderful world Lots of versions of that one to choose from. Remember ... sing up so I can hear you all the way down here. Have a great day.
  21. Lovely write up and wonderful photos. You have captured the qualities of the light at this time of year and certain times of day.
  22. Happy Cruising for 2019 to everyone! As for the BB webcam, it's filling the full width of my screen here and adjusts if I resize the browser window. If anything the image looks on the large side and possibly would be intrusive if you were on one of the boats there. Could be behaving differently with different browsers. I'm currently using Chrome and Safari on a Mac.
  23. Another very interesting day. I'm still hoping to find Irstead Staithe free at a time when I'm ready to moor up. I've only ever passed it with room when it would be far too soon to stop cruising. Maybe in March ... !
  24. Ah well. Your sense of humour is very much like my hubby’s. He would get round something the same way!
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