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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. SwanR

    Low Tide

    Howard where were you moored in those photos? That would have been me well and truly stuck on the boat!! We did drive up to Lowestoft this morning and we always glance over the Orwell Bridge if we go that way. Hubby did comment that it looked like a really low tide ... now I know why.
  2. I was only young when my father died but a few years back when I lost my mother, organising the funeral was down to me as I had no siblings there. I found it hard to face and I wondered why we put ourselves through this. But when I left the service and shook the hand of the minister, it was as if all of a sudden I understood and I felt a great deal of comfort. I hope that the day and the people who surrounded you, helped you also, Alan, at such a difficult time.
  3. SwanR

    Web Cam

    If you scroll down below the boat availability section the webcam does appear to be working. That boat availability checker seems to appear at the top of every page now. And if you're interested, Herbert Woods now seem to have a live webcam on the marina now as well as the Bridge, instead of the one that used to only refresh a still picture.
  4. Stunning photos once again Jay. We’ve moored st North Cove as well. If I manage to get back to the southern rivers it’s high on my list of favourite places. So peaceful. Have a great day wherever it takes you.
  5. Does that mean you're going to share yourself around equally Jay? Grace might have something to say about that!
  6. Alan it is so kind of you to share such a personal time with us. The order of service looks beautiful. Like everyone else I will be thinking of you, your family and friends.
  7. Amazing photos Jay. But what dedication for the football. Complete madness but when the team hubby supports almost went out of existence a couple of years ago I really saw the passion and ownership that the fans have. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  8. I would have to slightly disagree with that, only because I think that it's also about the confidence of the person stepping ashore. I don't have good balance and like a hand to hold onto, sometimes even once we're moored up. And as hubby is taller than me he can step down from boats where I will struggle to get off. Even a centre cockpit boat on a high tide at a side on mooring can be very difficult for me. There has been more than one occasion where I literally haven't been able to get off a boat unless we are stern moored.
  9. I’m the same as Monica on this one. Hubby does the ropes as he is stronger and more sure footed than me. I’m at the helm for mooring up and getting away. We’ve watched so many couples doing it the other way round and really struggling for the lady to manage getting off. Or one man simply doing it all while everyone else on board sits and watches! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  10. Never get bored of seeing photos of the beautiful rivers. We've certainly had some amazing weather in every season this year.
  11. Grace you'd better have your thermals with you if Jay's going to make you freeze at night ... *other ways to keep warm are available*
  12. How true is that given topics we have had on here about old Hoseason's brochures!
  13. I agree about only sending brochures out to those who request them. I was going through some papers on my desk the other day and uncovered a very glossy Barnes Brinkcraft 2019 brochure that we had been sent ... I think it was 2019 unless the papers on my desk had really been sitting there for longer than I care to admit!! But the point is that I didn't need it and it went in the recycling ... how many others go the same way.
  14. Hi Pumpmedic, I think it isn't just about the view, it depends what you want from the boat as well. I've hired different kinds of cruisers and they all have their pros and cons. Whilst you don't see over the reeds so much on a forward steer cruiser it can suit some people better to have a boat that is all on one level. A centre cockpit boat is great for the views while you're cruising but I don't think that the windows give as good visibility once you're moored up. And you have to keep going up and down the steps when moving around inside. Plus they tend to have a higher freeboard ... if you or your crew are vertically challenged (i.e not very tall!) then getting on and off when side-on moored with high tides can be difficult. Maybe if you're able to try boats of different kinds you'll get a feel for what is going to suit you best.
  15. Check this out on eBay ... might make a nice addition to your fire Ian. Santa Fireguard
  16. Hi DJB and welcome to the forum. This is a question that comes up from time to time. I am always on the lookout for good boats for couples. As already mentioned, the ex-Swancraft boats, now hiring from Richardson's, are good quality. And whilst not as cheap as some of Richardson's older boats, they are nonetheless cheaper than many of the other couple's boats such as the new builds from Ferry Marina, which are very much the luxury end of the market. There are other members here who have hired as couples from Bridgecraft, Herbert Woods and Norfolk Broads Direct so they may be along presently to add to the replies. There are two things that we always try to find when perusing the different boatyards' websites. Bowthrusters are really helpful for mooring up when there is just the two of you onboard. If you can afford a boat with these then you have that little bit more control. An island bed that you can walk round and hang your feet off the end is essential if you're very tall!
  17. Beautiful photos as ever Jay. Looked something of a bleak day but with a beautiful sunset to round things off. Still it does always have a certain charm and beauty to the landscape even on grey days.
  18. Nice to see you're finally afloat Jay. Being married to a man who used to be in uniform I know all about those unexpected shift changes and cancelled leave dates. We came back early from a holiday once only to find a note through the door saying that he wasn't needed the next day after all! Goes with the job. Looking forward to hearing where you end up. Langley Dyke is one of our favourite places if we ever get afloat on the southern side.
  19. Shame you missed the class Helen but great to see how your work turned out. Well done you! Looking forward to the next term's updates in the new year. :)
  20. SwanR

    My Day

    Let us know when you're in the area Chris ... you never know, I might even turn up somewhere! ;)
  21. SwanR

    My Day

    Yes it is. You can read more about it here.
  22. SwanR

    My Day

    Been a grey day here but I fancied some fresh air and a walk as I had the day off work. So we went to RHS Hyde Hall Gardens ... always interesting no matter what the season. It was about 10 degrees so not cold. And although a bit drizzly when we arrived it was soon dry. We're very lucky to have this only about 15 minutes drive away. Being RHS members therefore pays for itself for us over the course of a year.
  23. There’s a note as well that they are in the process of modifying the views. Not to worry. I’m happy that I can see the NBD Santa Cruise boat moored down by the bridge. :)
  24. SwanR

    My Day

    Great pictures Chris. What a fabulous place to be. I've only visited the north Norfolk coast one summer when we toured around a bit. Now I keep stopping at the Broads and not getting any further!!
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